What It’s Like Inside the Trump Administration’s Regulatory Rollback at the EPA

Dec 18, 2017 / by

Tali Buford /


EPN member Betsy Southerland spent three decades as a career staffer in the EPA’s Office of Water before retiring under the Trump administration. She is quoted in this article about what it is like behind the scenes at the EPA during regulatory rollbacks, where the agency is now shutting out its own staff in the decision-making process.

What Cutting EPA Enforcement Means—And What You Can Do About It.

Dec 14, 2017 / by

Dan Reich /

Save EPA

EPN member Dan Reich retired in April 2017, after a career which included serving as a U.S. Department of Justice Civil Division Trial Attorney and an Assistant Regional Counsel at EPA Region 9 in San Francisco. This is his piece on what is really at stake for American families in the wake of the Trump administration’s budget cuts to enforcement.

Under Trump, EPA Has Slowed Actions Against Polluters, and Put Limits on Enforcement Officers

Dec 10, 2017 / by

Eric Lipton and Danielle Ivory /

The New York Times

EPN member Cynthia Giles, the former assistant administrator for the EPA’s enforcement office during the Obama administration, is quoted in this New York Times article about Pruitt’s lenient approach toward polluters.

Budget Deadline for Gutting the EPA Has Arrived

Dec 7, 2017 / by

Angela K. Evans /

Boulder Weekly

EPN members Carol Campbell and David Coursen are quoted in this article about President Trump’s sweeping 2018 budget cut proposal for the EPA. The Boulder Weekly also cites EPN analysis on workforce reductions resulting from the proposed FY2018 budget.

EPA Set to Mark Its 47th Anniversary

Nov 28, 2017 / by

Christina Estes /

KJZZ Radio

Interviewed by KJZZ in Phoenix, Ruth Greenspan Bell is a public policy scholar, former federal employee who managed EPA lawyers, and a founding member of EPN. Here she talks about Administrator Pruitt’s shakeup of the EPA by moving away from science and many of the core EPA values.

Scientists Speak out About What’s Going on Behind the Scenes at the EPA

Nov 12, 2017 / by

IFLScience /


Trish Koman, a former EPA scientist; Betsy Southerland, former director of science and technology at the Office of Water; and Mike Cox, a former EPA scientist who focused on water protection and greenhouse gas reductions, are current EPN members and are quoted in this article, which provides a behind-the-scenes perspective of the less-than-transparent Pruitt EPA.

Amid ‘Nightmare’ Budget Cuts, EPA Closing Its Richmond Lab

Nov 7, 2017 / by

James Steinbauer /

Richmond Confidential

EPN member Kathy Setian, who worked at EPA Region 9 as a Superfund project manager for more than 20 years before retiring in 2012, is quoted in this article about the closure of the Region 9 Richmond lab. Critics say this move will cripple the agency’s ability to do testing and analysis in the region.

EPA Vets Bash Draft Strategic Plan

Oct 31, 2017 / by

Anthony Adragna, with help from Emily Holden and Esther Whieldon /


This piece addresses EPN’s comments and grave concerns about the Trump Administration’s draft strategic plan.

An Assessment of the White House’s Progress on Deregulation

Oct 24, 2017 / by

HighBeam Research /

The Economist

EPN members Bill Pedersen, an environmental lawyer, and Steven Silverman, a lawyer who was with the EPA for almost four decades, are quoted in The Economist article on Trump’s push for deregulation. They note that while Trump has blocked new regulations with ease, repealing old ones will be much more difficult.

Chemical Industry Insider Rolls Back Rules at EPA

Oct 23, 2017 / by

Tom Ashbrook /

On Point

EPN member Robert Sussman, an EPA official in the Clinton and Obama administrations and Counsel for Safer Chemicals Healthy Families, along with other guests is interviewed by Tom Ashbrook of On Point about Pruitt’s roll back of rules pertaining to toxic chemicals and the resulting risk to health and safety.

Evidence of Spills at Toxic Site in Texas During Floods After Harvey

Sept 18, 2017 / by

Michael Biesecker and Frank Bajak /

Chicago Tribune

EPN member Thomas Voltaggio, a retired EPA official who oversaw Superfund cleanups and emergency responses for more than two decades, is quoted in this piece on evidence of toxic spills during the floods after Hurricane Harvey.

Don’t call climate-skeptic nonprofits ‘charities’

September 10, 2017 / by

Lori Stewart /

The Washington Post

EPN member Lori Stewart, former Chief of Staff of the EPA Office of Air and Radiation, responds to oil funded non-profit groups being characterized as “charities” in an earlier Washington Post story.

