Would Trump’s Rule Proposal Really Help Farmers?

Dec 17, 2018 / by

Ariel Wittenberg /

E&E News

Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA leading Clean Water Act expert and Chief Trial Attorney, is quoted in this article on the exclusion of more ditches from the definition of Waters of the U.S. rule (WOTUS), which could mean they would instead be regulated by EPA as point sources of pollution.

A Government Shutdown Is Looming, but You May Hardly Notice

Dec 17, 2018 / by

Lesley Clark /


Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 and 6, and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in McClatchy’s article on the possible government shutdown on Dec. 21 if Congress and President Trump fail to meet an agreement on funding nine Cabinet agencies and several smaller departments.

For Our Children and Grandchildren, Congress Must Support a Green Infrastructure Plan

Dec 17, 2018 / by

Margo Oge /


EPN member Margo Oge, former EPA Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote this op-ed on the importance of incorporating climate action and adaptation measures into a 21st century infrastructure plan.

EPA’s Own Data Refutes Justification for Clean Water Act Rollback

Dec 15, 2018 / by

Sharon Lerner /

The Intercept

Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article on the EPA’s new water rule, which the Agency’s own data cannot justify.

Wood-Heating Proposal Tests Rule-Busting Claims

Dec 14, 2018 / by

Sean Reilly /

E&E News

EPN member and advisor Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in E&E’s article on the EPA’s proposal to grant a partial reprieve on tougher emissions standards for new wood-fired home heating systems.

Study: ‘No Scientific Basis’ for Challenges to EPA Endangerment Finding

Dec 13, 2018 / by

Barbara Moran /


EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this WBUR News story on a new study that provides scientific proof to back the EPA’s 2009 “endangerment finding,” which labeled six greenhouse gases as pollutants that could be regulated under the Clean Air Act. Joe and Janet McCabe, EPN member, Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in Insideclimate News on the same topic.

Key Advisers Blast EPA for Firing Review Panel

Dec 11, 2018 / by

Sean Reilly /

E&E News

Dan Costa, EPN member and former EPA National Director of the Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, is quoted in this article about two of Acting Administrator Wheeler’s appointees to the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), calling for the reconstitution of a Particulate Matter review panel.

Trump’s Auto Emission Policies Could Bring Deadlier Fires

Dec 12, 2018 / by

Daniel Reich /

East Bay Times

EPN member Dan Reich, former EPA Assistant Regional Counsel, Region 9, wrote this op-ed on the Administration’s efforts to roll back emissions standards, leading to rising temperatures and fires, like those recently seen in California, becoming the new norm. The piece also ran in the San Jose Mercury News.

The Latest Chapter in EPA vs Environmental Science Saga

Dec 11, 2018 / by

Bernard Goldstein /

The Hill

EPN member Bernie Goldstein, former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development and Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), wrote this op-ed on EPA’s divorce proceedings against science.

Trump administration to strip pollution protections, harming vital wildlife

Dec 11, 2018 / by

Emily Holden /

The Guardian

Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA leading Clean Water Act expert and Chief Trial Attorney, is quoted in this article on the Administration’s plans to relax protections in the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule from streams and wetlands that could harm vital wildlife and allow pollution into drinking water.

Update 1-U.S. Proposing to Weaken Obama-era Wetland Protections

Dec 11, 2018 / by

Timothy Gardner /


Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA leading Clean Water Act expert and Chief Trial Attorney, is quoted in Reuter’s article on the Administration’s plans to strip pollution protections from streams and wetlands that could harm vital wildlife and allow pollution into drinking water.

Trump Administration to Lift Barriers to Build New Coal Plants

Dec 7, 2018 / by

Cecilia Jamasmie /


EPN member and Advisor Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the Administration’s recent announcement that they are rolling back regulations on carbon emissions from new coal plants.

