EPA Alumni Produce Guide to Effectively Participating in Federal Rulemaking

In A Citizen’s Guide to the Federal Regulatory Process, former EPA employees Ellen Kurlansky, Nancy Ketcham-Colwill, Jim Ketcham-Colwill, Carol Campbell, and Joni Teter share what they have learned about federal rulemaking and how the public can effectively engage in a government agency’s decision-making process. The most important federal policy decisions are subject to a public notice-and-comment rulemaking process that gives everyone a chance to provide expertise, relevant information, and opinions on what decision a government agency should make. Regulations and other policy decisions are best crafted when federal regulators hear the views of the public, and this guide provides the best ways to get agencies to listen.

The authors would like to thank the Union of Concerned Scientists’ staff for their helpful comments and suggestions.

Read A Citizen’s Guide to the Federal Regulatory Process.