EPN Comments of Candidates for Ad Hoc Participation in the SACC Peer Review of the Draft Risk Evaluation for Formaldehyde

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, EPN submitted comments on the candidates under consideration for selection as ad hoc peer reviewers, assisting the Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC) with their peer review of the agency’s evaluation of the risks from formaldehyde. The peer review is conducted under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Existing Chemicals Review program. We are pleased that EPA has decided to conduct a full SACC peer review and agree that they should use the expertise of the standing SACC panel in addition to the ad hoc peer reviewers to fill in the gaps in expertise for this risk evaluation review. We suggest areas of expertise that should be enhanced and support specific candidates, and caution against using multiple candidates from the same place of employment. 

Read the comments.