Science Adviser Allowed Oil Group to Edit Research

Dec 10, 2018 / by

Scott Waldman /

E&E News

EPN member John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air, is quoted in this article on Chairman of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Tony Cox allowing the American Petroleum Institute to help finance his research into particulate matter pollution, as well as proofread and copy edit his findings before they were published.

The EPA Says Its Latest Move to Revive the Coal Industry Won’t Make an Impact

Dec 7, 2018 / by

Staff /

The West Side Story

EPN member and Advisor Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the Administration’s recent announcement that they are rolling back regulations on carbon emissions from new coal plants.

The Trump Administration Is Spinning Its Latest Pro-Coal Policy as Good for People of Color

Dec 7, 2018 / by

Yessenia Funes /


Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Environmental Justice Chair, is quoted in this article on the EPA’s use of energy affordability among low-income communities and people of color as an argument to bring back coal.

The EPA Is Lifting Greenhouse Gas Limits on Coal Power Plants

Dec 7, 2018 / by

Umair Irfan /


Janet McCabe, EPN Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the Administration’s proposed rollback of carbon emissions for coal-burning power plants.

Five Ways the Midwest Is Enduring Climate Change

Dec 7, 2018 / by

Janet McCabe /

Inside Sources

EPN Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, Janet McCabe wrote this op-ed on climate change in the Midwest and what can be done about it.

Trump EPA Acts to Roll Back Control on Climate-Changing Coal

Dec 7, 2018 / by

Ellen Knickmeyer /

The Associated Press

Janet McCabe, EPN Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s proposal to dismantle a 2015 rule that any new coal power plants include cutting-edge techniques to capture the carbon dioxide from their smokestacks. This article was also picked up in the Daily Journal.

EPA Announces Plan to Ease Carbon Emissions Rule for New Coal Plants

Dec 6, 2018 / by

Steven Mufson and Brady Dennis /

The Washington Post

Janet McCabe, EPN Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the Administration’s plans to reverse a rule that would have forced new U.S. coal plants to install technology to capture their carbon dioxide emissions. This article was picked up by the Duluth New Tribune.

Emails Show Staff Wary of Pruitt’s Science Board ‘Agenda’

Dec 6, 2018 / by

Maxine Joselow /


EPN member Chris Zarba, former EPA Director of Science Advisory Board, is quoted in Greenwire’s article on EPA staffers’ alarm after former Administrator Scott Pruitt signaled plans to alter the makeup of the agency’s scientific advisory boards.

George H.W. Bush Put Environment Above Politics — We Should Too

Dec 6, 2018 / by

Stan Meiburg /

The Hill

Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 (Atlanta) and 6 (Dallas), and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, wrote this op-ed on the part George H.W. Bush played in the historic Clean Air Amendments of 1990.

Emails: EPA Staffers Freaked When Pruitt Tried to Stage Climate-Change Debate

Dec 5, 2018 / by

Sam Stein and Tanya Basu /

Daily Beast

EPN members Dan Costa, former EPA Director of the Air, Climate and Energy Research Program, and Robert Kavlock, former EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development and Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, are quoted in this article on how deeply shaken the EPA staff was that politics could overtake scientific consensus on the climate change issue if Pruitt’s proposed debate took place. They are also quoted in Climatewire’s piece on the same topic, and Dan is quoted in The Hill as well.

Revamped Carbon Rule for New Power Plants Could Come Soon

Dec 4, 2018 / by

Niina Heikkinen /


EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the expected elimination of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology when the Administration proposes changes to New Source Performance Standards for power plants.

How George H.W. Bush (Eventually) Rescued U.S. Wetlands

Dec 3, 2018 / by

Ariel Wittenberg /


EPN members Ellen Gilinsky, former Associate Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water at the EPA, and Robert Wayland, former EPA Director of the Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds in the Office of Water, are quoted in this article on Bush’s “no net loss of wetlands” pledge and how it finally came to regulatory fruition under his son George W. Bush’s administration.