EPN Articles Related To Waste


Does ‘Compostable’ Plastic Actually Break Down? Here’s What To Know.

July 20, 2024 / by

Allyson Chiu /

The Washington Post

Judith Enck, former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2 and founder of Beyond Plastics, was quoted in The Washington Post about Beyond Plastics’ most recent report that called EPA to research bioplastics and expressed concern about current plastic regulations.

Shell Quietly Backs Away From Pledge to Increase ‘Advanced Recycling’ of Plastics

July 17, 2024 / by

Dharna Noor /

The Guardian

Judith Enck, former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2 and founder of Beyond Plastics, was quoted in The Guardian about Shell’s failed pledge to recycle plastics via pyrolysis because of slow technology development and market changes.

EMC Delays PFAS Action Again, Considers Taking Broader Role Over Pollution Discharge Permits

July 12, 2024 / by

Peter Castagno /

Port City Daily

Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in The Port City Daily about the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission delaying regulatory action on PFAS water standards.

Green Group Calls on Feds to Research, Regulate Bioplastics

July 11, 2024 / by

Ellie Borst /

Politico Pro

Judith Enck, former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2 and founder of Beyond Plastics, was quoted in Politico about a recent Beyond Plastics report that finds plastic terminology confusing to consumers and calls on EPA to research how bioplastics affect the environment.

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