EPN in the News
Budget Cuts
EPA Needs to Be Rebuilt, Not Nickel and Dimed to Death with Budget Cuts
Dave Coursen, former Attorney, EPA Office of General Counsel, penned this op-ed discussing how the Congressional Republicans’ proposed federal budget cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling would severely hamper EPA’s ability to continue its vital work.
Biden Faces ‘Staggering’ Loss of Government Scientists
EPN members Linda Birnbaum, former federal scientist at EPA, and Dan Costa, former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, were quoted in this article about the challenges the Biden administration faces after the loss of many government scientists during the Trump era.
The Government Agencies That Became Smaller, and Unhappier, Under Trump
EPN members Stan Meiburg (former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator), Tom Sinks (former Director, EPA Office of the Science Advisor) and Betsy Southerland (former Director, EPA Office of Science and Technology, Office of Water) were quoted in this article about the decline in workforce size and morale within certain federal agencies during the Trump administration.
Restoring the EPA: Lessons From the Past
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, wrote this op-ed on restoring the capacity and core values of EPA.
Trump Admin Plows Ahead on Fiscal 2022 Budget
Dave Coursen, EPN member and former attorney, EPA Office of General Counsel, was quoted in this article about the Trump administration’s continued work on the FY22 budget.
Trump Is Trying to Eliminate EPA Programs, ‘Putting the Country and the Planet in Jeopardy,’ Expert Says
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article regarding proposed cuts to EPA climate change programs in the FY2021 presidential budget.
Trump Sticks to Past Calls to Slash EPA Budget, DOE Research Spending
EPN was mentioned in this article concerning the FY2021 presidential budget and the proposed cuts to EPA.
DOJ, Overwhelmed By Defense Of EPA Rollbacks, Seeks FY21 Budget Boost
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article on how the proposed budget for the Justice Department’s environment division does not comport with the number of lawsuits levied against EPA.
EPA’s FY21 Budget Again Floats Deep Cuts, Deemed DOA in Congress
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article on the FY2021 Presidential budget’s likelihood of being passed through Congress.
Backlog of Toxic Superfund Clean-ups Grows Under Trump
EPN members Judith Enck, former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, and Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, are quoted in this article about the Trump administration’s huge backlog of unfunded toxic Superfund clean-up projects. This piece also ran in The Washington Post, The Hour, and RiverBender.com, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Betsy Southerland is quoted in a similar piece in The Hill.
Indiana Environmental Agency “Kneecapped” by Staff Cuts
EPN member Janet McCabe, former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in the Chicago Post-Tribune article about 16% staff cuts at Indiana’s primary environment enforcement agency, hampering its ability to protect the public.
Advisers OK Shift From Kids’ Health Research to ‘Translation’
EPN member Lynn Goldman, former EPA Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances, is quoted in this GreenWire article about a plan from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to provide $5 million in funding for five Children’s Environmental Health Translational Centers nationwide as a result of EPA’s refusal to commit to funding for Children’s Environmental Health Research Centers.
EPA Claims To Support ‘Clean And Safe Water,’ Cuts $1.4 Billion From Water Protection
David Coursen, EPN member and former EPA Office of General Counsel, wrote an op-ed published in Water Online about the EPA budget proposal’s staggering cuts to water protection and restoration programs, despite Administrator Wheeler’s claim that drinking water is the world’s greatest environmental challenge. For more information, see EPN’s fact sheets on Proposed FY2020 Cuts to Clean Water and Proposed FY2020 Cuts to Clean Drinking Water.
Trump Threatens to Cut EPA Budget Once Again
EPN member Betsy Southerland, former Director, EPA Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, was interviewed about her decision to leave EPA after 40 years due to Trump’s plan to gut the agency. She continues to speak out as the current administration proposes staggering budget cuts and regulatory rollbacks that endanger public health and the environment.
The Chip Franklin Show
EPN member David Coursen, formerly at EPA’s Office of General Counsel, was interviewed about the Administration’s recent FY2020 budget proposal and its effects on EPA.
It’s Your Turn
Bonnie Bellow, EPN member and former EPA Director of Public Affairs, Region 2, was interviewed about the Trump Administration’s recent FY2020 budget proposal, which cuts EPA’s budget by 31%.
Conversations with Peter Solomon 3/17/19
Bonnie Bellow, EPN member and former EPA Director of Public Affairs, Region 2, was interviewed on the radio about the Trump Administration’s fiscal year 2020 budget proposal.
The Great Lakes Need Investment If We Want to Maintain Safe Drinking Water
Cameron Davis, EPN member, environmental policy expert and lawyer, having served in Washington, D.C., and Chicago as Senior Advisor to the EPA Administrator, wrote this op-ed about the proposed FY2020 budget slashing funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative by 90%, from $300 million to $30 million.
Declaring a National Emergency Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis
EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about environmental law experts’ belief that the presidential powers unlocked by declaring a national emergency are the wrong tools for solving the climate crisis.
Government Shutdown Would Further Delay Superfund Work
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is interviewed about the progress on Montana’s Superfund cleanup sites being put in jeopardy once again by a potential second government shutdown.
Last Government Shutdown Offers Lessons on Avoiding Another
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, wrote this op-ed about the many lessons to be learned by our political leaders and the public at large from the recent government shutdown.
U.S. Government Shutdown Threatens New-Car Rollouts, Automakers Say
EPN member Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in this article about the partial U.S. government shutdown threatening to delay the rollout of new vehicle models in the U.S. by stalling required certifications from the EPA.
The Trump Shutdown Is an Environmental Crisis
EPN member Judith Enck, former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, is quoted in this article about the growing risks from the partial government shutdown, not only to the economic security of some Americans, but the health of us all.
Federal Shutdown Threatens to Delay Vehicle Launches
EPN member Jeff Alson, former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor in the Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article about delays car manufacturers face in launching new and updated models due to the government shutdown halting vehicle certification.
Alums Raise Money for Furloughed Staff
EPN members Chuck Elkins, former EPA Director of the Toxic Substances Program, Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, and Founder and Executive Director of the EPA Alumni Association, and Maro Oge, former EPA Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, and Director of the Office of Transportation and Air Quality, are quoted in this article about retired EPA staffers banding together to collect donations for furloughed agency workers.
Staffers Get Back to Work on Lead Rule
EPN member Brenda Mallory, former EPA Principal Deputy General Counsel under the Obama administration, is quoted in this article about EPA employees working on lead dust hazard standards returning to the office this week, despite the government shutdown, to ensure the agency can meet a court-ordered deadline.
Trump Shutdown Compounds Threat to Public Safety and Protection
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and Former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about the collateral damage of the partial government shutdown, currently in its fourth week.
Wasted Money, Idle Students, Stalled Studies with EPA Shuttered
EPN members Dan Costa, former EPA Director of National Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, and Bob Kavlock, former EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development and EPA’s Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, were quoted in this article about the many studies funded by EPA that have to be put on hold due to the shutdown.
EPA Shutdown Silences Public Inquiry Over Ind. Lead Cleanup
Bonnie Bellow, EPN member and former EPA Director, Public Affairs Division, Region 2, is quoted in this article on how the partial government shutdown is affecting the West Calumet, Indiana, Superfund site, as well as other sites across the country.
Working During a Shutdown — ‘It’s just weird’
EPN members Bob Kavlock, former EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development and EPA’s Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, and Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, are quoted in this article about the small number of EPA employees who are still working away during the partial government shutdown that closed the agency two weeks ago.
US Government Shutdown Affects the EPA, Climate Research
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, is quoted in this article on the continuing government shutdown and its effects on around 800,000 federal workers, major agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency, and national scientific research on climate and the environment.
Shutdown Effects Trickle Down to States, Grantees
EPN Advisor Lisa Feldt, former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator and Associate Deputy Administrator, is quoted in E&E’s article on the trickle-down effects from the partial government shutdown and mounting worries about the long-term outlook.
Federal Work at Superfund Sites Suspended During Shutdown
Bonnie Bellow, EPN member and former EPA Director, Public Affairs Division, Region 2, is quoted in this article on suspended federal cleanups at Superfund sites around the nation and forced cancellations of public hearings due to the partial government shutdown.
Shutdown Could Hamper US EPA’s Efforts to Lock in Trump’s Top Energy Rules
EPN Advisor Bob Perciasepe, former EPA Deputy Administrator during the Obama administration, and EPN Board of Directors member and Advisor Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, are quoted in this article on the continuing partial government shutdown imperiling some of the Trump administration’s signature energy-related rulemakings.
Shutdown Means E.P.A. Pollution Inspectors Aren’t on the Job
EPN member and former Assistant Administrator of EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Cynthia Giles, is quoted in this article about the hundreds of inspections that may have already been canceled and can’t be made up.
‘There’s Nobody There.’ Agencies Sputter on Climate
EPN Advisor Bob Perciasepe, former EPA Deputy Administrator during the Obama administration, EPN Board of Directors member and Advisor Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, and Mark Hague, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator and Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 7, are quoted in this article on the effects of the partial government shutdown on climate efforts. This article also ran in Scientific American.
Goal for 2019: ‘Get a new job!’
EPN member Bob Kavlock, former EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development and EPA’s Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, is quoted in this article on the implications of a government shutdown on EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and how the lead-up to and restart from a shutdown hurt productivity.
With No Agreement on the Wall, Partial Federal Shutdown Likely to Continue Until 2019
Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 and 6, and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in this article on the partial government shutdown, as Congress and the White House remained deadlocked over how to fund nine Cabinet departments and several smaller agencies. The article also ran in The Charlotte Observer and The Sacramento Bee.
Shutdown Looms but EPA’s Doors to Stay Open for Now
Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 and 6, and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in this article on the EPA’s contingency plan to use carryover funding to sustain most agency operations.
A Government Shutdown Is Looming, but You May Hardly Notice
Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 and 6, and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in McClatchy’s article on the possible government shutdown on Dec. 21 if Congress and President Trump fail to meet an agreement on funding nine Cabinet agencies and several smaller departments.
Indiana State Representative, Environmental Advocates Call on Congress to Protect Environment & Public Health
EPN’s analysis of EPA funding cuts and harmful anti-environmental policies included in the House and Senate FY19 appropriations bills is mentioned in this article on a press conference at the Indiana Statehouse, where speakers urged Congress to oppose any budget cuts to public health and environmental protection programs ahead of the Sept. 30 federal funding deadline.
Trump Is Wrong About EPA Science
Ruth Greenspan Bell, a former EPA attorney who serves as president of EPN’s Board of Directors, shared her views on Trump’s attack on science in an opinion column published in numerous newspapers.
Former EPA Workers: Trump’s Budget Proposal Continues ‘Aggressive Pattern’ of Slashing Staff
EPN member and budget analyst David Coursen, who worked in the EPA Office of General Council for 20 years, is quoted on the administration’s attempt to downsize the agency in this article reporting on EPN’s analysis of the proposed EPA budget for FY2019.
EPA’s Planned Budget Cuts Alarm Former Employees, Union
This report talks about EPN’s analysis of the fiscal 2019 budget, which would leave the EPA with a greatly diminished workforce, cut 48% of science funding, and leave essential programs for clear air, water, and land at risk.
Budget Deadline for Gutting the EPA Has Arrived
EPN members Carol Campbell and David Coursen are quoted in this article about President Trump’s sweeping 2018 budget cut proposal for the EPA. The Boulder Weekly also cites EPN analysis on workforce reductions resulting from the proposed FY2018 budget.
Organizing in New Jersey to Protect Our Health & Environment from Big EPA Cuts
EPN is quoted in this article on the devastating effects the FY2018 budget proposal by the House Appropriations Committee would have on the EPA, despite being a “smaller cut” than proposed by the Trump Administration.
EPA Head Defends White House’s Plan for Massive Cuts to His Agency
This article includes EPN’s warning that Trump’s proposed 2018 EPA budget could undermine virtually every core function of the agency. George Wyeth, a former EPA lawyer and current EPN member is quoted.
Former EPA Employees Sound the Alarm in Scathing Report
This EcoWatch article references EPN’s searing 10-page analysis of the Trump Administration’s proposed FY2018 budget for the EPA, and EPN members are quoted as they recount the devastating effects it would have on the Agency.
A Beleaguered EPA Has Become Ground Zero in Trump’s War on Science
This article uses EPN’s analysis of Trump’s proposed FY2018 EPA budget to call out specific, troubling cuts that would leave the budget at just over half of what it was in 2010. Ruth Greenspan Bell, a former EPA attorney and founding member of EPN, and George Wyeth, former EPA lawyer and EPN organizer, are quoted.
Former EPA Employees Are so Worried About Trump’s Plans, They Formed Their Own Alt-EPA
This piece, on the formation of the Environmental Protection Network (EPN) to help reporters, activists, and policymakers penetrate the Trump Administration and Administrator Pruitt’s EPA, quotes founding members of EPN, Ruth Greenspan Bell and George Wyeth.
Trump Wants to Cut EPA’s Scientific Research in Half: Ex-EPA Staffers Are Fighting Back Against the President’s Budget Proposal.
This article presents EPN’s full report on the Trump administration’s proposed FY2018 budget, which details the destructive effects it would have on air, water, and climate change.
Trump’s EPA Budget in Perspective
This article provides a few key takeaways from EPN’s extensive analysis of just how damaging Trump’s proposed FY2018 EPA budget would be for the agency and the country.
Programs at Risk
Court Order Widens EPA Options to Drop ‘Secret Science’ Rule
Dan Costa, EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, was quoted in this article regarding a court ruling delaying the effective date of EPA’s “Censored Science” rule to February 5th. Dan was quoted in a similar article by Government Executive.
Should Congress Consider a Master Settlement Against Big Oil?
Jeff Peterson, EPN member and former Senior Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Water, penned this op-ed on what equitable relief for communities suing the oil industry may look like.
Biden Climate Plan: Environmental Justice ‘Writ Large’
EPN members Mustafa Santiago Ali, former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, and Dr. Marva King, former Advisor to the Assistant Associate Administrator and Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, Office of Environmental Justice Policy Advisor, were quoted in this article regarding the prominence of environmental justice within President Biden’s climate change plan.
First 100 Days: It’s Biden’s EPA Now. What Does That Mean for the Agrochemcial Industry?
EPN members Penny Fenner-Crisp (former Senior Science Advisor to the Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs), Bill Jordan (former Deputy Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs), and Stan Meiburg (former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator) were quoted in this article about how President Biden’s EPA will regulate and manage pesticides.
Biden orders Government to Buy Carbon-Free Power and Electric Cars in Sweeping Climate Executive Order
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding an executive order by President Biden, which directs government agencies to procure carbon-free power and electric cars.
With Biden as President, the EPA can Return to the Business of Protecting Florida and the Nation From Climate Change
Richard Emory Jr., EPN member and former Federal Attorney at EPA, wrote this op-ed regarding the potential for EPA to better protect Florida and the Nation from the consequences of climate change. Richard also wrote an op-ed in The Palm Beach Post about steps President Biden can take to aid Florida in combating climate change.
EPA must decide: Who Gets Protection From Forever Chemicals?
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was also quoted in this article concerning the communities who most need protection from PFAS chemicals.
Biden Just Hit the Brakes on Trump’s Clean Car Rollback. Now it’s Time to Accelerate Toward All-Electric Vehicles.
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote this op-ed regarding an executive order signed by President Biden, which requires EPA and the Department of Transportation to establish stronger fuel efficiency standards and to propose suspending the Trump administration’s Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule.
Firefighters Battle an Unseen Hazard: Their Gear Could Be Toxic
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former federal scientist at EPA, was quoted in this article concerning the presence of PFAS chemicals in firefighter gear.
How EPA Complied with Trump Order to Dismantle ‘Deep State’
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding an executive order signed during the Trump administration that would have made it easier to fire federal employees.
Science Trumped
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was interviewed on this radio segment concerning the role of science during the Trump administration.
Activists See Biden’s Day One Focus on Environmental Justice as a Critical Campaign Promise Kept
January 24, 2021 / by
Kristoffer Tigue, Agya K. Aning, Judy Fahys, and Katie Surma /
Inside Climate News
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article about environmental justice in President Biden’s climate plan.
How Biden Plans to Reverse Trump’s Environmental Strategy
Kevin Minoli, EPN member and former EPA Attorney, was quoted in an article in this article about the pace at which the Biden administration can be expected to reverse the Trump administration’s environmental legacy.
Clean Air Issues Take a Top Spot in Biden’s Agency Priorities
Robert Verchick, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy, was quoted in a Bloomberg article about President Biden’s climate change- and clean air- focused executive orders during his first day in office.
DEC’s Plastic Bag Ban was so Confusing That State Must Pay Plaintiffs’ Court Costs, Judge Rules
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding New York’s plastic bag ban.
Now Entering the Biden Era
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s interim guidance on the destruction and disposal of PFAS materials.
White House Memo on Chemical Decisions Sparks Concern, Confusion
EPN members Bob Kavlock, former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Research and Development and EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted in this article regarding a Trump White House memo that, if finalized, would give polluters more power over the science that helps determine federal and state cleanup standards.
Biden Should Go Big on Infrastructure in the First 100 Days
Cheryl Wasserman, EPN member and former EPA Associate Director for Policy Analysis, Office of Federal Activities, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, penned this op-ed on why the Biden administration should prioritize infrastructure during its first 100 days.
One Planet: The Future Of Environmental Justice & Ex-Michigan Gov Indicted In Flint Water Crisis
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed regarding the Flint water crisis and the future of environmental justice.
Biden Taps Clean Power Plan Architect McCabe as EPA Deputy
Janet McCabe, former EPN member and current nominee for EPA Deputy Administrator, was mentioned in several articles including this one, regarding her nomination by President Biden for the position of EPA Deputy Administrator. Other media outlets included Inside EPA, IndyStar, and The Indiana Lawyer.
Hazardous Homes: Thousands of U.S. Public Housing Residents Live in the Country’s Most Polluted Places
Jim Woolford, EPN member and former director of EPA’s Superfund Program, was quoted in this article concerning the public health of Americans living in public housing near Superfund sites.
Trump Leaves Murky Superfund Legacy
Bill Muno, EPN member and former Superfund Director in Region 5, was quoted in this article regarding how EPA’s Superfund Program was managed during the Trump administration.
How to Fix Chemical Policymaking at EPA
January 12, 2021 / by
Tracey Woodruff /
University of California, San Francisco Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment
Tracey Woodruff, EPN member and former EPA senior scientist and policy advisor in the Office of Policy, wrote this blog post on fixing chemical policymaking at EPA.
How the Supreme Court could Upend Biden’s Green Agenda
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding how the Supreme Court can act as a block on President-elect Biden’s climate change agenda.
Local Environmentalists Seek Stronger Regulations With New Administration
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding demands for stronger environmental regulations when the incoming Biden administration comes into office.
Overnight Energy: EPA Preps for Transition with unusual Change to Succession Orders
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on the line of succession at EPA.
For First Time in 5 years, US Gas Mileage Down, Emissions Up
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Adviser, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article concerning a new government report that found model year 2019 saw a decline in U.S. vehicle gas mileage and an increase in associated carbon emissions.
A Look at Biden’s Pick to Run EPA, Michael Regan, and the Challenges he Faces
EPN members Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, and Eric Shaeffer (EIP Executive Director) were interviewed here about President-elect Biden’s selection of Michael Regan for EPA administrator.
How Safe is Rockland’s Drinking Water? Coalition Hearing to Put Toxins Under a Microscope
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article concerning the safety of the drinking water in Rockland County, New York.
Biden Urged to Flood Agencies With Environmental Equity Advisers
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding the prioritization of environmental justice in the incoming Biden administration.
Concerns About Norlite Plant Continue Despite New State, City of Cohoes Restrictions
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article about the continued burning of PFAS by a Norlite Incinerator in the city of Cohoes, NY, despite new restrictions on the practice.
Activists Eye a Superfund Reboot Under Biden With a Focus on Environmental Justice and Climate Change
Kathy Setian, EPN member and former Region 9 Superfund Project Manager, was quoted in this article concerning the current status of the Superfund Program and steps the incoming Biden administration can take to rectify it. This article was reprinted in NBC News and Yahoo News.
The Resistance: In the President’s Relentless War on Climate Science, They Fought Back
EPN members Jeff Alson (former Senior Engineer and Policy Adviser, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality), Dan Costa (former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development), Tom Sinks (former Director, EPA Office of the Science Advisor), and Chris Zarba (former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board) were quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article concerning the current administration’s combative relationship with science at EPA.
Mustafa Santiago Ali: America’s Road to Environmental Justice
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed on this podcast regarding environmental justice.
Biden’s Cabinet Picks Could Fuel EPA, FERC Pipeline Wars
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding the incoming Biden administration’s plan for pipeline permitting and potential changes to the NEPA.
Biden ‘Czars’ Spark GOP Fears of Unchecked Climate Agenda
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article discussing the incoming Biden administration’s climate change agenda.
Longtime Head of EPA’s Environmental Justice Program: Biden’s Climate Picks Show Power of Movements
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed regarding the climate change cabinet picks made by President-Elect Biden.
Biden’s EPA Pick Has Experience Lifting a Discouraged Agency
EPN members Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, and Tim Whitehouse, former senior attorney at EPA, were quoted in this article about President-elect Biden’s selection of Michael Regan for EPA administrator. Stan was also quoted in a similar article in The Hill.