Organizing in New Jersey to Protect Our Health & Environment from Big EPA Cuts

Sept 5, 2017 / by

Food and Water Watch /

Food and Water Watch

EPN is quoted in this article on the devastating effects the FY2018 budget proposal by the House Appropriations Committee would have on the EPA, despite being a “smaller cut” than proposed by the Trump Administration.

Is Science Being Taken Out of Environmental Protection?

Aug 12, 2017 / by

Pamela Hill /

Oxfor University Press Blog

EPN member Pamela Hill is an environmental lawyer and former Deputy Regional Counsel at EPA’s New England Regional Office. This is her blog post on Administrator Pruitt’s attack on science.

EPA Won’t Be Able to Do the ‘Right Thing’ Under Trump, Says Latest Protesting Official

Aug 1, 2017 / by

Joe Davidson /

The Washington Post

EPN member Betsy Southerland is the former Director of Science and Technology in the EPA’s Office of Water. In this Washington Post article, she denounces the destructive environmental policies of Trump and Administrator Pruitt.

‘Pruitt Blew It’: At the EPA, Resistance Is Just Part of the Job

June 19, 2017 / by

Sara Bernard /

Seattle Weekly

EPN members and former EPA employees, Michael Cox and Dennis McLerran are quoted in this Seattle Weekly story on low morale but fighting spirit at the EPA under Administrator Pruitt.  EPN’s withering analysis on the proposed EPA budget’s effect on scientific research is also noted, as it is a growing concern among current and past EPA employees.

EPA Head Defends White House’s Plan for Massive Cuts to His Agency

June 15, 2017 / by

Brady Dennis /

The Washington Post

This article includes EPN’s warning that Trump’s proposed 2018 EPA budget could undermine virtually every core function of the agency. George Wyeth, a former EPA lawyer and current EPN member is quoted.

Former EPA Official McCabe Talks Trump Moves on Budget, Power Plan, Ozone, and Paris

June 14, 2017 / by

Monica Trauzzi /

OnPoint, E&E TV

Janet McCabe, EPN member and former assistant administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation at the EPA under the Obama administration, is interviewed about the Trump administration’s steps toward regulatory rollbacks and their FY2018 EPA budget proposal.

Former EPA Employees Sound the Alarm in Scathing Report

June 14, 2017 / by

Andy Rowell /


This EcoWatch article references EPN’s searing 10-page analysis of the Trump Administration’s proposed FY2018 budget for the EPA, and EPN members are quoted as they recount the devastating effects it would have on the Agency.

A Beleaguered EPA Has Become Ground Zero in Trump’s War on Science

June 13, 2017 / by

Michael Hiltzik /

Los Angeles Times

This article uses EPN’s analysis of Trump’s proposed FY2018 EPA budget to call out specific, troubling cuts that would leave the budget at just over half of what it was in 2010. Ruth Greenspan Bell, a former EPA attorney and founding member of EPN, and George Wyeth, former EPA lawyer and EPN organizer, are quoted.

Former EPA Employees Are so Worried About Trump’s Plans, They Formed Their Own Alt-EPA

June 12, 2017 / by

Alexander C. Kaufman /

Huffington Post

This piece, on the formation of the Environmental Protection Network (EPN) to help reporters, activists, and policymakers penetrate the Trump Administration and Administrator Pruitt’s EPA, quotes founding members of EPN, Ruth Greenspan Bell and George Wyeth.

Trump Wants to Cut EPA’s Scientific Research in Half: Ex-EPA Staffers Are Fighting Back Against the President’s Budget Proposal.

June 12, 2017 / by

Rebecca Leber /

Mother Jones

This article presents EPN’s full report on the Trump administration’s proposed FY2018 budget, which details the destructive effects it would have on air, water, and climate change.

Why We Can’t Just Leave Environmental Protection to the States

April 26, 2017 / by

Cynthia Giles /


Cynthia Giles is the former head of the EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance and a current member of EPN. This is her opinion piece on how the EPA’s retreat from enforcement will result in an emboldened industry and weakened states, where in many cases laws simply won’t be enforced.

Unionized Scientists March in Protest of Attacks on Facts

April 18, 2017 / by

Carly Ebben Eaton and Kathy Setian /

San Francisco Chronicle

EPN member Kathy Setian was a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency project manager and a steward of engineers and scientists of California Local 20. She coauthored this piece on the March for Science, in opposition to the damage that the Trump administration seeks to do to research.