State Revolving Fund Advocacy Toolkit

The River Network, in collaboration with the Clean Water for All Coalition, recently released the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Advocacy Toolkit, developed to support state and local advocates interested in water infrastructure investment who are seeking to better understand the SRF process.

The Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (CWSRF and DWSRF) represent the largest source of federal funding for water infrastructure. The SRFs are intended to support communities across the country by increasing their financial capacity to take on large water infrastructure projects, addressing everything from outdated and leaking pipes to increasing the storage capacity of their water treatment plant to ensure continuous delivery of safe and clean water to their residents.

This toolkit aims to build the capacity of advocates to influence, improve, and access the process of securing funding for communities who need it most and have historically not been able to access SRF dollars.