Biden’s Pick to Head US Environment Agency Heartens Scientists
EPN was mentioned in an article in Nature regarding President-Elect Biden’s nominee to head EPA.
Joe Biden Names his Picks for Interior Secretary, EPA Chief
EPN was mentioned in this article regarding the incoming Biden administration naming Michael Regan as its pick for EPA administrator.
COVID-19 Vaccine Could be Less Effective in People with High PFAS Levels in Blood
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former Federal Scientist at EPA, was quoted in this article on the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine in people with high levels of PFAS in their blood.
Biden Put Climate at the Heart of His Campaign. Now He’s Delivered Groundbreaking Nominees
December 17, 2020 / by
James Bruggers, David Hasemyer, Judy Fahys, Marianne Lavelle /
Inside Climate News
EPN members Dennis McLerran, former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10, and Bill Muno, former Superfund Director in Region 5, were quoted in this article about how President-elect Biden’s nominations of Congresswoman Deborah Haaland and Michael Regan have put climate change at the center of his incoming administration.
Creating a Net Zero Carbon Goal Not as Easy as Rejoining Paris Agreement
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the difficulties of creating a net-zero carbon economy by 2050.
Five Ways Biden Can Fight Climate Change
Dan Reich, EPN member and former Assistant Regional Counsel, EPA Region 9, wrote an op-ed published in The Hill about steps the incoming Biden administration can take to confront climate change.
Past GOP Obstruction Haunts Biden Search for EPA Chief
EPN members Judith Enck, former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted in this article on the Biden administration’s search to fill the EPA administrator position.
Challenges Persist for Biden After Delayed Transition Start
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on the challenges posed to the incoming Biden administration due to the delayed transition start.
EPA Software Undercounts Benefits of Stricter Rules — Study
Trish Koman, former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article concerning the undercounting of air quality control benefits by EPA software.
Fixing EPA and the Bay Cleanup Under Biden
EPN members, Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were interviewed in this radio segment regarding how the Biden administration can utilize EPA in protecting the Chesapeake Bay.
Profiles in the Fight for Environmental Justice: Jeremy Orr
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding environmental justice activism.
Biden Can Restore the EPA, But it Will Require Steadfast Effort
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, wrote this op-ed regarding steps the Biden administration can take to re-establish EPA’s mission and core values.
Steps to Cool the Climate will Improve Water Quality, too
Jeff Peterson, EPN member and former Senior Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Water, wrote this op-ed about how climate change mitigation can improve the health of U.S. water bodies and increase drinking water quality.
Congress Gives Recycling Infrastructure Potential Boost with Save Our Seas 2.0 passage
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator Region 2, was quoted in this article about the Save Our Seas Bill 2.0, which is currently making its way through Congress.
Hundreds of Environmental Groups Call for ‘Presidential Plastics Action Plan
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator Region 2, was interviewed on this radio program regarding the call for a presidential action plan to address plastic pollution.
Biden Can’t Move the Needle on Environmental Justice Without These 2 Things
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article discussing specific steps the Biden administration can take to address environmental injustice.
Reversing Rollbacks in the Post Trump-Era is not Enough
David Coursen, EPN member and former attorney, EPA Office of General Counsel, penned this op-ed regarding the crucial need for increased spending on criminal enforcement to uphold the Biden administration’s environmental agenda.
Biden Has Already Notched an Environmental Victory Before Even Taking Office
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote this op-ed regarding California’s auto emission standards and the declining resistance from the auto industry.
EPA’s Wheeler Violates Quarantine to Distort Trump’s Environmental Legacy
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was also quoted in this article concerning EPA’s prioritization of polluters over pollution in its management of the Superfund program.
The EPA at 50: It’s Time to Correct Inequities and Think Big
Michelle Roos, EPN Executive Director, wrote an op-ed published in Bloomberg discussing “Resetting the Course of EPA” in the context of EPA’s 50th anniversary.
Mustafa Santiago Ali Describes the Path Forward for Environmental Justice
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article about the impact of the Trump administration’s policies on environmental justice, and what President-elect Joe Biden can do to reset the federal government’s environmental justice agenda. Mustafa was quoted in similar articles by Inside EPA and Vice News.
How a Polluter’s Bankruptcy Has Put Californians on the Hook for Millions
Jim Woolford, EPN member and former director of the EPA Superfund Program, was quoted in this article concerning the fallout from an agreement between Exide and the U.S. Department of Justice over the company’s shuttered lead-acid battery recycling plant near downtown Los Angeles.
Rebuilding Capacity to Protect the Environment
Michelle Roos, EPN Executive Director, and Jeremy Symons, principal at Symons Public Affairs and Project Manager of EPN’s Reset project, participated in this conversation and discussed EPN’s “Resetting the Course of EPA” and the potential to rebuild EPA’s capacity to protect public health and the environment.
Golden Anniversary Precedes Big Changes Ahead
EPN members Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted and EPN and the “Resetting the Course of EPA” project were mentioned in this article about EPA’s 50th anniversary.
At 50, EPA Pivots from Trump Chopping Block to Biden Future
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article about EPA’s 50th anniversary, a look back at the EPA under Trump, and a look ahead at what to expect under the Biden administration.
Examining Why the Pebble Mine Died
Dennis McLerran, EPN member and former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding the refusal of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide a federal permit to the Pebble Limited Partnership to start mining for copper and gold in Southwest Alaska.
New EPA finding: Glyphosate Harms 93 percent of Endangered Species
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding the pesticide glyphosate and the harm it likely poses to endangered species.
EPA Pitches PFAS Strategy. Could it Help Biden?
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning EPA’s proposed strategy in confronting PFAS contamination in wastewater.
Meet Biden’s Water Experts
EPN members Michael Shapiro, former Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Water, and Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted in this article discussing the water experts on the Biden transition team.
Biden Will Face Limits Reversing Trump-Era Environmental Policies
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article about the limits President-elect Biden will face when attempting to reverse environmental policies implemented under the current administration.
Here’s What Biden’s Climate Plan Means for Environmental Justice
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article about what the Biden administration’s climate plan means for environmental justice respectively.
President-Elect Biden Selects John Kerry as ‘Climate Czar’ as U.S. Looks to Become World Leader in Climate Change
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was interviewed in this video segment regarding President-elect Joe Biden’s nomination of John Kerry as his “Climate Czar.”
A Power Company’s Quiet Land-Buying Spree Could Shield It From Coal Ash Cleanup Costs
PN members Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted in this article regarding Georgia Power’s purchase of property near coal-fired power plants to potentially forestall coal ash cleanups.
Gov. Cuomo Signs “Norlite” Bill Banning Burning PFAS-Laden Firefighting Foam
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding a recent bill signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo that banned the burning of PFAS-laden firefighting foam.
EPA Expected to Grant Chemical Industry Request to Extend CDR Deadline
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on EPA’s revised Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule.
How the Biden Admin Could Upend Trump’s Chemical Decisions
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article on how the Biden administration can revert chemical policy decisions made under the current administration.
How Biden Could Undo Trump’s Water Regulations
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding how the incoming Biden administration can undo water regulations implemented under the current administration.
Under Biden, Environmental Justice Advisers See Path for Action Via Infrastructure Investments
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on potential infrastructure investments as a path to action on environmental justice under the incoming Biden administration.
The Trump Environmental Protection Agency’s Parting Gifts
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water was quoted in this article about potential environmental policies that can be implemented under a Biden administration and the transition from the current administration. Betsy was also quoted in similar articles by E&E News, Washington Examiner, and Popular Science.
Daily on Energy: Liberal Favorite for EPA Chief Lays Out Priorities for Biden
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on how the Biden administration can address the disproportionate effects pollution has on minority and low-income communities.
On Environmental Protection, Biden’s Election will Mean a 180-Degree Turn from Trump Policies
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation published this op-ed regarding the potential differences in environmental policy between the current administration and the incoming Biden administration. This op-ed was reprinted in Yahoo News, Houston Chronicle, Common Dreams, and Phys.org.
Obama’s ‘Dream Team’ to Smooth Biden’s Transition
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on President-Elect Biden’s choices to manage his EPA transition team.
How Biden Might Change Environmental Enforcement
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in this article on how EPA enforcement policy might shift under a Biden administration.
To Achieve His Climate Goals, Joe Biden Needs to Bring Scientists Back
EPN members Dan Costa (former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development), Vijay Limay (Physical Scientist, Air Monitoring and Analysis Section, Air and Radiation Division, EPA Region 5), and Chris Zarba (former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board), are quoted and Mustafa Santiago Ali (former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice) is mentioned in this article on the need to reintegrate science into the federal government for the incoming Biden administration to implement its climate change agenda.
3 Ways to Dispose of Campaign Signs That are Better Than Throwing Them Out
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was also quoted in this article concerning recycling and reducing waste. Judith was quoted in a similar article by Waste 360.
Key Environmentalist Sees Long List of Urgent TSCA Priorities For Biden
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on potential toxic substance policy priorities under a Biden administration. Bob was quoted in a similar article by Courthouse News Service.
Biden Administration Expected to Increase Scrutiny of TSCA Risk Evaluations, New Chemicals
EPN members Betsy Southerland (Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water) and Bob Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator, were quoted in this article regarding Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) policies under an incoming Biden administration.
Biden’s Plan to Shift Energy Policy Faces Headwinds
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, was quoted in this article concerning challenges that President-Elect Biden will face in implementing his energy agenda.
Q&A: Climate Advocate Explains Environmental Racism
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed for this TV segment on climate and environmental racism.
Progress Toward Managing Rising Seas
Jeff Peterson, EPN member and former Senior Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Water, published this op-ed on the effects of climate change on coastal communities and the progress made toward adapting to sea-level rise.
Scientists Relieved as Joe Biden Wins Tight US Presidential Election
Dan Costa EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, was quoted in this article on the reaction of the scientific community to the outcome of the 2020 election.
A Biden Victory Positions America for a 180-Degree Turn on Climate Change
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on climate change policy under a Biden administration. Mustafa was also quoted in similar articles by Atmos and The Washington Post’s Energy 202.
Experts Distrust the tap, but Prefer it to Bottles
EPN members Judith Enck, former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, and Ronnie Levin, former EPA Senior Scientist in Region 1, were quoted in this article on the toxins found in both bottled and tap water.
Observers Fear Disruptions Amid Busy Post-Election Trump EPA Agenda
Tim Whitehouse, EPN member and former senior attorney at EPA, was quoted in this article regarding potential disruptions post-election at EPA.
The US is Out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement; if Biden Wins, that Could Change
Bob Perciasepe, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article about America’s official withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change Agreement.
EPA Rebuffed House Dem’s Concerns About Advisory Board
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, was quoted in this article regarding Congressional concerns of EPA’s Science Advisory Board.
There’s Plenty of Time to Prepare for NJ’s Plastic Bag Ban
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article on New Jersey’s upcoming plastic bag ban.
US Election Results to Colour Future Mobility Agenda
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article regarding the election and the future of gas-powered cars.
Biden Wants to End Gas Car Sales. He Hasn’t said When
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on Biden’s policies concerning the sale of gas cars.
Army Corps Banks on Wetland Data EPA Deemed ‘Unreliable’
EPN members Ellen Gilinsky, former Associate Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Water, and Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, were quoted in this article on the usage of water data by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to protect wetlands that EPA deemed unreliable.
Enforcing Environmental Laws is a Key to Environmental Justice
Dave Coursen, EPN member and former lawyer in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, published this op-ed about how the enforcement of environmental protections can be a key solution to mitigating environmental harms done to communities of color and low-income neighborhoods.
What Might the US election Mean for TSCA policy?
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was also quoted in an article in this article on what the election could mean for Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) policy.
EPA Sounds Alarm on Lead Poisoning but still no Rule Update
Ronnie Levin, EPN member and former EPA Senior Scientist in Region 1, was quoted in this article on lead poisoning and EPA’s upcoming proposed Lead and Copper Rule.
As Election Day Nears, Taking Stock of an Expertise Exodus
EPN members Jeff Alson (former Senior Engineer and Policy Adviser, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality), Betsy Southerland (former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water), and Chris Zarba (former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board) were featured in this article on the exodus of expertise from the federal government.
Minority Communities Question Election-Year Push by EPA
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on skepticism from minority communities toward the current administration’s framing of its environmental policies. This story was reprinted in the Washington Post, ABC News, Seattle Times, SF Gate, and by the Society for Environmental Journalists.
‘Transformational’: Environmental Justice Advocates see Hope in Debate Discussion
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in an NBC News article regarding a presidential debate question focused on environmental justice.
PETA Honors Wheeler With Grant Named for his Mom
Gary Timm, EPN member and former Chief, Chemical Testing Branch, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, was quoted in this article on efforts to reduce animal testing by EPA.
Trump Order Looks to Dismantle the ‘Deep State’
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on an executive order signed by President Trump that would simplify the process of hiring and firing career staff.
Environment: Restoring the Rule of Law
Steven Chester, EPN member and former Deputy Assistant Administrator of the EPA Office of Environmental Compliance and Assurance, wrote this article referencing EPN’s “Resetting the Course of EPA” in the context of restoring enforcement at EPA. Special thanks to Bonnie Bellow for assisting.
The EPA Refuses to Reduce Pollutants Linked to Coronavirus Deaths
Dr. Bernard Goldstein, EPN member and former chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, was quoted in this article concerning the connection between pollution and COVID-19 mortality.
Industry Doubts EPA Will Fulfill Ambitious TSCA Regulatory Agenda in 2020
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) deregulation agenda.
Trump’s New Interest in Water Resources — Why Now?
Jeff Peterson, EPN member and former Senior Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Water, published this op-ed regarding the current administration’s recent creation of a “water subcabinet.”
NYS DEC, DOH to Hold Public Meeting Wednesday on Norlite’s Operations in Cohoes
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article about a public meeting hosted by New York State’s Department of Environment to discuss the Norlite Hazardous Waste incinerator in Cohoes, NY
EPN Raises Concerns EPA Affordability Guide Will Delay CWA Compliance
EPN, was featured in this article regarding its comments on EPA’s proposed 2020 Financial Capability Assessment for Clean Water Act Obligations.
A Half-Century Later, Cabinet Status Still Eludes Agency
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on the lack of cabinet status for EPA.
State, Advocates Seek Public’s Help to Enforce Plastic Bag Ban
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, regarding the need for public participation to enforce New York’s plastic bag ban.
Wheeler’s Calendar Missing Since May; Agency Blames Pandemic
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s public calendar.
NC Nonprofits Petition EPA Over PFAS
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former EPA federal scientist, was quoted in an article by this article concerning the toxicity of the Cape Fear River in North Carolina.
Under Trump, Criminal Prosecutions for Pollution Dropped Sharply
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article on the decline of criminal prosecutions for pollution under the current administration. Judith was quoted in a similar article by EcoWatch.
Racism Turned Their Neighborhood Into ‘Cancer Alley.’ Now They’re Dying from COVID-19.
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article concerning the role racism has played in fomenting higher cancer and COVID-19 mortality rates in Reserve, Louisiana.
A New Class of ‘Forever Chemicals’ is an Emerging Threat to our Health and Environment
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former EPA federal scientist, was interviewed on this radio program about PFAS chemicals.
Claiming Major Superfund ‘Success,’ Trump EPA Focused on Completing Cleanups, Not Climate Planning
EPN members David Coursen (former lawyer in EPA’s Office of General Counsel), Michael Cox (former Regional Manager for Drinking Water Lead and Copper Rule, Drinking Water Disinfection Byproducts Rule, and Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative), and Dennis McLerran (former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10), were quoted in this article on the Superfund program under the current administration.
The House Just Passed Another “Save Our Seas” Act. Here’s Why it Won’t.
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding federal legislation to curb plastic pollution. Judith was quoted in a similar article by Inside EPA.
What You Need to Know About the Chemicals We’re Exposed to Every Day and Ingest Without Realizing
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former EPA federal scientist, was quoted in this article regarding everyday chemicals that people are exposed to.
It is Time to Protect Kids’ Developing Brains from Fluoride
October 7, 2020 / by
Bruce Lanphear, Christine Till, and Linda S. Birnbaum /
Environmental Health News
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former EPA federal scientist, penned this op-ed on concerning evidence that suggests fluoride may be hampering brain development in children.
EPA Shifts Oversight of Cleanup Site to USDA, Spotlighting CERCLA Reform
David Janik, EPN member and former Supervisory Enforcement Attorney, EPA Region 8, was quoted in an Inside EPA article on EPA shifting Superfund site oversight to the USDA.
About That Plastic Bag Ban: Have No Fear, You Shall Adjust
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article on a potential plastic bag ban for the state of New Jersey.
Environmental Issues Loom Large in 2020 Election. Here’s What They Could Mean for Indiana.
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article about an October panel she participated in on climate change, air and water pollution, energy policy, and the role of government in protecting the environment.
How Trump Damaged Science — and Why it Could Take Decades to Recover
John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science and Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article concerning the treatment of science under the current administration.
Why American Climate Refugees Could Bring Hope, Prosperity to Indiana
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, published an op-ed in IndyStar on the potential economic benefits of climate change refugees settling in Indiana.
Secret Tapes Reveal Pebble’s Plans to Offset Wetlands Damage
Dennis McLerran, EPN member and former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10, was quoted in this article on the proposed Pebble Mine and the potential consequences it can have on the Briston Bay salmon fishery.
The Former … Portraits of 24 Officials Who Have Left the Trump Administration
EPN members Mustafa Santiago Ali, former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, and Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were profiled in this article about former government officials who have left during the current administration.
Another Toxic EPA Cookbook
David Coursen, EPN member and former lawyer in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, published this op-ed on the current administration’s environmental record and the consequences of its proposed “censored science” rule.
Did the White House Stop the EPA From Regulating PFAS?
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning PFAS chemicals and the regulatory process to designate them as hazardous substances.
OMB to agencies: Get in Line with Trump Training Order
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article article on the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) instructions to federal agencies to end race-related training.
NY Begins Enforcing Plastic Bag Ban Oct. 19
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article on New York’s enforcement of its plastic bag ban.
EPA Lead Rule Risks ‘Another Generation,’ Critics Say
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s finalized rollback to the Lead and Copper Rule.
Battered, Flooded and Submerged: Many Superfund Sites are Dangerously Threatened by Climate Change
EPN members Samuel Coleman (former Deputy Regional Administrator EPA Region 6), Judith Enck (former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2), and Betsy Southerland (former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water) were quoted in this article on how superfund sites are being threatened by climate change. This article was reprinted by NBC News.
Environmental – Lawsuit against IPL Helps Pave the Road to a Coal-Free Indiana
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding a federal lawsuit against Indianapolis Power and Light for violations of the Clean Air Act.
Environmentalists Raise New Concerns About Industrial Waste in Rensselaer
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article concerning industrial waste in the town of Rensselaer, New York.
Climate Change, Youth Activists and the Election
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed in this segment regarding youth climate change activism during the 2020 election.
EPA Defends Authority to Create Mining Office Amid Potential Legal Limits
David Janik, EPN member and former Supervisory Enforcement Attorney, EPA Region 8, was quoted in this article on EPA’s authority to create an Office of Mountains, Deserts and Plains.
Enforcement of NY State’s Plastic Bag Ban Begins Next Month
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article on the October 19 start date of New York’s plastic bag ban. Judith was quoted in a similar article by The Telegraph.
New Jersey Signs Landmark Environmental Justice Bill Into Law
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding a new environmental justice bill signed into law in New Jersey.
The World’s Plan to Reduce Plastic Pollution Is Trash
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding a global plan to reduce plastic pollution.
EPA Cancels Race-Related Training Sessions
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on EPA canceling race-related training sessions. Mustafa was quoted in a similar article by E&E News.
EJ Bills Introduced in Congress Now Set the Stage for Next Year
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article about environmental justice legislation being introduced in Congress.
Former EPA Chiefs Urge Quick Adaptation To ‘Era That Has No Precedent’
EPN’s “Resetting the Course of EPA” report was mentioned in this article regarding calls by former EPA administrators for EPA to adopt novel technologies to help combat climate change and reassert federal regulatory authority.
EPA Floats Updates to Pollution Control Payment Guidance
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s proposed 2020 financial capability assessment (FCA) for the Clean Water Act.
Safe Catch Solves Mercury Problem in Seafood for Industry and Consumers
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former EPA federal scientist, was quoted in this article regarding new technology developed by Safe Catch that tests for mercury in seafood in under 60 seconds.
Do We All Need Respiratory Masks?
Daniel Costa, EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, was quoted in this article about whether it is necessary for all people to have respiratory masks.
New EPA Guidance Rule Could Backfire on Business, Lawyers Say
David Coursen, EPN member and former lawyer in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article on a proposed EPA rule that would restrain the agency’s ability to create guidance documents.
New Research Shows Disproportionate Rate of Coronavirus Deaths in Polluted Areas
Vijay Limay, EPN member and former Physical Scientist, Air Monitoring and Analysis Section, Air and Radiation Division, EPA Region 5, was quoted in this article concerning disproportionate COVID-19 mortality rates in areas with higher pollution.
DOD is Spending Millions, Getting Rid of Toxic Foam by Burning it Near Where People Live
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article concerning the Department of Defense’s disposal of a PFAS contaminated foam that was used to fight fires.
