EPN Articles Related To Science
EPN Comments on NASEM Charge Questions and Ad Hoc Committee for “State-of-the-Science and the Future of Cumulative Impact Assessment”
EPN Submits Nominees for FY2025 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee Membership
EPN Comments on EPA’s Draft Scientific Integrity Policy
EPN Comments on New Approach Methodologies in the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program
Letter to Administrator Regan Regarding Best Available Science
EPN Welcomes Senate Confirmation of ORD Assistant Administrator After 10-Year Vacancy
Comments on the Development of a Federal Scientific Integrity Policy Framework
Testimony on CASAC’s Draft Reports on EPA’s Draft Supplement to the 2019 ISA and Draft PA for Particulate Matter
EPN Presents Testimony on EPA’s Draft Policy Assessment for Particulate Matter
Trump’s EPA Has Deleted All Web References to Climate Change
Michelle Roos was quoted in Jacobin about the Trump administration scrubbing federal websites of invaluable data and erasing all webpages with the words “climate change” and obstructing science.
Former EPA Staff Tout ‘Probabilistic’ Risk Methods, Echoing TSCA Comments
Tracey Woodruff, former EPA senior scientist and policy advisor in EPA Office of Policy, and Director of the program on Reproductive Health and the Environment, UCSF, participated in a panel hosted by the National Toxicology Program and was quoted in Inside EPA, arguing that EPA should adopt probabilistic methods when developing risk assessments for non-cancer risks, opposed to the reference dose methods used currently.
EPA Alumni Ready to Resist Trump — Again
EPN board member Stan Meiburg, EPN executive director Michelle Roos, and Jeremy Symons, senior advisor to EPN, were mentioned in an E&E News article that focused on all the accomplishments that the Environmental Protection Network has achieved over the last 3.5 years and our continued readiness to advocate for strong environmental policies.
Why Scientists Fear a Second Trump Term, and What They Are Doing About It
Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta, former Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Research and Development, was quoted in this article regarding the addition of a scientific integrity provision in the union contract for EPA’s largest union and other efforts to protect federal agency research from political manipulation.