EPN Comments on Draft Environmental Justice Plan for EPA’s Land Protection and Cleanup Programs


On May 6, 2022, EPN submitted comments on EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) draft “EJ Action Plan: Building Up Environmental Justice in EPA’s Land Protection and Cleanup Programs.” The plan highlights projects, tools, and practices to be applied to its land pollution prevention and cleanup programs for Superfund, Brownfields, Emergency Response, Solid Waste Management and Corrective Action, and Underground Storage Tanks. EPN fully supports EPA’s and OLEM’s goal to promote and work toward proactively achieving environmental justice by building on its past work and enhancing the focus and benefits to under-served communities. Among other things, EPN strongly encouraged OLEM to review individual actions and look for broader applicability across all of OLEM’s portfolio, as well as other federal agencies, to build a more holistic approach to helping environmental justice communities.

Read the comments.