Companies Eager to ‘Lock In’ Trump-Era Water Rule Exemptions
Ellen Gilinsky, EPN member and former Associate Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning polluters that are seeking to solidify clean water rules that were put in place under the current administration.
Wheeler Previews What Second Trump Term Would Mean for EPA
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding Administrator Wheeler’s speech on the 50th anniversary of EPA. Mustafa was quoted in a similar article by Our Daily Planet and Water Online.
New York’s Plastic Bag Ban has Survived the Pandemic
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding New York’s plastic bag ban.
‘Blanket Waiver’ Created for Industries During Pandemic Ends
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on the expiration of a federal waiver that relaxed the enforcement of rules for polluting companies.
Trump ‘Anarchist’ Order Would Hit Cities’ Enviro Programs
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in this article on an official memorandum that would restrict federal funding from certain cities, and the impact it could have on Superfund cleanups.
New Mining Office Sparks Concern Over Authority, Loopholes
EPN members Kerrigan Clough (former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator and Assistant Regional Administrator), David Janik (former EPA Supervisory Enforcement Attorney, Region 8), and Joel Mintz (former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney), were quoted in this article regarding a new EPA office that would target the cleaning of old mines.
Trump’s U.S. EPA Chief Claims Climate-Change Fight Hurts the Poor
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article concerning comments about climate change and vulnerable communities made by Administrator Wheeler during his speech on the 50th anniversary of EPA. This article was reprinted by WTVB. Mustafa was quoted in similar articles by The Hill, E&E News, Washington Examiner, Common Dreams, Inside EPA, and EcoWatch.
EPA Chief Criticizes Democratic Governors, Vows to Concentrate on Cleaning up Vulnerable Communities in a Second Trump Term
EPN members Mustafa Santiago Ali, former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, and Mike Flynn, former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, were quoted in this article regarding Administrator Wheeler’s stated commitment to vulnerable communities during his speech on the 50th anniversary of EPA.
Former EPA Officials Urge Superfund Budget Hike to End Cleanup Backlog
EPN was featured in this article on its Superfund program budget recommendations as part of the “Resetting the Course of EPA,” report.
Officials Say Safety Threat Over After Bethlehem Chemical Leak
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding a chemical leak at the SABIC Innovative Chemicals facility in Bethlehem, New York.
Albany County Executive Faces Public Pressure to Sign Local Clean Air Law
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article about an Albany County clean air law that is on the desk of the county executive.
Wheeler Yanks Toxics Study, Blames Obama Appointee
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article concerning a PFAS incineration study that was cancelled by EPA. Judith was quoted in a similar article by Chemistry World.
Provocative Enforcement Chief Finds ‘Few Friends’
EPN members Joel Mintz, former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, and Eric Schaeffer, former Director of EPA’s Office of Civil Enforcement, were quoted in this article on EPA’s COVID-19 enforcement policies.
Michigan City, Gary, Ogden Dunes Have Indiana’s Worst Ozone Levels: Experts
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on ground-level ozone levels in Indiana. Janet was quoted in a similar article by WFYI Indianapolis.
‘Real talk’ With Two Environmental Justice Leaders
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was featured in this article on environmental justice leaders.
This Chemical Can Impair Fertility, But it’s Hard to Avoid
Tracey Woodruff, EPN member and former EPA senior scientist and policy advisor in the Office of Policy, was quoted in this article on the danger of phthalates and their ability to impair fertility. This article was reprinted in Yahoo News.
A Just EPA Budget for Environmental Justice
David Coursen, EPN member and former lawyer in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, penned an op-ed in The Hill concerning the distribution of EPA resources toward environmental justice.
This Chemical Can Impair Fertility, but It’s Hard to Avoid
Tracey Woodruff, EPN member and former EPA senior scientist and policy advisor in the Office of Policy, was quoted in this article concerning hormone-disrupting phthalates effects on fertility.
The Rise of Environmental Justice
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding the disproportionate impact of polluting industrial facilities in communities of color.
EPA Approves Coronavirus-Killing Product — for Just One Airline
EPN members Jack Housenger, former Director, Office of Pesticide Programs, Director of the Health Effects and the Biological and Economic Analysis Divisions, and Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, were quoted in this article about EPA approving the first long-lasting product to fight surface transmission of the coronavirus.
U.S. Losing Ground in CASE Race
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article about the transportation sector’s imminent shift from today’s conventional gasoline vehicles to an electric future.
Former Officials’ EJ Calls Bring Renewed Pressures For Chemical Plants
EPN’s “Resetting the Course of EPA” report and accompanying letter of support by former administrators were quoted and discussed in this article about the call for EPA to take a more active role in protecting minority communities from toxic chemicals.
INSIGHT: What’s Next—Environmental Justice and Global Energy Opportunities
Mathy Stanislaus, EPN member and former EPA Assistant Administrator, published this op-ed on the potential for clean energy and pollution reduction in front-line communities.
Expecting Plastics Boom, Environmentalists Fear Production’s GHG Harms
EPN member Judith Enck, former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article about an expected boom in plastics production over the next several years as the fossil fuel industry shifts its attention away from plastics needs in the transportation and energy sectors, which could significantly increase greenhouse gases.
Trump Weighs Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Oil Drilling in Alaska
EPN member Judith Enck, former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, is mentioned in this article about the Trump administration considering whether to allow oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
EPA Lab Closure Hits Vehicle Testing, Enforcement
EPN members Margo Oge, former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, and Jeff Alson, former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, were quoted in this article on the temporary closure of The National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan, due to COVID-19.
Study Suggests Toxic Chemicals can be Found in Fast Food Wrappers and Takeout Packages
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former EPA scientist, was quoted in this article regarding the toxicity of fast food wrappers and takeout containers.
Climate Change, the Environmental Movement and Racism
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed on this radio segment concerning the disproportionate impact of climate change and pollution on communities of color.
Americans Need the Best Science More Than Ever From Government
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, published this op-ed about the importance of independent science in government decision making.
EPA Needs to Consider COVID-19 for Its Standards
Dr. Bernard Goldstein, EPN member and former CASAC Chair and EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, published this letter for the editor regarding EPA’s research capabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Former EPA Chiefs Call for Post-Election Agency “Reset”
EPN was featured in this article about “Resetting the Course of EPA,” which was endorsed by six former EPA administrators from both Democratic and Republican administrations. EPN and “Resetting the Course of EPA” were mentioned in similar articles by The Hill, E&E News, Government Executive, Al-Jazeera, Inside EPA, Mic, International Business Times, Courthouse News Service, and Electrek.
The Trip That Changed Everything for an EPA Pioneer
Marva King, EPN member and former Advisor to the Assistant Associate Administrator and Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, was quoted in this article on the history of EPA’s environmental justice work.
‘Unnecessary.’ N.C. Deals Major Blow to Pipeline Project
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article on the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality rejecting a key permit for the Mountain Valley pipeline.
6 Former EPA Bosses Call for Agency Reset After Election
EPN was featured in this article regarding the release of “Resetting the Course of EPA” and a letter of support signed by six former EPA administrators from both Democratic and Republican administrations. This article was reprinted by The New York Times, NBC News, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and over 200 other publications across the country.
Albany County Legislature Set To Vote on Local Clean Air Law Tonight
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this about the Albany County Legislature voting to prevent local polluters from burning certain wastes.
Lawsuit Alleges Union Carbide Failed to Report Toxic Landfill
Bill Muno, EPN member and former Superfund Director in Region 5, was quoted in this article regarding Union Carbide Corp’s failure to report a toxic landfill on their property that leached into the Davis Creek Watershed.
Packaging at Burger King, Freshii, McDonald’s Tests Positive for Potentially Toxic Chemicals
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former EPA scientist, was quoted in this article concerning potentially toxic materials in food packaging.
A Neglected Environmental Justice Issue: Indoor Plumbing
Dave Coursen, EPN member and former lawyer in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, published this op-ed on how indoor plumbing exacerbates environmental inequities in lower-wealth communities.
Toxic Chemicals May be in Fast Food Wrappers and Take-Out Containers, Report Says
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former EPA scientist, was quoted in this article regarding the toxicity of fast food wrappers and take out containers.
Advocacy Group Questions Plastic Chemical Recycling Efficacy
Judith Enck, EPN member and former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2, was quoted in this article concerning the efficacy of plastic chemical recycling.
For Some Environmentalists, ‘I can’t breathe’ is About More Than Police Brutality
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article about how lower-income neighborhoods disproportionately face the impacts of pollution and climate change.
The Energy 202: Two of Biden’s Veep Contenders Roll Out Environmental Justice Bill in Senate
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding the Environmental Justice for All Act.
Isaias Can Help us Plan for Future “COVICANES”
Jeff Peterson, EPN member and former Senior Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Water, published this op-ed regarding how coastal communities can use tropical storm Isaias to make “COVID smart” preparations for future storms.
Ozone Levels Do Not Plummet This Summer Despite Lower Vehicle Traffic
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article about ground-level ozone levels remaining high despite low traffic levels.
Bill Would Mandate EPA Require Toxic Emissions Monitoring
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article discussing legislation proposed by Congress that would mandate EPA to monitor toxic emissions.
Dozens of Facilities Skipping out on EPA Pollution Monitoring Have Prior Offenses
Eric Schaeffer, EPN member and former director of EPA’s Office of Civil Enforcement, was quoted in this article about facilities skipping water pollution monitoring requirements despite having prior infractions.
Strongest Evidence Yet Shows Air Pollution Kills
John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science and Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article concerning evidence linking particulate matter to high mortality rates.
Pebble Mine Critics Threaten Suit Over Final EIS Clearing Path For Project
EPN members Mustafa Santiago Ali, former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, and Dennis McLerran, former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10, were quoted in this article concerning the Army Corps of Engineer’s findings that the Pebble Mine would have no measurable environmental impact on Bristol Bay.
Hundreds of Toxic Superfund Sites Imperiled by Sea-Level Rise, Study Warns
Bill Muno, EPN member and former Director, Region 5 Superfund Division, was quoted in this article concerning the risks posed by sea-level rise on toxic Superfund sites.
INSIGHT: Amazon and Seattle Kraken’s ‘Climate Pledge’ Is Promising, but Incomplete
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, co-wrote this op-ed on Amazon and the Seattle Kraken’s decision to change the name of Seattle’s Key Arena to the “Climate Pledge Arena.”
Environmental Racism Is Killing Americans of Color. Climate Change Will Make it Worse
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, penned this op-ed on how communities of color and low-wealth neighborhoods are disproportionately affected by climate change and pollution.
Mine Developer Sees Review as Positive for Alaska Project
Dennis McLerran former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10, was quoted in this article concerning the Army Corps of Engineer’s findings that the Pebble Mine would have no measurable environmental impact on Bristol Bay. Dennis was also quoted in similar articles by CNN, E&E News, S&P Global and The Cordova Times.
Congressman John Lewis: A Champion for Civil Rights and Environmental Justice
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, wrote this op-ed remembering the late Congressman John Lewis and his work on civil rights and environmental justice.
Critics Fear EPA Appeals Shakeup Sidelines Environmental Justice
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding the environmental justice implications of the changes to the Environmental Appeals Board (EAB).
We Still Have a Shot to Save Ourselves From Plastic Doom
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding opportunities to reduce plastic waste. Judith was also interviewed by WAMC on The Roundtable Panel.
EPA Overhauls Permit Appeals Process
Timothy Whitehouse, EPN member and former senior attorney at EPA, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s revisions to the EAB.
EPA’s Proposed Aircraft CO2 Standard is Already Obsolete
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote this op-ed concerning EPA’s proposed CO2 standard for aircraft.
Enthusiasm Over the Environment is Down — We Must Stay Vigilant
Timothy Whitehouse, EPN member and former senior attorney at EPA, penned this op-ed on the declining public concern for the environment amidst social unrest and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sierra Club Denounces Founder John Muir For Racism
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article about the Sierra Club. Mustafa was also quoted in The Quarantine Review concerning societal structures that have been built on racism.
Major Defeats for Pipelines…and Trump.
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted on this podcast about the recent defeats of American pipelines.
Lawyers Question DOJ Effort to Block Third-Party Mitigation Settlements
Francis Lyons, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 5, was quoted in this article regarding the Department of Justice’s push against supplemental environmental projects that seek relief beyond what a court can provide.
Chicagoans Swamp City with Flood Complaints After Spring’s Record Rain
Cam Davis, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor to the Administrator, was quoted in this article on spring flooding in Chicago after record rainfall. Cam was also quoted in a similar article by ProPublica.
Pandemic Drives Spike in Plastic Use, But it May Not Last
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article concerning the increase of plastic consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some Back Idea for New TSCA Process Rule but None Expect EPA Action
Gary Timm, EPN member and former Chief, Chemical Testing Branch, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, was quoted in this article on EPA’s process for drafting risk management rules under the Toxic Substance Control Act.
Compliance Challenge Looms with TSCA Notification Requirements for PFASs
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s recent TSCA significant new use rule covering PFAS.
For Some Environmentalists, ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Is About More Than Police Brutality
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding how communities of color and low-wealth neighborhoods are disproportionately affected by air pollution, poor water quality, and climate change. Mustafa was quoted in a similar article by the Capital News Service. Mustafa was also quoted in an E&E News article about U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth’s perspective on environmental justice.
DOJ’s Attack on Sierra Club ‘Side Deal’ Won’t Be Last
Francis Lyons, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 5, was quoted in this article pertaining to an objection by the Department of Justice to a deal brokered between the Sierra Club and DTE Energy on an energy efficiency pilot program.
Why Limiting PFAS in Drinking Water is a Challenge in the US
Michael Shapiro, EPN member and former Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article on the challenge of limiting PFAS in U.S. waters.
The Wood Pellet Business is Booming. Scientists Say That’s Not Good for the Climate.
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in an article by the InsideClimate News on the adverse climate change effects from the wood pellet industry. This article was reprinted by the County Sustainability Group.
350 Facilities Skip Reporting Water Pollution Under Temporary EPA Rule
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in this article regarding a temporary EPA rule that has allowed over 350 facilities to forgo the monitoring of their water pollution.
COVID-19 Pandemic Causes Concern Over Plastic Pollution
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was interviewed in this video concerning the rise in plastic wasted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Former Staff Fear EPA Rule on Guidance Could Hamper Chemical Reviews
EPN’s comments on how an EPA proposed rule increasing transparency in the issuance of guidance documents could hamper the toxics office’s chemical risk reviews were quoted in this article.
ATSDR Warning on PFAS Worsening COVID Risks Drives New Rule Push
Tracey Woodruff, EPN member and former EPA Senior Scientist, was quoted in this article about the potential for PFAS to undercut the ability of COVID-19 patients to fight off the virus.
60+ Environmental Justice Advocates and Groups Issue Coronavirus Call to Action Demanding End to ‘Sacrifice Zones’
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on calls from the environmental justice community to end COVID-19 sacrifice zones.
‘The Cost of Plastics is Lives’: House Oversight Hearing Highlights Environmental Justice Burdens of Plastic Production
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article regarding her testimony in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Environment regarding the “Effects of Plastic Production and Pollution on Americans’ Health During Coronavirus Crisis.”
Amid Renewed Focus on Equity, Advocates Press Biden to Boost EJ Steps
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding pressure being applied on the Biden campaign to incorporate environmental justice in its environmental plan. Mustafa was quoted in a similar article by The Rising on the need for President Trump to include environmental justice in his new environmental initiative.
Joe Goffman Speaks with Cynthia Giles About EPA’s Enforcement During COVID-19
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was interviewed by Joe Goffman, fellow EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, on this podcast regarding EPA’s suspension of some enforcement of environmental regulations.
Public’s Help Needed to Develop a Plan for Elkhart to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding the development of a plan to reduce emissions in Elkhart, Indiana.
For Some Environmentalists, ‘I Can’t Breathe’ is About More Than Police Brutality
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article about how air pollution, poor water quality, and climate change exacerbate environmental justice issues. Mustafa was quoted in a similar article by Reuters.
Scientists Pin Blame for Some Coronavirus Deaths on Air Pollution, PFAS, and Other Chemicals
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member, former EPA scientist, and former Director of NIEHS, was quoted in this article on the links between air pollution and PFAS to COVID-19 mortality. Linda was quoted in a similar article by Science 2.0.
Senate’s Scuttling of EPA’s No. 2 Pick Unlikely to Slow Agency
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article about the delayed confirmation of President Donald Trump’s pick to be EPA’s second-highest ranking official.
Destroying Forever Chemicals Ignites N.Y. Town’s ‘Worst Fears’
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on the incineration of PFAS waste in New York.
California Ushers in an Electrifying New Era in Trucks
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, published this op-ed on the California Air Resources Board’s decision to approve the first-ever mandate for electric commercial trucks.
EPA Accused of Trying to Push Through Censored Science Rule During Pandemic
EPN members Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, and Dan Costa, former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, were quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article on the Trump administration’s push to finalize the Censored Science rule during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPA Rejects Loophole in PFAS Rule
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article on EPA’s decision not to weaken an existing rule that restricts the use of PFAS and other toxic chemicals in consumer products.
Plan to Torpedo Nonbinding Guidance Docs Flies Under Radar
George Wyeth, EPN member and former EPA attorney and policy analyst, was quoted in this article on a proposed EPA rule that would make it more difficult for the agency to issue guidance documents.
Quoted: On 4th Anniversary, Critics Blast EPA’s TSCA Implementation
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article about the fourth anniversary of the Toxic Substances Control Act.
TSCA is 4
Tracey Woodruff, EPN member and former EPA Senior Scientist, published this blog post regarding the fourth anniversary of TSCA.
Is this Controversial Weedkiller Helping or Hurting our Food Supply?
Bill Jordan, EPN member and former Deputy Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, was quoted in this article regarding the herbicide dicamba and its current status in the courts.
Louisville’s ‘Black Lives Matter’ Demonstrations Continue a Long Quest for Environmental Justice
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding the inclusion of environmental justice in the demands of Black Lives Matter protests in Louisville, Kentucky.
Climate Crisis Weekly: Slow and steady Wins! Giant Tortoises Save Their Own Species
Betsy Southerland EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning EPA’s decision not to issue a national regulation for perchlorate. Betsy was quoted in a similar article by Smart Water Magazine.
Plastic Panic During the Pandemic: How Single-Use Items Meant to Protect us will Harm the Planet
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on single-use plastic consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic and its environmental repercussions.
Environmental Injustice Is Even Worse Than We Thought
David Coursen, EPN member and former attorney in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, penned this op-ed concerning the disproportionate share of pollution that occurs in low-wealth communities and communities of color.
Trump Administration Will Not Regulate Rocket Fuel Chemical in Drinking Water
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article on EPA’s decision not to regulate perchlorate, a rocket fuel chemical, in drinking water.
The Environmental Justice Wake-Up Call
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice was quoted in this article regarding testimony he gave during a Congressional hearing entitled, “Pollution and Pandemics: COVID-19’s Disproportionate Impact on Environmental Justice Communities.” Mustafa was quoted in a similar article by Michigan Advance.
INSIGHT: National Perchlorate Standard Isn’t Needed to Protect Health
Joe Cotruvo, EPN member and former Director, Criteria and Standards Division, EPA Office of Drinking Water, penned this op-ed on EPA’s decision to not regulate perchlorate in drinking water.
Albany Water Commissioner: Dealing With The Pandemic
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on the steps the Albany water commissioner is taking to protect employees and the water system during the pandemic. Judith was also quoted in an article in Newsday on the effects the pandemic will have on environmental protections in the short and long term.
Misguided Health Policy Foments Confusion, Risk and Disunity
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, published an op-ed in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on how the Trump administration’s deregulation of environmental protections has exacerbated the health implications associated with the pandemic.
How George Floyd Protests Swayed a Texas Fracking Town
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice; and Community Revitalization; and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding the City Council of Arlington, Texas, rejecting of a natural gas well that would have caused disproportionate harm to black and Hispanic residents. Mustafa was also quoted in an article by USA Today on the different forms of environmental racism.
Traffic was Down in Phoenix, but Ozone Levels Remained Stubbornly High. What’s Happening?
John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science, Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article on the rise of ground-level ozone in Phoenix despite a drop in automobile traffic.
Citizen Petitions Under TSCA Could Grow After Fluoride Trial
Carl Reeverts, EPN member and former Project Manager, Infrastructure Branch, EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water; and Deputy Director of the EPA Drinking Water Protection Division, was quoted in this article on how citizen petitions are handled under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) due to a recent trial on the use of fluoride in drinking water.
As the Pebble Mine Nears a Decision, Questions Surround its Environmental Review
Dennis McLarren, EPN member and former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding the environmental review for the Pebble Mine, a proposed gold and copper open-pit mine that would have harmful effects on the Bristol Bay watershed.
Wheeler Touts Superfund Success Report, but Key Cleanup Data Missing
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article regarding missing data from EPA’s superfund program despite the administration touting the program’s success.
As EPA Steps Back, States Face Wave of Requests for Environmental Leniency
EPN members George Czerniak (former Director, Air and Radiation Division, EPA, Region 5), Janet McCabe (former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation), and Robert Verchick (former EPA Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy) were quoted in this article on the wave of deregulation requests that have been made to state regulators by companies across the country.
