EPN Members Present Individual Testimony on National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone

On August 31, 2020, several EPN members presented their personal testimony at a public hearing on EPA’s proposal to retain the current national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for ozone without revision. The Clean Air Act requires EPA to set standards for common air pollutants that are harmful to public health and the environment, and periodically review the standards and the science on which they are based. The members found that EPA shortened the review period and weakened the external scientific review, forgoing the robust NAAQS review process used for over 30 years and calling into question the proposal’s findings.

Read the individual testimony of John Bachmann, EPN member and former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air.

Read the individual testimony of Roy Gamse, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Planning and Evaluation and Acting Assistant Administrator for Planning and Management.

Read the individual testimony of Dr. Bernard Goldstein, EPN member and former EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Chairman, former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development .

In addition, read the testimony of former Chair of the CASAC Dr. H. Christopher Frey.