Congress Told to Take Holistic Approach to Environmental Justice
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding a virtual public hearing held by the House Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change on “Pollution and Pandemics: COVID-19’s Disproportionate Impact on Environmental Justice Communities.” Mustafa was quoted in similar articles by The Washington Post, Politico, E&E News, The Hill, Our Daily Planet, and was interviewed on the Political Climate podcast.
SACC Deepens Concern Over Narrow Scope Of Draft EPA Asbestos Analysis
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in an article by Inside EPA on the asbestos draft risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
INSIGHT: A Neglected Business Opportunity to Save the Planet
Dan Reich, EPN member and former Assistant Regional Counsel, EPA Region 9, penned this op-ed on how Congress signing the Kigali Agreement would not only reduce hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) but provide American industry with a business opportunity.
Court Fight Could Lead to Limits on Fluoridated Drinking Water
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on the use of fluoride in American drinking water and an ongoing trial in San Francisco that can curtail it.
Plastic Is the Hero of Coronavirus, Says the Plastics Industry
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article about the plastic industry touting the benefits of plastics during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article was reprinted by MSN.
Congress: Tell the Pentagon to Halt Incineration of Toxic Forever Chemicals
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, published this op-ed about the Pentagon’s incineration of PFAS chemicals and the immediate need to halt such practices. Judith was quoted in a similar article by WAMC.
EPA says Tennessee’s Free Face Masks are Safe to Use
Bill Jordan, EPN member and former Deputy Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, was quoted in this article on the safety of face masks being distributed by the state of Tennessee.
‘Overwhelmingly White’ Green Groups Forced to Confront Past
Mustafa Santiago Ali EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on the lack of diversity that has existed in green groups and how those organizations are confronting their past.
EPA Draws Competing Criticisms Over Draft TSCA Asbestos Analysis
EPN was mentioned in this article on the asbestos draft risk evaluation under the Toxic Substance Control Act.
Donald Trump update: POTUS Signs New Executive Order for Major Infrastructure and Energy Projects
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding an executive order signed by the president that would encourage federal agencies to waive environmental reviews on infrastructure projects being built during the pandemic.
Can the environmental movement address American racism?
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed on this podcast regarding the environmental movement’s role in addressing racism.
Donald Trump Weakens Environmental Regulations With New Executive Order
EPN members Mustafa Santiago Ali, former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, and Joel Mintz, former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, were quoted in this article on a recent executive order that asks federal agencies to waive required environmental reviews on infrastructure projects built during the pandemic. Mustafa and Joel were also quoted in a similar article by The Union Journal.
President Trump, Citing the Pandemic, Plans Two Moves to Weaken Key Environmental Protections
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in this article concerning an executive order signed by Donald Trump that calls on federal agencies to waive required environmental reviews on infrastructure projects built during the pandemic. Joel was also quoted in similar articles by The Guardian, S&P Global, and Common Dreams.
Trump, Citing Pandemic, Moves to Weaken Two Key Environmental Protections
Dick Morgenstern, EPN member and former Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in an this article on a recent executive order that asks federal agencies to waive required environmental reviews on infrastructure projects built during the pandemic.
Balancing the Books on Climate Change
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on the costs associated with inaction on climate change.
Responding to Protests, Green Groups Reckon with a Racist Past
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article concerning the history of racism in green groups that make up the environmental movement.
EPA Likely to Approve Mine that Threatens Alaska’s Largest Salmon Hatchery
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s approval of the Pebble Mine, which may threaten Alaska’s largest salmon hatchery.
EPA Opts Not to Delay Controversial Alaska Mine for Now
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article concerning EPA’s decision to allow the Pebble Mine in Alaska to move forward despite acknowledging the environmental threats posed by the mine.
Asbestos Advocates and Experts Speak out Against EPA’s Flawed Draft Asbestos Risk Evaluation
Bob Sussman, also was quoted in this article regarding a press conference hosted by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) on EPA’s draft risk evaluation for asbestos under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Upcoming Air Rule Fails to Quell SACC’s Concerns Over Perc Evaluation
Gary Timm, EPN member and former EPA Chief, Chemical Testing Branch, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, was quoted, and EPN was mentioned in this article on EPA’s draft risk evaluation for perchloroethylene under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPN also was mentioned in a similar article by Bloomberg.
Activists Press NYSDEC Over Plastic Bag Ban Enforcement
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on activists pushing for the state of New York to place a ban on plastic bags. Judith also was quoted in a Vice News article on New York can redemption centers and a WAMC article on toxic emissions that emanated from a Norlite Plant in Cohoes, NY.
Listen to Experts and Tackle the Toxic Chemical Crisis Contributing to Chronic Disease
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former federal scientist at EPA, was quoted in this article regarding the toxic chemical crisis and its impact on public health.
Alaska’s Controversial Pebble Mine Was Dead. Not Anymore.
Dennis McLerran, EPN member and former Regional Administrator, EPA Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s approval of The Pebble Mine, which poses a direct threat to the Bristol Bay, Alaska Watershed.
Santa Comes Early for Polluters
David Coursen, EPN member and former EPA Office of General Counsel, penned this op-ed concerning an executive order that would continue to relax restrictions on polluters by easing the enforcement of the rules during the pandemic.
Critics: EPA Ignores Dry Cleaning Solvent Risks
EPN members Penny Fenner-Crisp, former Senior Science Advisor to the Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, and Gary Timm, former EPA Chief, Chemical Testing Branch, EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, were quoted in this article on the draft risk evaluation for perchloroethylene under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Corporations Don’t Have to Pay Pollution Fines During COVID-19
EPN members Joel Mintz, former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, and Frank Lyons, were quoted in this article about the suspension of EPA rules and the benefits to corporate polluters.
EPA Advisers Focus on Consumer Exposures to Cleaning Solvent
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article on EPA’s draft risk evaluation for perchloroethylene under the Toxic Substance Control Act.
One Planet: Harvard Study Links Air Pollution to Higher Covid-19 Death Rates
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice, was interviewed on this radio show discussing the long-term impacts of air pollution on exposed populations.
Red Cross: Be Thinking Ahead and Take Action Now
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, penned this op-ed regarding Indiana’s preparedness for the extreme weather that is associated with the region.
U.S. EPA Proposes Increases in Volume of Renewable Fuels Under the RFS Program
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article about EPA’s proposal to increase the volume of renewable fuels under the RFS program.
FEMA Facing a “Code Red” for Hurricane Season After Disaster-Heavy Year
Robert Verchick, EPN member and former Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy, was quoted in this article on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) preparedness for the upcoming hurricane season. This article was reprinted in The Virginian-Pilot. Robert also was quoted in a similar article by Grist.
Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali on Environmental Justice During COVID-19
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed on this podcast discussing environmental justice in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Watchdog Finds High Dissatisfaction Over Scientific Integrity
EPN members Tom Burke, former Science Advisor and Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Research and Development, and Dan Costa, former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, were quoted in this article regarding an Inspector General report that showed a majority of EPA employees had expressed dissatisfaction with EPA’s culture of scientific integrity.
Basketball Was Made to Be Played Indoors. Now That’s the Problem.
Dan Costa, EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, Office of Research and Development, was quoted in this article on how indoor stadiums are one of the highest risk areas for COVID-19 transmission.
EPA Effort to Limit Guidance Could Undermine Past Administration Policy
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was also quoted in this article regarding a new EPA policy that would look to increase public engagement in the rulemaking process while making past rules more susceptible to court challenges.
Doctors, Health Groups Bash Science Proposal
Steve Silverman, EPN member and former Attorney, Office of General Counsel, was quoted in this article on EPA’s supplementary proposal to its “censored science” rule.
EPA Emails Reveal Talks Between Trump Officials, Chemical Group Before 2017 Settlement
EPN members Scott Gordon, former Branch Chief and Deputy Director, EPA Region 4, and Bob Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator, were quoted in this article about 2017 emails between Trump officials and the National Association of Chemical Distributors regarding a fine that was to be levied against the chemical company Brenntag.
Watchdogs Criticize Trump Administration’s Deregulation Efforts During Pandemic
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article on the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nine U.S. States Sue EPA for Easing Environmental Enforcement Amid Pandemic
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in an article by Reuters on a lawsuit brought forth by 9 states against EPA’s suspension of enforcement. Cynthia was also quoted in a similar article by One Green Planet.
Medical Supply Crunch Scrambles Fight Over Toxic Sterilizer Emissions
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the potential for the uptick in medical supply production to lead to increased emissions of a cancer-causing gas associated with sterilizing facilities.
Critics Blast EPA Waiver Promises as ‘Unnecessary’
EPN members Cynthia Giles, former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance; and Steve Herman, former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance; and Joel Mintz, former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, were quoted in this article on EPA’s loosening of enforcement measures and use of no-action assurances during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Plastic Recycling is Broken. So Why Does Big Plastic Want $1 Billion to Fix it?
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on the plastic recycling system and the bailout requested by the plastic industry. Judith was quoted in a similar article by The New Yorker.
Tensions Flare Over Sluggish EPA Revamp of Cost-Benefit Rule
Dan Costa, EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, was quoted in this article on EPA’s draft rule, which would overhaul its cost-benefit forecasting.
Short-Staffed EPA Leans on Older Adjunct Workers, With No Raises
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s reliance on the Senior Environmental Employment (SEE) program.
EPA Gets More Time to Fend Off Enforcement Policy Challenge
EPN members Cynthia Giles, former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, and Steve Herman, former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, were quoted in this article on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York decision to grant EPA an extension to respond to challenges regarding their suspension of enforcement. Cynthia and Steve were also quoted in a similar article by E&E News. You can find their amicus brief here.
Scientists to EPA: Draft Study on Toxin ‘Too Limited’
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding the Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals’ (SACC) final report on EPA’s draft review of carbon tetrachloride.
COVID-19 Crisis: Is it the End of the Oil Age and the Beginning of Clean Air?
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on how the COVID-19 pandemic can accelerate the end of the oil age.
Bennington Professors Say NY Incineration Caused Toxic Contamination
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on toxic contamination that occurred at a Norlite Incinerator near Albany, New York.
What Really Happened With Dieselgate (and what Volkswagen has Done to Change)
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article reflecting on Volkswagen’s “dieselgate” and what Volkswagen has done to improve since.
How Coronavirus ‘Blows Holes’ in Clean Energy Projects
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was mentioned in this article on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clean energy projects.
Let’s Invest in an Energy Future that Preserves the Economy – and Life on this Planet
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote this op-ed on how investments in clean energy can protect our planet and preserve our economy. In two previous Forbes op-eds related to COVID-19, Margo discussed the fuel efficiency rollbacks and the parallels between COVID-19 and climate change.
What’s Gone Wrong With Plastic Recycling
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on the troubles of recycling plastic. Judith was also quoted in an article on battery recycling by Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin.
Air Quality Improves In Indianapolis, Muncie, Lake And Porter Counties
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was interviewed for this story regarding improving air quality in some parts of Indiana.
Biden Wants a Climate Secretary. Why That’s Complicated
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in an article by E&E News regarding presidential candidate, Joe Biden’s plan to create cabinet-level climate change secretary.
EPA Considered Permanently Easing Rule on Emissions Quality Check
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the original, broader, and more permanent plan for EPA’s easing of its air pollution monitoring. Janet was quoted again on the topic in Politico’s Morning Energy.
Results of PFAS Soil, Water Testing Near Norlite in Cohoes are Released
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was also quoted in this article on the results of PFAS testing near a Norlite incinerator in Cohoes, NY.
Detroit Air Pollution Levels Drop Amid Coronavirus Shutdown
Trish Koman, MPP, PhD, EPN member and former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on Detroit’s air quality during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPA to let N.C. Waive Civil Penalties for NOx Violations
EPN was mentioned in this article on EPA allowing North Carolina to relax the enforcement of its environmental rules.
Lawyers See Maui Opinion as Grounds to Challenge Trump Water Rule
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding the recent Supreme Court decision ruling against the Trump administration’s interpretation of the Clean Water Act.
EPA Cost-Benefit Guide Draws Advocacy on Co-Benefits, Climate, Jobs
EPN members Roy Gamse, former EPA Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy, and Karl Hausker, former Deputy Assistant Administrator for Policy, were quoted in this article on EPA’s update to its economic guidelines and what it will mean for evaluating the effects of climate change.
Understanding Connections Between Climate and Public Health
Trish Koman, EPN member and former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article regarding the connections between public health and climate change. A full-length version of the interview can be found here.
Earth Day Serves as Reminder of the Link Between Black Environmental and Health Disparities and COVID-19
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on the links between environmental injustice and higher COVID-19 mortality rates.
US Supreme Court Rejects Trump Administration’s Clean Water Act Interpretation
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling rejecting the Trump administration’s interpretation of a statute in the Clean Water Act (CWA) regarding source discharges into nearby surface waters. Mark was quoted in similar articles by Law 360 and Electrek.
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Weaken Us in Our COVID-19 Battle
Linda Birnbaum, Ph.D., EPN member and former scientist with EPA, co-wrote this article concerning the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on our ability to fight COVID-19.
Indiana Environmental Pioneers Reflect On the 50th Earth Day
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Cleveland Can Lead on Coronavirus Response Just as it Did 50 years Ago with Earth Day: Brooks Berndt
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was cited in this article on the parallels between the city’s leadership on the creation of Earth Day and the modern-day coronavirus.
No, the Pandemic Isn’t an Excuse to go Back to Single-Use Plastics
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, penned this op-ed on why the pandemic was not an excuse to revert back to single-use plastics. Judith was also quoted in articles by The Intercept and Nation of Change on a potential bailout for the plastics industry.
Migrants Aren’t to Blame for COVID-19
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on the halting of immigration due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on migrants.
Lawmakers Eye Future Stimulus for PFAS Limits
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning a potential stimulus bill including toxic chemical provisions.
EPA Relaxes Rule on Air Monitoring Tests Due to Coronavirus
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article concerning the easing of air quality monitoring tests by EPA.
EGEB: Scientists and the NRDC score a big court win against the EPA
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, was quoted in this article regarding a court case ruling in favor of NRDC against EPA’s removal of scientists from key scientific advisory committees.
Enforcement Chief ‘Greatly Surprised’ by Criticism
EPN members Gwen Keyes Fleming, former Chief of Staff to EPA during the Obama administration and Robert Verchick, former Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy at EPA, were quoted in an article on the criticisms faced by EPA Enforcement Chief, Susan Bodine.
The Time to Start Preparing for Hurricane Season is Now
Jeff Peterson, EPN member and former Senior Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Water, penned this op-ed concerning FEMA and its preparations for the upcoming hurricane season.
One Reason Why People of Color are Dying at Higher Rates in the US? The Air They Breathe
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, wrote this op-ed on how air pollution contributes to the higher COVID-19 mortality rates for minority and underserved populations. Mustafa was quoted in similar articles by The Guardian, KALW 91.7, and Salon.
Mustafa Santiago Ali on Earth Day at 50
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was featured in this article on his reflections of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
FEMA Faces Multi-Front Battle on COVID-19 as Hurricane Season Nears
Trish Koman, PhD, EPN member and former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on FEMA’s potential multi-front battle with COVID-19 and the upcoming hurricane season.
Trump’s Coronavirus Playbook is the Same One he Uses for Climate Change
Dan Reich, EPN member and Former Assistant Regional Counsel, EPA Region 9, penned this op-ed detailing how Trump’s response to COVID-19 relates to his response to climate change.
Indianapolis Air Pollution Falls as Virus Keeps People Home
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in an this article on Indiana’s air quality during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Border Wall Construction Continues During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on the continued construction of President Trump’s border wall during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Noncompliance with Environmental Rules Is Worse Than You Think
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, published this report on the harms of noncompliance with environmental rules. This was part two of her Next Generation Compliance series.
EPA to Relax Quality Tests for Air Monitoring During Pandemic
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article concerning EPA relaxing air quality monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPA Charts Path to Suspend Hazardous Waste Cleanup Amid Coronavirus
Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article pertaining to EPA’s suspension of hazardous waste cleanup during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Does Air Pollution Increase Risk From COVID-19? Here’s What We Know
EPN members Mustafa Ali, former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice and Trish Koman, MPP, PhD, former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, were quoted in this article concerning the linkage between air pollution and increased COVID-19 mortality rates.
Editorial: Fossil fuels and Nativism: Trump is Using Coronavirus to Push Through His Draconian Agenda
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article pertaining to the Trump administration loosening enforcement and enacting its agenda in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cynthia was quoted in a similar article by The Weather Channel.
US EPA Opens Door to Waivers for Coronavirus, but Observers Downplay Impact
EPN members Cynthia Giles former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance and Stan Meiburg former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, were quoted in this article regarding the impacts of EPA waivers being issued to polluters.
EPA Eases Environmental Laws, Cites COVID-19 as Justification
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article on the EPA using COVID-19 to justify the suspending enforcement of its rules. Cynthia was also quoted in similar articles by Mic, The Inertia, and Media Matters for America.
EPA Inspector General Finds Declining Enforcement and Compliance Resources and Outcomes
Cynthia Giles,EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance was quoted by The National Law Review regarding EPA Inspector General finding a decline in EPA enforcement between FY2006 and FY2018.
Trump Removes Independent Watchdog for Coronavirus Funds, Upending Oversight Panel
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article concerning the ousting of the Defense Department’s Inspector General and the promotion of the EPA Inspector General to that position. Stan was quoted in a similar article by Voz Wire.
Trump’s EPA Uses the Coronavirus Crisis to Mask Environmental Deregulation and Suspend Enforcement
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, published this op-ed on EPA’s decision to suspend enforcement of environmental regulations.
Watchdog Says EPA Fell Short on Key 10-Year Enforcement Measures
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in an this article regarding the Inspector General’s findings that the EPA did not meet their 10-year enforcement measures.
Wheeler Pushes Back on Critics of Enforcement Policy
Cynthia Giles, an EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article concerning comments made by EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler toward her regarding the EPA’s suspension of its rules.
EPA Chief Says Virus-Linked Looser Enforcement ‘Very Mild’
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article on Administrator Wheeler’s claim that the loosening of EPA’s enforcement is mild compared to past administrations.
EPA Obama Official Sees States Leading Effort to Tackle Plastic Pollution
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on states taking the initiative and leading on the plastic pollution crisis.
GenX Affects Function of Proteins that Protect the Brain
Linda Birnbaum, EPN member and former Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP), was quoted in this article regarding the chemical GenX and its effects on the protein that protects the brain.
Migrants aren’t to blame for COVID-19
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, published an op-ed in Resilience discussing how EPA’s suspension of its rules can lead to COVID-19 sacrifice zones that put vulnerable populations at risk. Mustafa was also quoted by The Verge in an article on the treatment of immigrant groups during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Coronavirus Shutdown Not Yet helping Air in Michigan’s Most Toxic ZIP Code
EPN members, Mustafa Ali former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice and Trish Koman former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, were quoted in this article on how the economic slowdown caused by COVID-19 is yet to improve air quality in Michigan’s most vulnerable zip codes.
In Time of Coronavirus, is E.P.A. Giving Polluters a Free Pass?
Bob Sussman, EPN member and Former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article about the EPA suspending enforcement of its rules.
EPA Enforcement Move Meets API wish list — and Then Some
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in this article regarding the role the American Petroleum Institute (API) played in the easing of EPA rules.
Keystone XL Oil Pipeline to Begin Construction During Coronavirus Pandemic
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article on the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lax Pollution Enforcement Can Stress Hospitals During Virus
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article on how the suspension of EPA rules can increase the strain on already stressed hospitals. Cynthia was also quoted in similar articles by Vox, Business Insider, and Electrek.
Citing coronavirus, EPA Suspends Enforcement of Environmental Laws
Nancy Marvel, EPN member and former Office of Regional Counsel, Region 9, was quoted in this article concerning EPA’s suspension of the enforcement of environmental regulations. Nancy also participated in a radio interview with Media Sanctuary on the new enforcement policy.
Trump’s Move to Suspend Enforcement of Environmental Laws is a Lifeline to the Oil Industry
March 27, 2020 / by
Phillip McKenna, David Hasemyer, Marianne Lavelle, and Nicholas Kusnetz /
insideClimate News
EPN members Mustafa Ali (former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice), Judith Enck (former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2), Cynthia Giles (former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance), and Betsy Southerland (former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water), were quoted in this article regarding a letter sent from the American Petroleum Institute to the EPA prior to the agency’s suspension of environmental rules.
‘A Dangerous Gamble’: Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Refuses to Order ‘Shelter-in-Place’ for Residents, Leaving Black Alabamans Especially at Risk
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article discussing the risk to black Alabamans associated with Governor Kay Ivey’s decision not to order a shelter in place in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Oil Industry Cites Virus in Seeking Broad Pollution Waivers
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance was quoted in this article concerning the oil industry seeking pollution waivers due to the strains caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This article was reprinted by Time Magazine, The New York Times, Sioux City Journal, Globe Gazette, WGN Radio, and several others. Similar articles were published by ABC News, Fox News, Mother Jones, Politico, Tech Crunch, The Hill, The New York Times, and S&P Global, which mentioned EPN.
Environmentalists Seek ‘Immediate’ EPA Action On TCE Ahead Of Review
EPN was mentioned in this article on the EPA risk evaluation of the chemical trichloroethylene (TCE).
‘Wash Your Hands’ is Tough Advice for Americans Without Soap or Water
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, published this op-ed concerning the lack of resources accessible to frontline communities in combating COVID-19. Mustafa also wrote an op-ed in U.S. News on the environmental justice implications of COVID-19.
Pentagon Cleanup of Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Likely to Last Decades
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article on the Department of Defense’s ongoing and protracted cleanup of PFAS contaminated sites.
Pandemic ‘Totally Predictable.’ How Trump Dismissed Warnings
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s ambivalence toward warnings concerning the national security threats of pandemics.
Virus Could Bite Into Environmental Enforcement: Ex-Officials
EPN members Cynthia Giles, former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance; Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10; and Eric Schaeffer, former director of EPA’s Office of Civil Enforcement quoted in this article considering how COVID-19 could impact the ability of EPA to enforce environmental regulations. This article was reprinted by The Washington Post.
It’s Time to Sound the Alarm for Communities Most Vulnerable to the Coronavirus
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, penned this op-ed about the environmental justice implications of COVID-19. Mustafa also wrote two op-eds in The Guardian on the inequities of the COVID-19 pandemic and how EPA’s suspension of enforcement exacerbates COVID-19 mortality rates.
DOJ Ends Practice of Allowing Polluters to Pay for Environmental Projects
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article on the Department of Justice no longer allowing polluters to pay for Special Environmental Projects (SEPs) as a way of reducing their civil penalties.
DOJ Nixes Major Environmental Enforcement Tactic
Frank Lyons, EPN member and former Regional Administrator of EPA Region 5, was quoted in this article on polluters no longer being able to use SEPs to reduce their civil penalties.
Senate Democrats Seek $20 Billion EPA Grant Program for PFAS Cleanups
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article on a prospective $20 Billion EPA grant program being sought by Senate Democrats that would go toward PFAS cleanups.
Indiana Approves Toxic Polluting Facility at Least a Dozen Other States Would Have Denied
Janet McCabe, former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article concerning a toxic polluting facility that was approved by the state of Indiana and the associated public health effects.
White House Spills Red Ink on ‘Secret Science’ Rule
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding the latest copy of the EPA’s “censored science” rule that was released from the White House. This article was reprinted in Science Magazine. Similar articles quoting Betsy on this topic were published in Commom Dreams (reprinted in BuzzFlash) and in Waat’s Up With That?.
Indiana Cities to Develop Greenhouse Gas Emissions Plans
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation was quoted in this article on Indiana cities developing plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A similar article was published by Inside Indiana Business.
Trump’s Devaluing of Science is a Danger to US Coronavirus Response, Experts Warn
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article discussing how the Trump administration’s treatment of science will affect its response to the Coronavirus.
US EPA Aims to Expand Scope of Former Chief Scott Pruitt’s ‘Secret Science’ Rule
EPN members Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, and Dr. Bernard Goldstein, former chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, were quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article focusing on the supplemental notice to EPA’s proposed “censored science” rule, which would limit the scope of studies available in the setting of pollution standards. Betsy was also quoted in Bloomberg, EcoWatch, E&E News, The Hill, The Hill’s Overnight Energy & Environment, and the Washington Examiner about the supplemental proposal.
Former Pesticide Chief: Trump Budget Would Undercut Plans
Bill Jordan, EPN member and former Deputy Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, was quoted in an article on cuts to EPA’s pesticide program in the FY2021 presidential budget.
Indiana University Experts Testify on State Lead Contamination
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article concerning testimony she gave on state lead contamination.
Why EPA employees in the Trump era say they need a Workers’ Bill of Rights
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in an article regarding the treatment of EPA employees under the Trump administration. This story was reprinted in the Stamford Advocate and the Waco Tribune-Herald.
Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) Announces Honorees and Keynote Speakers of the 16th Annual International Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference
Congratulations to Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, who will be awarded the Alan Reinstein Award by the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization at the 16th Annual International Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Conference in April. EPN will also be honored with the Tribute of Inspiration Award along with other organizations who are supporting the Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act. These announcements were mentioned in a Business Wire article and reprinted in the Odessa American.
Toxic Superfund Cleanups Decline to More Than 30-Year Low
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article on the decline of completed toxic superfund cleanups.
4 Tips for Covering EPA’s Proposed ‘Transparency in Regulatory Science’ Rule
Joseph Goffman, EPN Member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article providing tips to covering EPA’s “censored science” rule.
How Climate Whistleblowers Have Helped Our Planet
EPN members Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water and Jeff Alson, former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, were quoted in an article by PlanetWatch, which discussed the positive influences of climate change whistleblowers.
Environmental Justice Gets its Day in the Sun
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article concerning the history of the environmental justice movement and its current place in environmental policy.
Administration Eyes Changes to Environmental Enforcement
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in this article pertaining to a White House notice that sought input to reform how regulations are enforced by federal agencies.
Democrats Demand Plan as EPA Hits Largest Backlog of Toxic Waste Cleanups in 15 Years
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article discussing the EPA’s current backlog of toxic waste cleanups.
Science Ranks Grow Thin in Trump Administration
January 23, 2020 / by
Annie Gowen, Juliet Eilperin, Ben Guarino and Andrew Ba Tran /
Washington Post
Dan Costa, EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program was quoted in this article concerning the departure of scientists from federal agencies, including the EPA.
Past Racist Practice Fuels Climate Woes Today — Research
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice was quoted in this article, regarding the vulnerability of minorities to climate change and pollution. This piece also ran in Scientific American.
PPG Now Fully Lead Free, But What About Old Paint Chips?
Dr. Bernard Goldstein, EPN member and former Chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, was quoted by this article in reference to lead exposure from old paint chips.
Study Shows How Climate Change Will Affect SE Michigan
Dr. Trish Koman, EPN member and former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article concerning the effects of climate change on SE Michigan.
Why Ethanol Endures as Important Market for Midwestern Farmers
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding the political and economic importance of ethanol.
Critics Say Superfund Backlog Reflects EPA Cleanup, Funding Contradiction
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, is quoted in this article on the backlog in funding new construction work at Superfund sites.
What to do About Pollution from “forever chemicals”?
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding forever chemicals such as PFOA, PFOS, and PFAS.
EPA Says it Will Pursue New Rule to Cut Pollution from Heavy-Duty Trucks
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director of EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted by this article in reference to a new rule on heavy-duty truck pollution that the EPA is pursuing. This piece also ran in Stars and Stripes and Times Record. Margo was also quoted in similar pieces by EcoWatch and Nature World News.
EPA’s Emergency Response Has Gaps, Watchdog Reports
EPN member Bonnie Bellow, former EPA Director, Public Affairs Division, Region 2, is quoted in this article about EPA’s incomplete inventory of what emergency response equipment it owns, where the pieces are located, and whether they still work.
‘Too Valuable to Throw Away’: Brownfields Programs a Way for Former Industrial Sites to Get New Life
EPN Board member Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in this article about the Kesler Mill “brownfield” site in Salisbury, North Carolina, which has applied for a federal cleanup grant due to pollution left from its industrial past.
Science Under Attack: How Trump Is Sidelining Researchers and Their Work
EPN members Bob Kavlock, former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Research and Development, and EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science; and Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, are quoted in this article about the Trump administration’s transformation of the federal government through diminishing the role of science in federal policymaking and disrupting research projects nationwide—actions that could reverberate for years.
Great Lakes Mayors Warn Against Cut to Ecological Initiative
EPN member Dave Ullrich, former EPA Acting Regional Administrator and Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 5, was quoted in this article about the Trump administration’s potentially devastating cuts to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
Wheeler’s Science Advisory Board Revamp Plan Sparks Concerns
EPN was mentioned and member Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB), was quoted in this article about a proposed revamp of the SAB, which would strip the rank-and-file members of the ability to help decide which upcoming agency regulations warrant scrutiny. This has generated concern that it would undercut the independence of the board.
Viewpoint: South Bend Sets Target for Carbon Neutrality
EPN member Janet McCabe, former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, wrote an op-ed about the South Bend Common Council’s adoption of its own climate action plan, setting a target for carbon neutrality.
Why Young People Suffer More from Pollution
EPN member Pamela Hill, former EPA Deputy Regional Counsel in the New England Regional Office, wrote this blog entry about the intergenerational inequity of pollution and why young people are at special risk for unhealthy adulthood due to the climate crisis.
Trump Critics Press EPA To Address Advisors’ TSCA Evaluation Concerns
EPN is mentioned in this article about EPA’s draft risk evaluations for pigment violet 29 and pressure from environmentalists to revise the conclusion that the chemical does not present a significant risk to human health; it was the first completed draft risk assessment under the amended Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Trump Administration Accuses California of Water Pollution
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, is quoted in this article about the Trump Administration accusing California of failing to stop water pollution from sources such as human waste in big cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. This story also ran in the Hartford Courant.
MIT Media Lab Kept Regulators in the Dark, Dumped Chemicals in Excess of Legal Limit
Carl Reeverts, EPN member and former Project Manager, Infrastructure Branch of EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, and Deputy Director of the EPA Drinking Water Protection Division, was quoted in this article about MIT’s Media Lab dumping wastewater underground in violation of a state environmental regulation.
EPA Needs to Keep Up with Science, Do More to Protect Vulnerable Populations
EPN member Trish Koman, former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was interviewed in Mirage News about an article she and her co-authors wrote recommending key scientific and risk assessment principles to inform health protective chemical policy. Trish was quoted in similar articles in Chemical Watch, Phys.org and Futurity.
The Business Roundtable Has A Change Of Heart? I Think Not
EPN member Jeff Alson, former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article about a group of 200 CEOs of some of the country’s largest companies proposing a revised corporate idea of America in which the purpose of public companies has expanded to consider stakeholders beyond shareholders.
Investors Need to Know About Climate Risks
EPN member Dan Reich, former Assistant Regional Counsel, EPA Region 9, wrote an op-ed published in The Hill about the lack of enforcement for SEC regulations that requirie the disclosure of climate-related impacts.
Scientists Fight Trump EPA ‘Secret Science’ Proposal to Exclude Certain Research
EPN member Roy Gamse, former Deputy Assistant Administrator for Planning and Evaluation and Acting Assistant Administrator for Planning and Management, is quoted in this article about scientists pushing back against a Trump Administration proposal that would block EPA from relying on studies that don’t make their underlying data public.
Secret Science Plan Still a ‘Real Mystery’ — Agency Adviser
Roy Gamse, former Deputy Assistant Administrator for Planning and Evaluation and Acting Assistant Administrator for Planning and Management, is quoted in this article about the fact that EPA officials still have no clear answers on how fundamental aspects of the proposed censored science rule would work, according to an update recently provided to the Science Advisory Board.
Former EPA Officials Criticize Alleged Sidelining of Science
EPN members Dr. Bernard Goldstein, former chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, and Roy Gamse, former Deputy Assistant Administrator for Planning and Evaluation and Acting Assistant Administrator for Planning and Management, are quoted in this article about the Science Advisory Board’s role in consulting with EPA on its Censored Science proposal and the serious practical and ethical problems that arise from it.
Greens Win Big on Obama Ozone Standards
EPN member Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about a federal appeals court giving environmentalists a big win with the rejections of industry challenges to Obama-era ozone standards and an order for EPA to take a closer look at one part of the requirements that green groups deemed too lenient.
US EPA’s Regional Haze Guidance Gives States More Room in Weighing Costs
EPN member Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in S&P Global’s article about the recently released final regional haze guidance that gives states more leeway to weigh the cost of pollution controls against the visibility gains the equipment is expected to produce.
A New Mexico farmer is dumping 12,000 gallons of milk a day. Here’s why
EPN member Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, is quoted and interviewed in CNN’s broadcast about Americans’ tap water being contaminated with PFAS or “forever chemicals,” which don’t easily break down in the environment or the human body. The piece also ran on WHNT TV.
EPA Research Arm Can’t Measure Data’s Usefulness: Watchdog
Dan Costa, EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, is quoted in this article about a recent study by EPA’s Office of the Inspector General that shows the Office of Research and Development isn’t collecting enough feedback from outside groups to know whether its reports, databases, and software tools are useful to them.
Erasing ‘Climate Change’ From Federal Agencies Won’t Make It Go Away
EPN member Cynthia Giles, former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, wrote this op-ed about the Trump Administration encouraging federal agencies to downplay and dismiss the risks of climate change in regulations and policies. For example, the White House Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) draft guidance on how federal agencies should consider climate when they evaluate federal actions under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) makes no mention of “climate change.”
Former Officials Criticize Limited GHG Review In Draft CEQ NEPA Guide
EPN is cited in this article about criticism of the draft guidance written by the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) that instructs agencies to limit the scope of how they consider greenhouse gas emissions and climate impacts when conducting National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews.
EPA Alumni Balk at Draft NEPA Guidance
This article discusses and quotes EPN’s comments objecting to draft guidance issued by the Council on Environmental Quality to assist federal agencies in considering greenhouse gas emissions when they evaluate federal actions, like the construction of roads and pipelines, under NEPA.
EPA Advisers Slam Agency Lack of Data on Safety of Pigment
Gary Timm, EPN member and former EPA Chief of the Chemical Testing Branch of the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, is quoted in this article about EPA’s lack of scientific evidence to support the conclusion that PV29 poses no unreasonable threat.
How EPA Administrator Wheeler Completely Misinterprets Science
Dr. Bernard Goldstein, EPN member and former chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, wrote this op-ed about Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s misinterpretation of a double-blind study and the current lack of knowledgeable scientific leadership and appreciation for accurate scientific advice at EPA.
Will Trump’s New Directive ‘Lobotomize’ Federal Brain?
EPN member Betsy Southerland, former Director, EPA Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, was quoted in this article about President Trump’s executive order to cut one-third of all science advisory committees; while administration officials claim this will help save government resources, opponents argue it could further undermine the role of science in informing federal policymaking.
Trump’s Order to Trim Science Advisory Panels Sparks Outrage
EPN member Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, is quoted in this article about President Trump’s executive order to cut the number of government advisory committees by a third across all federal agencies, a move that former heads of EPA and the Interior Department say would weaken the science-based regulations process that the administration has pushed back against since Trump took office. Excerpts from this article also ran in Zodab.
Trump Order Targets Advisory Committees
EPN members Bob Kavlock, former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Research and Development, and former EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, and Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, are quoted in this article about the executive order released Friday that could make more than half of EPA’s science advisory committees vulnerable to repeal by the end of the fiscal year.
Trump on Climate Change Says ‘It changes both ways’
EPN member Mustafa Santiago Ali, former EPA Senior Advisor and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, was interviewed about the disproportionate effects of climate change on communities of color and how the climate crisis will affect these low-income communities the most. (Clip starts at approximately 1:22.)
Trump’s Order to Slash Number of Science Advisory Boards Blasted by Critics as ‘Nonsensical’
EPN members Mustafa Santiago Ali, former EPA Senior Advisor and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and former Acting Deputy Administrator, are quoted in this this article about the executive order President Trump signed late Friday to cut the number of government advisory committees by a third across all federal agencies—a move many believe is the Trump administration’s latest effort to undermine science-based and fact-supported decision-making. This story also ran in NBC Palm Springs and SocioHerald.
EPA Builds Panel to Study Health Effects of PM2.5 Changes
EPN members John Bachmann, former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article about EPA assembling an expert panel to review a draft report on techniques for estimating the health benefits of cuts in fine particulates at low levels.
Battle Over Science Roils EPA
EPN member Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, is quoted in this article about EPA’s battle with its own board of science advisers over a controversial plan to dismiss certain types of scientific research from consideration when issuing rules.
Navy official: ‘Probably’ no more removal of PFAS-contaminated soil.
EPN member Kathy Setian, former EPA Superfund Project Manager, Region 9, is quoted in the Burlington County Times article about a proactive initiative to move 3,500 tons of PFAS-contaminated soil from a closed Naval facility that went awry, and likely won’t be tried again anytime soon.
US EPA’s Science Advisory Board Votes to Review Science Transparency Proposal
EPN members Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, and Steve Silverman, former Attorney, EPA Office of General Counsel, are quoted in this article about the Science Advisory Board rejecting EPA’s call to take a narrow look at its scientific transparency proposal by voting to review it, signaling keen interest in the far-reaching consequences the proposal could have on public health and environmental regulations. A similar piece quoting Chris Zarba ran in E&E News.
EPA May Sideline Scientists in Changes to Cost-Benefit Analysis
EPN members Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, and John Bachmann, former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, are quoted in this article about EPA’s plan to forego a review by scientific advisers on the agency’s planned changes to how it justifies the need for major air regulations, which former agency employees and environmental groups say could result in weaker public health protections.
Questions Swirl as Advisers Prep for 1st Meeting in a Year
EPN members Penny Fenner-Crisp, former Senior Science Advisor to the Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, are quoted in this article about the first two-day Science Advisory Board meeting in a year, the many issues to be discussed, and the deeper questions about the venerable panel’s future role and relevance. Chris Zarba is also quoted from this article in Resilience (about halfway down the page at “Out with the old, in with the new.”).
Indiana Leaders on Climate Change React to Most Recent Federal Opposition
Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about reports the Trump Administration has ordered future climate change projections to stop at 2040, instead of 2100. This would reduce the projected impacts of climate change in a move many see as an effort to stifle work to combat climate change.
EPA Rushes Overhaul of Cancer Testing
EPN members Penny Fenner-Crisp, former Senior Science Advisor to the Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, and Dr. Bernard Goldstein, former Chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, are quoted in this article about EPA’s plans to quickly revamp its guidelines for evaluating whether environmental contaminants can cause cancer or other ailments, a move Trump administration critics fear is part of a broader effort to weaken the basis for regulating a wide range of pollutants. The article also ran in Science Magazine.
Trump Appointees Shunted Scientists on Pollution at Foxconn Site in Wisconsin
Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this Bloomberg article about EPA’s initial plan to label Racine County in Wisconsin as violating federal air quality standards for ozone in 2017, and its subsequent course reversal in 2018 after appeals by Wisconsin’s governor and the direction of then-EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. This article also ran in Nation, and similar articles also ran in earth.com, The New York Times, The Hill, KFGO and Reuters.
Utility Groups Not Criticizing New EPA Perchlorate Rules
EPN member Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and former Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in this Bloomberg article about utility groups remaining neutral on EPA’s new standards for the chemical perchlorate in drinking water until the agency releases supporting documents explaining how it chose a threshold of 56 micrograms of perchlorate per liter of water.
Former Chiefs Say Agency ‘Ripe for Oversight’
EPN Advisor William Ruckelshaus, former EPA Administrator (1970-1973 and 1983-1985), and EPN member Bonnie Bellow, former EPA Director, Public Affairs Division, Region 2, are quoted in this article about seven former EPA administrators sending a letter to Congress, offering their assistance in creating an oversight strategy and a path forward for the agency.
A Picture of the Solid Waste Industry in Today’s Climate
EPN member Mustafa Santiago Ali, former EPA Senior Advisor and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, is quoted in this article about the long history of municipal solid waste incinerators in America and the resistance among the low-income and minority communities where the vast majority are located.
EPA May Struggle to Meet Its Own Ozone Review Deadlines
EPN member John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is quoted in the Bloomberg Environment article about EPA’s goal of reviewing ozone pollution standards by the end of 2020, which may not be possible and could risk undermining the entire project.
This Town Didn’t Want to Be a Radioactive Waste Dump. The Government Is Giving Them No Choice.
Kathy Setian, EPN member and former EPA Superfund Project Manager, Region 9, is quoted in this article about a landfill—or “on-site waste disposal cell,” as the DOE calls it—being built in south central Ohio, which will be one of the largest nuclear waste dumps east of the Mississippi when finished.
Past Officials Don’t See ‘Grand Plan’ on Climate Modeling
EPN members Dan Costa, former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program; Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation; Anna Phillips, former Program Manager, EPA Office of International Affairs; and Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, are quoted in this about whether the administration might restrict the use of climate models in the future, potentially leading to large changes in public policy.
What The Hal? The Air We Breathe
Wayne Nastri, EPN member and former EPA Administrator, Region 9, was interviewed on What about the air we breathe and the progress in air quality over the years, despite Los Angeles and Southern California counties receiving a failing grade on the American Lung Association’s report card.
HBO GO Vice News
EPN member Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was interviewed in this segment comparing 2008 and 2019 versions of a guidebook on managing disaster debris. In spite of the administration’s position on climate change, the revised 2019 guidebook emphasizes the connections between natural disasters and climate, and the need to be prepared.
EPA Disregards Own Scientists on Asbestos Ban
EPN member Betsy Southerland, former Director, EPA Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in the Citizen Truth article about The New York Times report that revealed EPA officials disregarded the recommendations of their own scientists when issuing a rule that restricts Asbestos use but does not ban it.
Stalled Secret Science Rule Already Impacting Regulatory Review
EPN members John Bachmann, former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, and Betsy Southerland, former Director, EPA Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, are quoted in this article (11th from the top) about EPA’s proposed transparency rule, which would require the agency to rely only on methods and data that are specifically identified, publicly available, and substantially reproducible.
Former EPA Staffer on Why Marginalized Communities Deserve a Voice in Environmental Policy
EPN member Mustafa Santiago Ali, former EPA Environmental Justice Administrator, was interviewed on NPR Stateside about the need for marginalized communities to have a voice in environmental policy.
EPA Expands Asbestos SNUR While Curbing Risk Evaluation, Irking Critics
EPN members Robert Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator; Betsy Southerland, former Director, EPA Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water; and Gary Timm, former EPA Chief of the Chemical Testing Branch of the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, are quoted in this article about EPA’s finalized rule regulating renewed uses of asbestos, which expanded the number of applications subject to regulation but cut some of those applications from a related risk evaluation of existing uses, angering critics and renewing the call for a total ban on asbestos.
INSIGHT: EPA Groundwater Cleanup Guidance Not Protective
EPN member Betsy Southerland, former Director, EPA Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, wrote an op-ed about the Trump administration’s Draft Interim Recommendations to Address Groundwater Contaminated with PFOA and PFOS, chemicals that are part of a class of per- and polyfluorinated (PFAS) substances found in many consumer products. They persist for years in the environment and in the human body and have the potential to cause serious health effects.
Industry Raises Fears Over EPA’s Asbestos Shift But Largely Backs SNUR
EPN members Robert Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator is quoted in this article about industry lawyers who represent chemical and other industries generally backing EPA’s recently expanded significant new use rule (SNUR) governing legacy uses of asbestos.
House Panel Talks Health Effects of Climate Change
Dr. Bernard Goldstein, EPN member and former EPA Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, is quoted in this article about the House Oversight and Government Reform Environment Subcommittee’s hearing on climate change and how Congress must address increased rates of asthma, the spread of disease, and an uptick in mental and behavioral health issues linked to a warming and increasingly polluted planet.
EPA Drops Threshold From PFAS Guide, Raising Removal Bar, Critics Say
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about The White House’s decision to drop a default threshold for EPA’s groundwater cleanup guide for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The decision is sparking charges that regulators may not pursue some cleanups because they will be harder to justify.
Critics Accuse EPA of Weakening Pollution Rule for Pentagon
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about EPA’s draft PFAS guidance, which critics say would weaken the Pentagon’s obligation to deal with harmful chemicals that pollute groundwater near military bases.
Critics Pan EPA Draft of PFAS Cleanup Guidance
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about EPA’s draft guidance detailing the cleanup of PFAS chemicals from groundwater, which critics feel is too lax and ambiguous.
Is the EPA Stifling Science on Chemical Toxicity Reports?
EPN members Tom Burke, former EPA Science Advisor and Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development (ORD); Rita Schoeny, former Senior Science Advisor for the Office of Water and Office of Science Policy in the Office of Research and Development; and Dr. Bernard Goldstein, former EPA Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, are quoted in this article about EPA’s change in approach to chemical toxicity oversight.
Inside the EPA’s ‘Resistance Room,’ Where Trump Was Never President and Climate Change Is Real
EPN member Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in this article about the EPA museum, opened by EPA administrator Gina McCarthy at the end of the Obama administration, where currently the only sign of the Trump administration is a framed photo of Andrew Wheeler.
EPA Drops Emergency Trigger from PFAS Cleanup Guidance
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about EPA’s draft PFAS guidance, which does not include a trigger for federal regulators to respond immediately to sites contaminated with dangerously high levels of the chemicals, as is typically included in such documents and was part of the draft guidance sent to the White House last summer for interagency review.
White House’s Push for More Oversight of Agency Data Has Some Scientists Concerned
Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, is quoted in this article about a White House memorandum that places more oversight on federal agencies’ use of information and data for decision-making, including new requirements that raise concern about the Trump Administration attempting to sideline science.
EPA Opts to Suggest, Not Demand, Fluorinated Chemical Cleanup
Betsy Southerland, former EPA Director, Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about EPA’s draft guidance for groundwater cleanup contaminated with PFAS chemicals, which omitted an emergency trigger, potentially limiting the agency’s power to intervene in the Pentagon’s efforts to clean up the ubiquitous class of chemicals.
News Critics Fret Over EPA Request for a Little Science Advice
EPN members John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air, and Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, are quoted in this article about EPA Administrator Wheeler’s request for science advisers to consult on a narrow piece of the EPA’s proposal to restrict what science it can use—a step critics say effectively undercuts a broader review by the experts.
EPA Announces Nearly Complete Ban on Asbestos
EPN member Gary Timm, former EPA Chief of the Chemical Testing Branch, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, is quoted in this article about EPA’s Significant New Use Rule for asbestos, which will close loopholes in a decades-old partial ban. The article also ran in WRAL.com, ClickOrlando.com, News Channel 3 WREG, KPAX.com, and similar articles ran in Asbestos.com, Tech Times, FOX 43 and EcoWatch.
E.P.A. Moves to ‘Close the Door’ on Asbestos. Consumer Groups Say Loopholes Remain.
EPN member Gary Timm, former EPA Chief of the Chemical Testing Branch, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, is quoted in this article about EPA’s new regulation on asbestos, which health advocates still feel falls short of the protections needed. This article also ran in The Bulletin.
EPA Gives More Time for Input on Pigment Risk
EPN member Penny Fenner-Crisp, former EPA Senior Science Advisor to the Director, Office of Pesticide Programs, is quoted in this article about the comment period on Pigment Violet 29 being reopened due to EPA recently releasing previously restricted information about its potential health effects.
Coachella Valley Smog Has Gotten Worse, and Climate Change Could Be to Blame
EPN member and advisor, Wayne Nastri, former EPA Regional Administrator in Region 9, is quoted in this article about hotter summer weather and the threat of climate change hampering efforts to slash health-damaging ozone in Coachella Valley. Wayne was also quoted in articles on the same or similar subject in My News LA, Desert Sun and Highland News.
U.S. Court Presses Pipeline Regulator on Climate Analysis
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator, is quoted in the this article about two lawsuits that accuse the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of abdicating its duty to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas pipelines.
New Highway Chief Fought EPA Climate Rules
Margo Oge, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, and Director of the Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article about Nicole Nason, the new head of the Federal Highway Administration, trying to delay EPA efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars under President George W. Bush.
Trump Signs More Executive Orders to Push Pipeline Projects Through at All Costs
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, is quoted in this article about two executive orders meant to limit state powers to ensure that energy infrastructure projects—pipelines, in particular—aren’t held up.
Some Links to Cancer Shown in Draft Review of Common Pesticide
EPN member Tina Levine, former EPA Director, Health Effects Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, is quoted in this article about a long-awaited federal draft risk evaluation of Roundup weedkiller that finds some cancer connections.
Research Office Overhaul Takes Shape
EPN members Bob Kavlock, former EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development and EPA’s Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, and Thomas Burke, former EPA Science Advisor and Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development (ORD) and nominated by President Obama for Assistant Administrator to ORD, are quoted in this article about EPA’s Office of Research and Development’s plans to consolidate its science division.
Civil Penalties for Polluters Dropped Dramatically in Trump’s First Two Years, Analysis Shows
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, is quoted in this article about civil penalties for polluters plummeting under the Trump Administration.
After Recent CASAC Meeting, Former Chairman Says, “If I Were Still Working for EPA, I Would Resign”
EPN member Dr. Bernard Goldstein, former EPA Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, is quoted in this article about the fractious CASAC teleconference on March 28 that exposed many troubling issues in the current review of particulate matter.
Wheeler Claims He Fired US EPA Science Advisers to Meet Clean Air Act Deadlines
EPN member John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is quoted in this article about Administrator Wheeler’s claim that he disbanded two advisory panels of scientific experts because they were preventing the EPA from meeting deadlines set by the Clean Air Act.
Trump Aims to Help Polluters by Cutting Air Quality Standards
EPN member John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is quoted in this article about the Administration’s plan to dial back the standards for particulate matter. This piece also ran in Salon.
Reagan Appointee Says EPA ‘Destroying’ Science Reviews
Dr. Bernie Goldstein, EPN member and former EPA Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, is quoted in this article covering his op-ed about the Trump Administration’s unparalleled assault on the EPA’s mechanisms for ensuring independent scientific advice.
I If Were Still Working at EPA, I Would Resign
Dr. Bernie Goldstein, EPN member and former EPA Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, had his op-ed published about the assault on the independence and expertise of the scientific advisory processes. The op-ed also ran in The Salt Lake Tribune, the Charleston Gazette-Mail, the Napa Valley Register and the Santa Fe New Mexican.
States, Experts Say EPA Role on Chemicals Crucial
Taly Jolish, EPN member and former Assistant Regional Counsel, is quoted in this article about how crucial EPA regulations on PFAS chemicals are to protect public health and compel the cleanup of pollution.
Air Pollution Panel, in Divisive Session, Asks EPA to Reverse Course and Provide Expert Help
EPN member John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is quoted in this article about CASAC asking EPA to provide more expert help to review the hundreds of recent scientific studies on the effects of microscopic particles of soot on human mortality.
Reagan Appointee Says EPA ‘Disemboweling’ Program
EPN member Bernie Goldstein, former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, is quoted in this article about EPA’s decision not to release a completed review of the dangers posed by the widely used chemical formaldehyde.
EPA Science Advisers Urge New PM NAAQS Panel, Possibly Derailing Review
EPN member John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is quoted in this article about EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) urging the agency to reconstitute a specialized panel Trump officials disbanded to help review particulate matter (PM) limits.
EPA’s ‘Secret Science’ Proposal Being Used by Big Oil to Undermine Clean Water Rules
EPN member Betsy Southerland, former EPA Director, Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about two major fossil fuel trade groups lobbying to stop the EPA from updating a decades-old list of toxic chemicals found in petroleum wastewater.
EPA Is Shirking Its Responsibility to Require Chemical Safety Testing
EPN member Bob Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator, wrote this article about data acting as the lifeblood for chemical safety evaluation.
EPA Reorganization Shakes Up Research Office
EPN members Bob Kavlock, former EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development and EPA’s Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, and Thomas Burke, former EPA Science Advisor and Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development (ORD) and nominated by President Obama for Assistant Administrator to ORD, are quoted in this article about EPA’s plan to consolidate its research office, combining several of the agency’s science programs into a smaller, more streamlined division.
First-Ever Renewable Energy Day Held at the Statehouse
Janet McCabe, EPN member and Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about renewable energy advocates across Indiana assembling at the Statehouse for the first Renewable Energy Day.
Frustrated by EPA, States Blaze Ahead on PFAS
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about several states’ dissatisfaction with the EPA’s PFAS action plan, spurring them to push forward with their own policies.
Nearly All U.S. Coal Plants Are Contaminating Groundwater, Report Finds
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about contaminated groundwater due to poor regulation of coal ash waste ponds.
Research Office to ‘Coordinate’ Regional Labs
EPN Board Member Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, and EPN member Tom Burke, former EPA Science Advisor and Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development (ORD) and nominated by President Obama for Assistant Administrator to ORD, are quoted in this article about ORD acting as the national program manager for the regional labs starting in fiscal 2020.
The Green New Deal: The Good, the Bad and the Unrealistic
EPN member Bob Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator, is widely quoted in this article about the ambitious Green New Deal and its call to action.
Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water Leave Military Families Reeling
EPN member Judith Enck, former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, is quoted in this article about the Defense Department’s admission that it allowed a firefighting foam to slip into at least 55 drinking water systems at military bases around the globe, exposing tens of thousands of Americans to PFAS chemicals.
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Calls for EPA Timeline on Toxic PFAS Chemicals
EPN member Betsy Southerland, former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article on the continuing controversy over the EPA’s “action plan” for toxic PFAS chemicals.
House Panel Schedules Hearing on ‘Dismal’ EPA Enforcement Numbers
EPN member Cynthia Giles, former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, is quoted in this article about House Democrats ramping up their oversight of the Trump EPA.
US NGOs File Suit over EPA Asbestos Petition Denial
EPN member Bob Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator, is quoted in this article on a lawsuit brought by public health groups to overturn the US EPA’s denial of its petition to require expanded reporting on asbestos.
Green Justice, Hip Hop Caucus Leader Heads to NWF
EPN member Mustafa Ali, former EPA Environmental Justice Administrator, is quoted in this article about the National Wildlife Federation bringing Ali on as its first vice president for environmental justice, climate and community revitalization.
Did the Trump EPA Invoke ‘Emergency’ Rules to Allow Use of a Pesticide Harmful to Bees?
Bill Jordan, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Director, Office of Pesticide Programs, is quoted in this article about an insecticide the EPA considers “very highly toxic” to bees being sprayed on more than 16 million acres of crops known to attract bees under an emergency approval.
Scientist Says Some Pollution Is Good for You — a Disputed Claim Trump’s EPA Has Embraced
EPN member Tom Burke, former EPA Science Advisor and Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development (ORD) and nominated by President Obama for Assistant Administrator to ORD, is quoted in this article about the major White House shift to actively seek advice from industry lobbyists and the scientists they commission in setting pollution rules.
It’s Official: Trump’s Policies Deter EPA Staff from Enforcing the Law
EPN member Joel Mintz, former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, wrote this op-ed about the dismal decline in EPA enforcement under the Trump Administration.
Boston’s EPA Office Is Shrinking, and Employees Are Speaking Out
EPN member Ronnie Levin, former EPA Senior Scientist in Region 1, and Curt Spalding, former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 1, are quoted in this article about the record number of EPA employees retiring in recent years without being replaced, raising questions about whether the agency can continue meeting the demands of protecting the environment.
U.S. Unveils Plan to Control Some Toxins in Drinking Water, Sets No Limits
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article on the EPA’s proposed PFAS management plan, which did not provided a maximum contaminant level, a legal limit allowed in drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act, for the chemicals. Betsy was also quoted in similar articles in The Intelligencer, Earther and The Guardian.
EPA’s Top Leaders Stymied Research Unit, Report Finds
EPN member Bernard Goldstein, former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, is quoted in this article on an EPA research unit tasked with evaluating chemicals’ health risks hindered by the agency’s top leadership.
EPA Sets Toxins Response Plan Amid Criticism from Lawmakers
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article about EPA’s expected plan to deal with “forever” PFAS chemicals amid complaints from Congress and environmentalists that is has not moved aggressively enough to regulate them.
Major Drop in EPA FY18 Enforcement Bolsters Criticism of Trump Agenda
EPN member Cynthia Giles, former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, is quoted in this article about sharp drops in in EPA’s civil and criminal penalties, site inspections and other measures under the Trump administration.
EPA Enforcement Drops Sharply in Trump’s 2nd Year in Office
EPN member Cynthia Giles, former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, is quoted in this article about civil and criminal crackdowns on polluters dropping significantly in the 2nd year of the Trump Administration. This piece also ran in The Seattle Times.
Polluters Are Paying Much Lower Fines Under Trump, EPA Says
EPN members Dave Coursen, former EPA Office of General Counsel, and Cynthia Giles, former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, are quoted in this article about an 80% drop in some penalties levied against polluters, signaling that the EPA has become a less aggressive watchdog:. The piece also ran in Press of Atlantic City, among other outlets.
Under Trump, EPA Inspections Fall to a 10-Year Low
EPN member Cynthia Giles, former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, is quoted in this article about the EPA inspecting fewer industrial facilities during 2018 than at any time over the past decade.
Former EPA Official Asks for Polymet IG Probe
EPN member Jeffry Fowley, former EPA General Attorney, is quoted in this article about Fowley’s request that the agency’s Office of Inspector General investigate allegations of misconduct in EPA Region 5. Jeff is also quoted in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on the same topic.
‘EPA was always bad on drinking water’
Ronnie Levin, EPN member and former EPA Senior Scientist in Region 1, is quoted in this article about public health advocates finding last week’s reports that EPA would not set a legal limit for toxic PFAS chemicals in drinking water disappointing, but not surprising.
Trump’s EPA Punishes Polluters Less Than Other Administrations
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, is quoted in this article about her analysis of EPA data that shows an 85% decrease in civil penalties for polluters under the Trump administration.
Civil Penalties for Polluters Dropped Dramatically in Trump’s First Two Years, Analysis Shows
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former EPA Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, is quoted in this article about her analysis that shows civil penalties for polluters under the Trump administration plummeted during the past fiscal year to the lowest average level since 1994.
Industry, EPA Alumni Find Flaws in EPA Fluorochemical Reviews
EPN’s PFAS comments are referenced in this article on EPA’s reports on the health hazards of chemicals GenX and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS), which many groups say came too late, weren’t done correctly, and fail to address the chemicals’ presence in drinking water across the country.
Trump’s War on Science: How the US Is Putting Politics Above Evidence
EPN member and former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air, John Bachmann is quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s cuts to programs that have been proven to protect Americans, resulting in effects that could last for years.
Criminal Enforcement at Trump’s EPA Is the Lowest It’s Been in Decades: Report
EPN member Dan Reich, former EPA Assistant Regional Counsel, Region 9, is quoted in this article about the Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigating why 2018 saw fewer EPA prosecution referrals against polluters than at any other point in the past 30 years.
How Trump is redefining the EPA
EPN member and former EPA Associate National Program Director, Sustainable and Healthy Communities Research Program, Betsy Smith, is quoted in this article that takes a comprehensive look at how the Trump administration is redefining the EPA.
Trump’s EPA Is Reluctant to Punish Law-Breaking Polluters
EPN member David Janik, former EPA Supervisory Enforcement Attorney, Region 8, is quoted in this article on declining law enforcement at EPA.
EPA Staff Morale Hits Rock Bottom as Trump’s Anti-Science Agenda Takes Hold
EPN member Judith Enck, former EPA Region 2 Administrator, is quoted in this article on the declining morale at EPA due to reorganization plans and the entrenchment of Trump’s political appointees inside the Agency.
For Our Children and Grandchildren, Congress Must Support a Green Infrastructure Plan
EPN member Margo Oge, former EPA Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote this op-ed on the importance of incorporating climate action and adaptation measures into a 21st century infrastructure plan.
Study: ‘No Scientific Basis’ for Challenges to EPA Endangerment Finding
EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this WBUR News story on a new study that provides scientific proof to back the EPA’s 2009 “endangerment finding,” which labeled six greenhouse gases as pollutants that could be regulated under the Clean Air Act. Joe and Janet McCabe, EPN member, Advisor and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in Insideclimate News on the same topic.
Key Advisers Blast EPA for Firing Review Panel
Dan Costa, EPN member and former EPA National Director of the Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, is quoted in this article about two of Acting Administrator Wheeler’s appointees to the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), calling for the reconstitution of a Particulate Matter review panel.
The Latest Chapter in EPA vs Environmental Science Saga
EPN member Bernie Goldstein, former EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development and Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), wrote this op-ed on EPA’s divorce proceedings against science.
Science Adviser Allowed Oil Group to Edit Research
EPN member John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air, is quoted in this article on Chairman of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Tony Cox allowing the American Petroleum Institute to help finance his research into particulate matter pollution, as well as proofread and copy edit his findings before they were published.
Emails Show Staff Wary of Pruitt’s Science Board ‘Agenda’
EPN member Chris Zarba, former EPA Director of Science Advisory Board, is quoted in Greenwire’s article on EPA staffers’ alarm after former Administrator Scott Pruitt signaled plans to alter the makeup of the agency’s scientific advisory boards.
Emails: EPA Staffers Freaked When Pruitt Tried to Stage Climate-Change Debate
EPN members Dan Costa, former EPA Director of the Air, Climate and Energy Research Program, and Robert Kavlock, former EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development and Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, are quoted in this article on how deeply shaken the EPA staff was that politics could overtake scientific consensus on the climate change issue if Pruitt’s proposed debate took place. They are also quoted in Climatewire’s piece on the same topic, and Dan is quoted in The Hill as well.
How George H.W. Bush (Eventually) Rescued U.S. Wetlands
EPN members Ellen Gilinsky, former Associate Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water at the EPA, and Robert Wayland, former EPA Director of the Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds in the Office of Water, are quoted in this article on Bush’s “no net loss of wetlands” pledge and how it finally came to regulatory fruition under his son George W. Bush’s administration.
The EPA Has Lost Its Mind
EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article on the Administration’s misleading, oversimplified, and politicized view of the National Climate Assessment.
‘It’s Not a Happy Place’
EPN member and advisor Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in E&E’s article on the current climate at the EPA for climate staffers: flagging morale, staff cuts and a lack of support for their work.
US EPA Research Plan Focuses on Energy Transition, Wildfire Air Pollution
EPN member Dan Costa, former EPA Director of the Air, Climate and Energy Research Program, is quoted in this article on the EPA’s plan to ramp up research on air pollution caused by wildfires and the states’ ability to meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, despite the Air and Energy Subcommittee dropping “climate change” from its top research objective.
How CA Wildfires Are Evolving
EPN member John Kennedy, former EPA Staff, Region 9, serving the Pacific Southwest region of California, Nevada and Arizona, was interviewed on BuzzFeed’s AMtoDM. Here he discusses California’s new abnormal year-round fire season caused by the drying effects of climate change.
How Wildfires Impact People’s Health
EPN member John Kennedy, former EPA Staff, Region 9, serving the Pacific Southwest region of California, Nevada and Arizona, was interviewed on BuzzFeed’s AMtoDM on the effects wildfires, like those in California, have on public health.
‘Shadow’ Reviews by Former CASAC Members Could Help Defend NAAQS
EPN members Chris Zarba, former EPA Staff Director of the Science Advisory Board, and John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air, were quoted in Inside EPA’s piece on in-depth “shadow” reviews planned by former members of EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), which could help defend the PM and ozone national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS).
Red Tides: An Unwelcome Reminder that Water Quality Matters
EPN member James Giattina, former EPA Director, Water Protection Division, Region 4, Atlanta, and Director of the Gulf Program, wrote an op-ed on the red tides in Florida and their reminder that our efforts to restore the nation’s waters to a healthy condition are far from complete.
The Assault Against Science Continues at the E.P.A.
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former EPA Staff Director of the Science Advisory Board, wrote this op-ed published in The New York Times on EPA’s assaults on science under the current administration, despite the fact that EPA relies on science to protect our country’s health, safety and quality of life.
Red Tides: An Unwelcome Reminder that Water Quality Matters
EPN member James Giattina, former EPA Director, Water Protection Division, Region 4, Atlanta, and Director of the Gulf Program, wrote on op-ed published in the Sun Sentinel on the red tides in Florida and their reminder that our efforts to restore the nation’s waters to a healthy condition are far from complete.
The EPA Completely Axed Its Climate Change Websites. But Why Are NASA’s Still Live?
EPN members Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, and Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 (Atlanta) and 6 (Dallas), and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, are quoted in Mashable’s article on the EPA’s eliminated climate change web pages.
‘It’s a Ghost Page’: EPA Site’s Climate Change Section May Be Gone for Good
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator under President Obama, is quoted in The Guardian’s article about the uncertainty of whether climate change information that said humans were warming the planet, which was taken off of the EPA website last year, will ever return.
Trump’s Air Pollution Adviser: Clean Air Saves No Lives
EPN members Chris Zarba, former EPA Director of the Science Advisory Board, and John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director in the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, are quoted in Reveal’s article on Tony Cox, who heads the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee under the current Administration and has made his living challenging established science on behalf of industry.
Justice Delayed: Mercedes-Benz’s Diesel Pollution Remains Unprosecuted
Joel Mintz, EPN member, professor and former EPA Enforcement Attorney and Supervisory Attorney in Chicago and Washington, D.C., wrote a blog piece for the Center for Progressive Reform on the delayed prosecution of Mercedes-Benz’s alleged use of software to override pollution control devices in its diesel cars.
EPA Scraps Pair of Air Pollution Science Panels
EPN member Chris Zarba, former EPA Director of the Scientific Advisory Board, comments on the consequences of the EPA’s recent dismissal of two air pollution science panels.
Wheeler Bumps More Academics from Advisory Panel
EPN member Chris Zarba, the former EPA Director of the Scientific Advisory Board, is quoted in the E&E News article on Administrator Wheeler displacing several academic researchers from the advisory committee with new appointees drawn mainly from state and local regulatory agencies.
Quoted: Former EPA Scientist Attacks Pruitt’s ‘Contempt’ for Agency
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former EPA Director, Office of Science & Technology in the Office of Water, is quoted in this article on the Trump Administration’s industry-friendly policies and the post-Trump rebuilding plan in the works.
Experts Spar Over US EPA’s Proposed Science Transparency Rule
EPN members John Bachmann and Chris Zarba are quoted in this S&P Global article about the Trump Administration’s proposed “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” rule and its possible link to recent efforts to weaken major air pollution regulations.
EPA Excluded Its Own Top Science Officials When It Rewrote Rules on Using Scientific Studies
EPN member John Bachmann is quoted in this Washington Post piece about the EPA’s proposed “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science Rule,” which will bar the EPA from considering a wide range of scientific studies in its rule-making.
The EPA’s Bold New Idea Has Massive Implications for Public Health
John Bachmann, EPN member and former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs in the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is quoted in this article about the EPA’s “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science Rule,” which will bar the EPA from considering a wide range of scientific studies in its rule-making.
Former EPA Officials in Indiana Say Plans to Downgrade Science Office Wrong Move
EPN member and advisor Janet McCabe is quoted on her concerns about the role of science in the EPA under the current administration in this WBOI NPR story.
EPA to Dissolve Office of Science Advisor
Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 (Atlanta) and 6 (Dallas), and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, is interviewed on NPR’s All Things Considered with Dan Boyce about the EPA dissolving the Office of the Science Advisor.
Trump’s EPA Makeover Could Put Regional Offices on Shorter Leash
EPN members Robert Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator, and Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 (Atlanta) and 6 (Dallas), and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, comment on the restructure of the EPA’s regional offices, which has some current and former agency staff concerned about enforcement, staff levels and leadership, in this Bloomberg Environment piece.
Angriff aug die Wissenschaft
EPN members Chris Zarba, Dan Costa, and Bob Kelly are quoted in this German magazine article on what it is like to work for the EPA under an administration that is hostile to the organization.
With a Shrinking EPA, Trump Delivers on His Promise to Cut Government
EPN members Christopher Zarba, Betsy Smith, and Daniel Costa are quoted in this article about the mass exodus from the EPA in the first 18 months of the Trump administration. The agency’s workforce has shrunk by 8 percent, leaving many wondering what important work is falling through the cracks. This article also ran in the Chicago Tribune, and Betsy Smith and Daniel Costa were quoted in a similar article from Common Dreams.
Trump’s Proposal to Replace the Clean Power Plan Endangers Public Health and the World’s Climate
EPN member, former EPA Enforcement Attorney and Professor of Law Emeritus Joel Mintz criticizes the proposal to replace the Clean Power Plan as insufficient and far too weak.
New Federal Coal Ash Rules Unlikely To Impact Statewide Cleanup Plans
Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 (Atlanta) and 6 (Dallas), and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, spoke to WFDD public radio about proposed coal ash rules and possible implications for North Carolina.
To kill climate rule, EPA wants to redefine danger of soot
EPN members John Bachmann and Janet McCabe are quoted in this article about the Clean Power Plan rollback and proposal to change cost-benefit analysis at the EPA.
Administration Proposes Rolling Back Fuel Economy Standards
Margo Oge, former Director of the EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality and EPN member, describes the dangerous and lasting impacts of the administration’s proposed roll back of fuel economy standards.
New EPA administrator, same menace to the environment
EPN member and Professor of Law Emeritus Joel Mintz warns that Andrew Wheeler is equally as committed to regulatory rollbacks as Pruitt and is likely to be more successful with their implementation.
Here’s how the EPA might be different under Andrew Wheeler
EPN members Steve Silverman and Janet McCabe are quoted about differences between Scott Pruitt and Andrew Wheeler. They discuss how Wheeler’s background in science and previous Washington experience will show in his behavior.
Trump’s EPA rule would censor science, putting public health at risk
Lynn Goldman, EPN member and former EPA Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances, wrote about her concerns regarding the proposed “censored science” rule. She emphasizes three protections that, if removed, would put public health at risk.
Kavanaugh may limit environmental protections if confirmed to Supreme Court
EPN member and Professor of Law Emeritus Joel Mintz warns that based on his writings and votes, Judge Brett Kavanaugh could seriously curtail environmental protections if confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court.
Science under siege: behind the scenes at Trump’s troubled environment agency
EPN members Dan Costa and Christopher Zarba are interviewed about the changes in daily life for scientists at the EPA brought on by Scott Pruitt’s administration. He and other EPA employees reflect on the uncertainty and staff perseverance during the first 18 months under Pruitt.
Former Coal Lobbyist Now Free to Shape Coal Regulations as EPA Chief
Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 (Atlanta) and 6 (Dallas), and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, spoke to WYPR public radio on the question of Wheeler’s limited recusal from his past lobbying interests.
Pruitt’s only saving grace was an inability to advance his proposals — Wheeler won’t have that problem
EPN Executive Director Michelle Roos and her co-author focus on how their polluted childhood hometown of Pittsburgh was transformed into a clean and thriving city thanks to environmental and public health protections once ensured by EPA.
Former Head of EPA Science Advisory Board Details Harm Under Scott Pruitt
Chris Zarba, EPN member who retired in February as head of EPA’s Science Advisory Board is interviewed about the damage to EPA programs and policies on Scott Pruitt’s watch. He is joined by Mustafa Ali, former director of EPA’s environmental Justice Program, who describes the rollback of protections for vulnerable communities imposed by the Pruitt administration.
Scott Pruitt’s Replacement is Even Worse
EPN Advisory Council Co-Chair and former EPA Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe and Stan Meiburg, EPN Board member and Advisor, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Regions 4 (Atlanta) and 6 (Dallas), and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator, are interviewed on the changes likely to come under Andrew Wheeler’s leadership of EPA.
The Energy 202: Trump Appointee at EPA to Scrutinize Which Pollution Cases May Go to Court
EPN member George Czerniak is quoted in this article on a Trump appointee at the EPA reviewing which pollution violations are referred to the Justice Department. A move some former officials see as providing the opportunity to stifle enforcement of anti-pollution laws.
For Former EPA Worker, Now Is No Time to Stay Silent
Much of EPN member John Kennedy’s three decades at the EPA’s San Francisco office was spent protecting clean air. Along with his passions for community and volunteer work, Kennedy is now spending a politically engaged retirement speaking out against the Trump/Pruitt administration.
Radio Interview with EPN Member John Kennedy, Region 9
EPN member John Kennedy – who worked 30+ years at EPA – speaks about what led him to the agency, his retirement and ongoing volunteer and community work and the importance of protecting clean air in the face of his own lung disease and Administrator Scott Pruitt’s efforts to undermine essential regulations.
I Used to Work at the EPA. Now I Have Lung Disease and Depend on It.
John Kennedy is an EPN member and EPA retiree. He spent more than 30 years at the EPA developing systems to protect clean air and mitigate toxic contamination–systems he now relies heavily upon due to his advanced lung disease. This is his op-ed in USA Today.
The EPA Killed This Newspaper’s Funding. Was It Something They Said?
Nick DiPasquale, retired head of the Chesapeake Bay Program in Annapolis, and Rich Kuhlman, who spent 30 years working on grants at the EPA, are both current EPN members and are quoted in this story about the Bay Journal’s loss of EPA grant funding, a possible violation of its First Amendment rights.
Former EPA employees sat around a campfire to tell scary stories about Trump’s EPA
EPN members Betsy Southerland, Mustafa Santiago Ali, Brendan Doyle, and Lynda Deschambault share stories about EPA work under Trump and what pushed them to leave.
Under Siege—Again
EPN member Cheryl Wasserman served for 43 years in senior positions in the EPA’s policy and enforcement offices. This is her article about the threat EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt poses to environmental enforcement.
That Must Be the World’s Longest-Running Conspiracy
EPN member Bill Painter spent 27 years at the EPA as a scientist. In this Correspondent of the Day piece, he presents scientific facts supporting climate change in response to Tom Eaton’s claim that progressives profit from climate change.
WorkWeek Interview with Kathy Setian
EPN member Kathy Setian, who was a project manager at the EPA and is a delegate from IFPTE Local 20, is interviewed by WorkWeek Radio as they examine the growing crisis at the EPA and the need to have labor united to defend our air, water, and environment.
The EPA’s News Office Turned Itself into a Bad News Story in 2017
Former EPA public affairs official, Bonnie Bellow, and Carol Campbell, a former EPA regional administrator, are EPN members quoted in this article about the methods Pruitt’s EPA uses to deal with bad press: openly fighting with reporters and hiring political operatives to monitor the news.
Brain Drain at the EPA
EPN members Robert Kavlock and Lynda Deschambault are quoted in this article about the huge loss of scientists and environmental protection specialists at the EPA under Trump’s administration due to poor morale and a sense of grievance at the agency.
E.P.A. Officials, Disheartened by Agency’s Direction, Are Leaving in Droves
EPN members Rob Kavlock, Ronnie Levin and Lynda Deshaumbault are quoted in this article which examines deteriorating morale at the EPA under Pruitt.
EPA Using Controversial Process to Push Cleanup of America’s Most Toxic Sites
Lynda Deschambault, EPN member and former remediation project manager at the Leviathan Superfund site in California, is quoted in this piece on Pruitt’s move toward “lean” methods to accelerate cleanup at Superfund sites.
Pruitt’s EPA Turns to ‘Lean Manufacturing’ to Speed Up Reviews
EPN member George Wyeth, a career EPA attorney who retired in 2017, is quoted in this article on Pruitt’s turn to “lean manufacturing” to revamp processes at the EPA and speed up regulatory approvals.
What Cutting EPA Enforcement Means—And What You Can Do About It.
EPN member Dan Reich retired in April 2017, after a career which included serving as a U.S. Department of Justice Civil Division Trial Attorney and an Assistant Regional Counsel at EPA Region 9 in San Francisco. This is his piece on what is really at stake for American families in the wake of the Trump administration’s budget cuts to enforcement.
EPA Set to Mark Its 47th Anniversary
Interviewed by KJZZ in Phoenix, Ruth Greenspan Bell is a public policy scholar, former federal employee who managed EPA lawyers, and a founding member of EPN. Here she talks about Administrator Pruitt’s shakeup of the EPA by moving away from science and many of the core EPA values.
Scientists Speak out About What’s Going on Behind the Scenes at the EPA
Trish Koman, a former EPA scientist; Betsy Southerland, former director of science and technology at the Office of Water; and Mike Cox, a former EPA scientist who focused on water protection and greenhouse gas reductions, are current EPN members and are quoted in this article, which provides a behind-the-scenes perspective of the less-than-transparent Pruitt EPA.
Amid ‘Nightmare’ Budget Cuts, EPA Closing Its Richmond Lab
EPN member Kathy Setian, who worked at EPA Region 9 as a Superfund project manager for more than 20 years before retiring in 2012, is quoted in this article about the closure of the Region 9 Richmond lab. Critics say this move will cripple the agency’s ability to do testing and analysis in the region.
Evidence of Spills at Toxic Site in Texas During Floods After Harvey
EPN member Thomas Voltaggio, a retired EPA official who oversaw Superfund cleanups and emergency responses for more than two decades, is quoted in this piece on evidence of toxic spills during the floods after Hurricane Harvey.
Don’t call climate-skeptic nonprofits ‘charities’
EPN member Lori Stewart, former Chief of Staff of the EPA Office of Air and Radiation, responds to oil funded non-profit groups being characterized as “charities” in an earlier Washington Post story.
EPA Won’t Be Able to Do the ‘Right Thing’ Under Trump, Says Latest Protesting Official
EPN member Betsy Southerland is the former Director of Science and Technology in the EPA’s Office of Water. In this Washington Post article, she denounces the destructive environmental policies of Trump and Administrator Pruitt.
Why We Can’t Just Leave Environmental Protection to the States
Cynthia Giles is the former head of the EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance and a current member of EPN. This is her opinion piece on how the EPA’s retreat from enforcement will result in an emboldened industry and weakened states, where in many cases laws simply won’t be enforced.
EPA Administrator Pruitt Made the Wrong Call on a Toxic Pesticide
William Jordan was the deputy director for programs at the Environmental Protection Agency’s office of Pesticide Programs from 2012 to 2016. Now an EPN member, Jordan’s op-ed was published in The Washington Post.
Regulatory Rollbacks
Trump EPA Expected to Slow PFAS Actions, But Vary On Rule Repeals
Betsy Southerland, former Director of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article discussing how the Trump administration could undo EPA’s recent progress on PFAS regulation by rolling back or failing to defend new rules in court.
Industry Eyes Swift Changes on Wetland Permitting Under Trump
Ellen Gilinsky, former Associate Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article discussing how many wetland permitting responsibilities may be pushed to the states, which may not have enough funding to support expanded environmental programs.
Inside the Project 2025 Plan to Gut Climate Regs
Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in Politico about EPA’s chapter in Project 2025 which maps out plans to cut climate regulations, going beyond what was done in Trump’s first administration.
Clean Air Act Gets Boost as Court Dumps Trump Carbon Rule
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejecting the Trump administration’s Affordable Clean Energy Rule.
An EPA Stealth Assault on the Rule of Law
David Coursen, EPN member and former attorney, EPA Office of General Counsel, penned this op-ed concerning EPA’s final “Censored Science” rule.
Trump’s EPA Team Overrules Career Scientists on Toxic Chemical
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article about changes to the safety assessment for the chemical PFBS, which overruled findings by EPA career officials.
Trump EPA Rule Restricts How Science Is Used in Environmental Regulations, Gives Polluters Cause For Legal Challenges
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding the finalization of EPA’s “Censored Science” rule.
New Trump EPA Rule Against “Junk Science” Trashes Real Science
EPN members Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, and Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, were quoted in this article regarding the finalization of the “Censored Science” rule, which would change how public health studies can be used for future pollution control rules. Betsy was quoted in similar articles by Bloomberg, Politico, and E&E News.
EPA Finalizes Rule to Limit Science Behind Public Health Safeguards
EPN members Tom Sinks, former Director, EPA Office of the Science Advisor, and Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, were quoted in this article about the finalization of the “Censored Science” rule, which would change what public health studies EPA can use to create future pollution controls. Tom and Chris were quoted in a similar article by Common Dreams. Tom was also quoted in articles by Axios and Earth Island Journal.
Trump Administration Finalizes Its Garbage ‘Secret Science’ Rule
John Bachmann, EPN member former Associate Director for Science and Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article concerning EPA’s finalized “Censored Science” rule, which would require public health scientists to disclose their raw data in order for their research to be considered in pollution control rules. John was also quoted in a similar article by Utility Dive.
EPA Unveils Controversial Rule That Could Weaken Role of Key Research
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, was quoted in this article on EPA’s finalization of its “censored science” rule, which would deprioritize scientific studies that rely on confidential public health data. Chris was quoted in similar articles by the Associated Press, CBS News, The Wall Street Journal, The Hill, The Guardian, CQ Roll Call, Reuters, S&P Global, Washington Examiner, Government Executive, and EcoWatch among others.
EPA Leaves Ozone Pollution Standard Unchanged
John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science and Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s decision to retain current national ozone standards set in 2015. John was quoted in a similar article by E&E News.
EPA Finalizes New Lead and Copper Rules for Drinking Water
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s recently finalized Lead and Copper Rule. Mustafa was also quoted in a similar article in The Hill.
Trump Administration Keeps Existing Smog Limits, Rejecting Calls to Toughen Them
Bernard Goldstein, former Chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, was quoted in this article concerning EPA’s decision to not strengthen the existing national ozone standards. Bernard was quoted in a similar article in The Wall Street Journal.
EPA Requires Lead Testing for Schools, Day Care Centers, But Fails to Speed Up Lead Line Removal
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article regarding the finalization of EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule.
Can Joe Biden Rebuild the Ravaged US Environmental Protection Agency?
EPN members Bob Kavlock, former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Research and Development and EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, and Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, were quoted in this article about the damage sustained to EPA under the current administration and what will be required to build back its capacity.
Trump EPA Finalizes Cost-Benefit Rule That Makes Most Air Pollution Regulations Too Expensive to Implement
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in an article by the Indiana Environmental Reporter concerning EPA’s final rule that would change how the costs and benefits of clean air rules are calculated.
EPA Declines to Issue Stricter Particulate Matter Pollution Rules
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on the environmental justice consequences of EPA’s decision to retain current particulate matter standards.
Cracking Down on Soot Pollution Could Save Thousands of Lives—but the EPA Won’t do it
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the consequences of EPA’s decision to retain current particulate matter standards.
New Trump Rule Aims to Limit Tough Clean Air Measures Under Biden
Roy Gamse, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy, was quoted in this article concerning EPA’s decision to finalize a rule that would alter how the agency calculates the costs and benefits of air rules. Roy was also quoted in articles by Reuters, DeSmogBlog, Gizmodo, Common Dreams, Inside EPA, and EcoWatch.
US EPA Retains Soot Standards in Move Critics say only Delays ‘the Inevitable’
John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science and Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s finalization of its decision to retain and not tighten current particulate matter standards.
Trump Administration Pushes ‘Midnight Regulations’ After Breaking Records for Final-Year Rulemaking
December 6, 2020 / by
Maegan Vazquez, Ellie Kaufman, Katie Lobosco, Janie Boschma and Marshall Cohen /
Tom Sinks, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article on EPA’s push to finalize regulations before the current administration leaves office.
EPA’s Scientific Integrity in Question Over Science Rule
Tom Sinks, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of the Science Advisor, published this op-ed on EPA’s “censored science” rule.
E.P.A.’s Final Deregulatory Rush Runs Into Open Staff Resistance
EPN members Tom Sinks (former Director, EPA Office of the Science Advisor), Tom Burke (former Science Advisor and Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Research and Development), Judith Enck (former Regional Administrator for EPA Region 2), and Chris Zarba (former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board) were quoted in this article regarding staff resistance to the potential finalization of EPA’s “censored science” rule.
McCabe: Biden Will Reverse Trump Environmental Policies
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, wrote this op-ed regarding what steps the Biden administration might take in reversing the environmental policies of the Trump administration.
EPA Science Transparency Rule Faces Two Potential Paths to Revocation in Biden Administration
EPN members Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, and Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, were quoted in this article concerning the potential finalization of EPA’s “censored science” rule.
Trump Races Clock on Remaining Environmental Rollbacks
EPN members Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting EPA Deputy Administrator, and Betsy Southerland, Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted in this article on remaining EPA priorities under the current administration.
Biden EPA Likely to Confront Tough Clean Air Act Choices for US Power Sector
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article regarding President-Elect Biden’s environmental agenda and whether he will issue a revamped version of the Clean Power Plan. Janet was also quoted in an E&E News article regarding four potential policy targets for EPA under a Biden administration.
Environmentalists, Obama Veterans on Biden Transition Teams
Congratulations to EPN members Cynthia Giles, former Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, and Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, for being chosen to help lead the EPA transition team for the Biden administration. Cynthia and Joe were mentioned in this article and several others including Politico, Bloomberg (2), E&E News, E&E News (2), Reuters, S&P Global, and Inside EPA among many others. Also, congratulations to fellow EPN member Nikki Buffa, former Deputy Chief of Staff at the Department of Interior, for her inclusion on the Council for Environmental Quality (CEQ) transition team.
Trump’s Environment Agency Seems to be at war with the Environment, say Ex-Officials
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article concerning the current administration’s environmental agenda.
EGEB: Trump ends protection of 55% of US’ largest national forest
EPN was mentioned in this article regarding the updated release of its “Trump Environmental Record.”
Trump’s EPA Rewrote the Rules on Air, Water Energy. Now Voters Face a Choice on Climate Change Issues
EPN members Joe Goffman (former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation), Curt Spalding (former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 1), and Betsy Southerland (former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water,) were quoted in this article regarding EPA’s environmental agenda under the first term of the current administration.
Eco-Radio With Mark Hague
Mark Hague, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator and Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 7, was interviewed on this radio station regarding environmental rollbacks at EPA.
US EPA Contractors Must Adhere to Scientific Integrity Policy
Robert Kavlock, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Research and Development and EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science, was quoted in this article on EPA contractors having to adhere to EPA’s policy to protect scientific integrity.
Trump EPA’s Water Rule Will Swamp Midwest Communities
Art Smith, EPN member and former EPA senior attorney, penned this op-ed concerning the current administration’s rollback of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule and its potential effect on midwest states.
How President Trump’s Deregulatory Approach to the Environment Could Impact Indiana
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on how environmental deregulation could affect Indiana.
Judges Hear Arguments in President Trump’s Biggest Climate Rollback
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding an upcoming hearing in the U.S. Court of Appeals, which could curtail EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. Joe was quoted in a similar article by E&E News.
Critics of Pending EPA Lead Water Rule Face Tough Call on Filing Lawsuit
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article regarding the current administration’s proposed rollbacks to the Lead and Copper Rule.
As the West Burns, the Trump Administration Races to Demolish Environmental Protections
EPN members Dr. Bernard Goldstein, former chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted in this article on how the administration’s rollback of environmental regulations exacerbate the consequences of climate change.
Trump’s Climate Change Rollbacks to Drive Up U.S. Emissions
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article concerning the increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks.
Trump EPA Eases Regulations on Toxic Metal Dumped in Water Bodies
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding the Trump administration’s rollback of a rule regulating toxic dumping from coal power plants.
Trump EPA Guts Tough Standards for Toxic Metals Dumped into US Waterways by Coal-Fired Power Plants, Including Biggest Polluter on Lake Michigan
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning the rollback of coal waste standards by the Trump administration.
EPA’s Birthday Gift to America: More Pollution
David Coursen, EPN member and former lawyer in EPA’s Office of General Counsel, published this op-ed concerning the proposed agenda by Administrator Wheeler for a second term at EPA.
Critics Fault Major Wheeler Speech For Sidestepping Climate Change
Betsy Southerland, Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article and EPN was mentioned regarding priorities for a second term under the current administration during a speech on the 50th anniversary of EPA.
Trump Will Roll Back More Regulations if Re-Elected, EPA Chief Says
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding a speech Administrator Wheeler gave on the 50th anniversary of EPA, where he called for more rollbacks of environmental regulations.
Trump Administration Weakens Coal Waste Rules in Latest Environmental Rollback
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed in this segment regarding a Trump administration rule that would roll back coal waste regulations.
New Law for a New Century: NEPA ‘Modernization’ Could Limit Public Input on Environmental Impacts, Lawyers Say
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding the Trump administration’s revisions to the National Environmental Policy Act.
Environmentalists, Health Advocates Press EPA For Stricter Ozone NAAQS
EPN members John Bachmann (former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards), Dr. Bernard Goldstein (former chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development), and Vijay Limay (NRDC, former Physical Scientist, Air Monitoring and Analysis Section, Air and Radiation Division, EPA Region 5), were quoted in this article regarding an EPA public hearing on the agency’s decision to retain ground-level ozone national ambient air quality standards.
Trump Administration Finalizes Coal Plant Pollution Rollback
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning the finalization of a rule that will rollback wastewater regulations from coal-fired power plants. This article was reprinted by NBC News, PBS NewsHour, and Montana Public Radio. Betsy was also quoted in similar articles by The Guardian, Politico, The Hill, Common Dreams, Courthouse News Service, Ecowatch, and Wake Up Wyoming with Glen Woods.
Biden Would Face Slog to Ditch Trump’s WOTUS
EPN members Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted in this article on the problems associated with scrapping the Trump administration’s WOTUS definition, including lengthy rulemaking and an onslaught of opposition from industry, ranching, and agricultural interests.
Under the Radar Rollback of Stream and Wetland Protections
EPN members Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, published this op-ed concerning the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ proposed rule to weaken its nationwide permit system.
Trump’s Climate Dismantling Complete with Methane Rollback
Ellen Kurlansky, EPN member and former Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article concerning the Trump administration’s final methane rule, which would rescind EPA’s authority to regulate methane leaks.
Former EPA Heads say EPA Needs “Reset” After Election
EPN, was quoted in this article regarding the release of its Resetting the Course of EPA recommendations and a letter of support signed by six former EPA administrators from both Democratic and Republican administrations.
Trump Administration Rolls Back Curbs on Oil Industry Methane Emissions
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article concerning the Trump administration’s final methane rule, which would rescind EPA’s authority to regulate methane leaks.
Trump Administration Scraps Limits on Methane Leaks at Oil and Gas Sites
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article concerning the Trump administration’s final methane rule, which would rescind EPA’s authority to regulate methane leaks. Mustafa was also quoted in a similar article by InsideClimate News.
Resetting the EPA
EPN was featured in this podcast regarding a letter signed by six former EPA administrators from both Democratic and Republican administrations supporting EPN’s recently released “Resetting the Course of EPA” report. EPN was also featured on Politico’s Morning Energy blog.
More Methane: US Rolls Back Curbs on the Powerful Greenhouse Gas
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding the Trump administration’s final methane rule, which would limit EPA’s ability to regulate methane leaks.
Pipeline Plan Could Mean Fewer Stream Protections, Critics Say
Ellen Gilinsky, EPN member and former Associate Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning a plan by the Army Corps of Engineers to revise some Clean Water Act permits.
EPA Rule Extends Life of Toxic Coal Ash Ponds
Daniel Costa, EPN member and former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, was quoted in this article concerning a final rule by EPA that would extend the life of coal ash ponds.
Trump’s Vehicle Emissions Rollback Faces EPA Inspector General Probe
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding an investigation into the Trump administration’s vehicle emission rollback.
EPA Watchdog Kicks Off Probe After Agency Slashed Fuel Efficiency Regs
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article regarding a Congressional probe into EPA’s Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule.
Jonathan P. Baird: A Track Record of Increasing Pollution
EPN’s Trump Administration Environmental Record was featured in this article regarding the environmental rollbacks under the Trump administration.
EPA Is Combating Overregulation by Over-Regulating
EPN member Roy Gamse (former EPA Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy) and EPN Board Member Rob Wolcott (former EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator for Policy) penned this op-ed on an EPA proposed rule that would revise the consideration of cost-benefit analysis on actions under the Clean Air Act.
Trump Reins in Major Environmental Law to Speed Big Projects
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in an article regarding the Trump administration’s finalization of its rollback to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which will streamline permitting for large infrastructure projects. This article was reprinted in The New York Times. Mustafa was quoted in similar articles by The Verge, Gizmodo, Electrek, the National Catholic Reporter, and dozens of other publications.
Trump Slashed a Major Environmental Rule. That’s Just the Beginning.
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s finalization of its NEPA rollback, which will streamline large infrastructure projects.
EPA Doesn’t Plan to Tighten Standards for Smog
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on EPA’s decision to retain its current standards for ground-level ozone pollution.
How Joe Biden Could Undo Trump’s Damage to Environment
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the potential for a new administration to reverse the rollbacks of the Trump administration.
‘It’s Not Too Late’ with Ginger Zee: What You Need to Know About the Environment
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was interviewed in this video regarding the Trump administration’s rollback of the National Environmental Policy Act.
Pollution Experts Fear EPA Cost-Benefit Rule Downplays Ozone Harms
Roy Gamse, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy, was quoted in this article on how a proposed rule modifying how benefits are calculated under Clean Air Act actions could downplay the harmful effects of ground-level ozone.
Air Pollution Causes Premature Death — Definitive New Harvard Study
John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science and Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article concerning evidence that definitively links particulate matter to an increase in premature deaths. John was quoted in a similar article in DeSmogBlog.
Taking on Trump’s EPA Rollbacks with Betsy Southerland of the Environmental Protection Network
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was interviewed and EPN was mentioned on this podcast concerning EPA’s rollbacks under the Trump administration.
What Happened to the EPA?
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article about EPA under the Trump administration.
‘Firing Up the Bulldozers’: Revamped WOTUS is Here
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule, which narrows the scope of wetlands and waterways protected under the Clean Water Act. Mark was quoted in a subsequent E&E News article on lawsuits being filed against the rule.
Trump and EPA Have Been Making Controversial Decisions Over America’s Air Quality During Coronavirus Pandemic
EPN members Joseph Goffman (former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation), Ellen Kurlansky (former Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation), and Janet McCabe (former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation) were quoted in this article about the negative effects the Trump administration’s deregulatory campaign is having on air quality during the pandemic.
Trump EPA’s Refusal to Strengthen Air Quality Standards Most Likely to Harm Communities of Color, Experts Say
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s decision to retain existing particulate matter standards and the harm it will have on communities of color.
‘Unexplored Territory.’ Trump Jumps Into Legal Limbo on NEPA
Joel Mintz, EPN member and former EPA Enforcement and Supervisory Attorney, was quoted in this article on a recent executive order by President Trump that asks federal agencies to waive environmental reviews on infrastructure projects being built during the pandemic. Joel was quoted in similar articles by S&P Global, Utility Dive, the Inquisitr, The Architects Newspaper, the Global Government Forum, and Red Green & Blue.
Will Trump’s EPA Rule Backfire on ‘Energy Dominance’?
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article on EPA’s final rule on section 401 of the CWA, which would curtail the ability of the states to reject pipelines and other energy projects.
Trump’s Latest Environmental Rollback Threatens Minority Communities, Experts Warn
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article regarding a recent executive order that asks federal agencies to waive required environmental reviews and the effects it would have on minority communities. Mustafa was quoted in a similar article by E&E News.
Communities of Color Most at Risk From EPA Air Standard Policy Proximity Leads to More Incidences
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was also quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article regarding EPA’s decision to retain current particulate matter standards and the adverse effects it will have on communities of color. Mustafa was quoted in a similar article concerning pollution and environmental racism by Gizmodo.
Ex-EPA staffer on Leaked Water Research, ‘Insane’ Regs
Ronnie Levin, EPN member and former EPA Senior Scientist in Region 1, was featured in this article that focused on her time as a water scientist at EPA and her role in combating the water policy rollbacks of the current administration.
Call on Science to Protect Wetlands Policy in a Changing Climate
EPN members Jeff Peterson former Senior Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Water, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, published this op-ed on the lack of science used in the creation of water policies under the Trump administration.
EPA Limits Future Regs with Cost-Benefit Overhaul
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding an EPA proposed rule that would adjust how costs and benefits are forecasted when adopting new rules. Janet was also quoted in a similar article by S&P Global.
Feds Limit Challenges to Pipelines by States and Tribes
EPN members Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, were quoted in this article regarding the finalization of EPA’s rule tweaking section 401 of the CWA, which allowed states’ to oppose the construction of pipelines and other energy projects.
EPA Mounts A New Strike on States’ Rights, This Time to Boost Pipeline Companies
EPN members Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, and Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, were quoted in an article by The Huffington Post on EPA’s finalization of its rule adjusting its interpretation of section 401 from the Clean Water (Act), which allowed states’ to oppose the construction of pipelines and other energy projects.
States Lose Some Clean Water Act Authority Under New EPA Rule
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted, and EPN was mentioned in this article on EPA’s final rule concerning section 401 of the CWA, which would curtail the ability of the states’ to reject pipelines and other energy projects. This story was reprinted by CNET. Betsy was also quoted in an article by S&P Global.
E.P.A. Limits States’ Power to Oppose Pipelines and Other Energy Projects
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article on EPA’s final rule concerning section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), which would limit states’ power to reject pipelines and other energy projects. Mark was quoted in similar articles by E&E News, The Hill, EcoWatch, and Electrek. Mark was also quoted, and EPN was mentioned in an article by Common Dreams.
How a Contrarian Scientist Helped Trump’s EPA Defy Mainstream Science
Bernard Goldstein, M.D., EPN member and former chair, EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s combative relationship with mainstream science.
California, 22 Other States Sue Trump Administration Over Fuel Economy Rules
EPN was mentioned in this article regarding a lawsuit filed by California and 22 other states against the Trump administration’s Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule.
States lead court fight against Trump. They’re winning
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding the role of the states in blocking the Trump deregulation agenda through the courts.
Communities of Color Called Most at Risk from EPA’s Air Stance
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article about how communities of color will be most affected by EPA’s decision to retain its current particulate matter standards.
Environmentalists, Industry Spar Over EPA Proposal to Retain PM NAAQS
John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article on EPA’s decision to not tighten Particulate Matter standards. John also was quoted in a similar article by Public News Service.
Carper Defends Flip-Flop on Wood Stove Rules
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the EPA’s proposed rule that would provide the stove industry a 6-month reprieve from stricter emission standards.
Senator to EPA Head About Rollbacks: ‘You Should be Ashamed of Yourself’
John Bachmann, former Associate Director for Science and Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was quoted in this article about his testimony delivered to the public hearing on EPA’s proposal to retain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter.
Infrastructure Weak: Michigan Dam Collapse Vividly Captures the Dangers of Trump Deregulation
EPN members Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4, and Region 6, Bill Muno, former Superfund Director in Region 5, were quoted in this article on recently failed dams in Michigan that have led to flooding and the potential spread of toxic contaminants. Bill was also quoted in a similar article by The Guardian.
EPA packs ‘Economic Relief’ for Industry Into Stove Rule
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, published an op-ed for Inside Sources on an EPA draft rule that would ease emission control burdens on the stove industry. Janet was also quoted in a similar article by E&E News.
Can Trump Kill Rules in a Pandemic? Experts Doubt It
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding a Trump Executive Order that would encourage federal agencies to cut regulations.
Science on the Ballot
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, was quoted in this article about the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks and their impact on climate change. The article was reprinted in City Watch LA.
Law and Environmental Policy Advocacy with Joseph Goffman of Harvard Law’s EELP
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was interviewed on this podcast, where he discussed environmental legislation and the Harvard Environmental Energy & Law Program’s tracking of the Trump administration’s rollbacks.
White House Warned EPA About Legal Concerns, ‘Spurious’ Tone
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article, concerning the shaky legal ground of the administration’s fuel efficiency standards.
EPA Staff Warned that Mileage Rollbacks Had Flaws. Trump Officials Ignored Them.
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on EPA staff warnings to the White House regarding flaws in the administration’s fuel efficiency rollbacks. This article was reprinted by The Telegraph.
Critics Blast EPA Rule to Seize Control of State Permits
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article on the finalization of EPA’s Clean Water Rule.
Trump Virus Economic Recovery Plan May Strip Environmental Protections
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was interviewed on this radio show regarding the Trump administration’s economic recovery plan, including environmental deregulation.
Legal Experts Question EPA’s Ability to Quickly Develop Maui Guidance
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article regarding EPA’s capacity to develop guidance based on the Supreme Court’s ruling against the administration’s interpretation of the Clean Water Act.
Buried Lead: How the EPA Has Left Americans Exposed to Lead in Drinking Water
EPN members Jeff Cohen, former EPA Senior Manager, Office of Atmospheric Programs, Office of Air and Radiation; Mike Shapiro, former Deputy Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Water; and Betsy Southerland, former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water were quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s proposed rollback to the Lead and Copper Rule and how it will increase hazardous exposure to lead in drinking water.
Pandemic Masks Further US Environmental Deregulation by Trump Administration
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Betsy was quoted in a similar article by Planetizen.
Five Ways That Trump Is Undermining Environmental Protections Under the Cover of Coronavirus
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning the Trump administration’s environmental agenda during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPA Weakens Mercury Standards, Which Experts Say Could Put Pollution Controls at Risk
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).
EPA’s Recent Rollbacks Raise Public Health Worries for Vulnerable Americans
EPN members Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2,) and Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, were quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If it Ain’t Broke, What are we Fixing, Exactly?
Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel was interviewed on this podcast concerning the rollback of the Mercury and Airt Toxic Standards (MATS).
Guess What: It’s No Longer ‘Appropriate or Necessary’ to Regulate Mercury Emissions From Power Plants
EPN members Mustafa Ali, former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, and Ellen Kurlansky, former Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, were quoted in this article on the rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).
Ex-EPA Officials Mark 50th Earth Day With Scathing Snapshot of How Trump ‘Is Hurting People and the Natural World’
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water and Michelle Roos, EPN Executive Director and former Special Assistant to the Regional Administrator, Region 9, were quoted in this article regarding what ex-EPA officials think of the job the current administration is doing in the context of Earth Day. EPN was also mentioned in this article.
EPN Calls Attention to Trump’s Harsh Environmental Track Record
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water and Michelle Roos, EPN Executive Director and former Special Assistant to the Regional Administrator, Region 9, were quoted in this article focusing on the Trump administration’s environmental record. EPN was also mentioned in this article.
We Can’t Let Trump Roll Back 50 Years of Environmental Progress
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, published this op-ed reflecting on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the risk of rolling back the advancements made over the past 50 years.
Trump’s Rewrite is Finalized. What Happens Now?
Mark Ryan, EPN member and former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, was quoted in this article concerning the finalization of the Trump administration’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule, which replaces and redefines what water bodies are protected under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Mark was quoted in similar articles by S&P Global and Our Daily Planet.
These Air Pollution Standards Kept People Out of the Hospital. Trump Just Rolled Them Back.
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article pertaining to the Trump administration’s rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS).
Mercury Move Portends Similar Deregulation of Air Pollution by US EPA
Ellen Kurlansky, EPN member and former Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in an article by Chemical & Engineering News concerning the Trump administration’s rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS).
‘They’re killing Us,’ Texas residents say of Trump Rollbacks
Mustafa Ali, EPN member and former Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice, was quoted in this article on how Trump’s environmental rollbacks are impacting Texas residents.
EPA Gives Utilities a Headache With Mercury Rule Revision
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article on the rollback of MATS.
Mercury Pollution — the Slippery Slope
Ellen Kurlansky, EPN member and former Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, wrote this op-ed in on the Trump administration’s rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS). Ellen was quoted in similar articles by The Hill, E&E News, Roll Call, Reuters, Yale Environment 360, The Washington Times, Gizmodo, and Electrek.
We Put Science Back Into EPA Air Pollution Standards, but …
April 15, 2020 / by
John Bachmann, Chris Zarba, Chris Frey, and Gretchen Goldman /
Scientific American
EPN members, John Bachmann, former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards and Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, penned this op-ed alongside co-authors Chris Frey and Gretchen Goldman on the Trump administration’s proposal to retain the particulate matter standards.
EPA retains Obama-Era Air Quality Standards Despite Staff Questions of Adequacy
Joseph Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article regarding the EPA’s decision to retain Obama era particulate matter air quality standards.
EPA Chief Calls for Retaining Particle Pollution Limits
Chris Frey, EPN member and former Chair, EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) and former member, EPA Science Advisory Board, was quoted in this article on the EPA deciding not to change the air quality standards for airborne particle pollution. Chris was quoted in a similar article by S&P Global.
Trump’s New Auto Rollback Is an Economic Disaster
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article concerning the economic implications of the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule.
Trump Rollback of Obama-Era Mileage Standards Faces Challenges in Courts
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article regarding potential court challenges to the Trump administration’s Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient(SAFE) Vehicles Rule.
Rolling Back Clean Car Standards Will Cost Consumers, Increase Pollution, and Thwart Climate Progress
EPN members Jeff Alson former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality and Margo Oge former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, were quoted in this article on the final SAFE rule.
Conservative Group Draws Fire for Shifted Stance on Vehicle GHG Rule
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on the American Action Forum’s (AAF) shifted stance on the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule.
US Agencies try to Boost Natural Gas, Not Electric, Vehicle Sales in Final Rule
EPN members, Jeff Alson former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality and Margo Oge former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, were quoted in this article on the finalization of the SAFE rule and the boost it will give to natural gas-fueled vehicles sales.
Gutting fuel Economy Standards During a Pandemic is Peak Trump
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article concerning the Trump administration’s finalization of the SAFE rule, which would relax the existing fuel efficiency standard imposed on automobile manufacturers. Jeff was also quoted in similar articles by Politico and Boulder Weekly.
Trump’s Car Rule Would Cause More Pollution Deaths
EPN members, Mustafa Ali former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice and Margo Oge former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, were quoted in this article on the finalization of the SAFE rule, which would rollback existing vehicle emission standards.
Environmental Protection Network Response to Clean-Car Rules-Rollback Decisive; Warns Action Threatens Planet, Public Health, Jobs
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article about the devastating impacts of concerning its response to the finalization of the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule. EPN was also mentioned in the article
Trump Admin Weakens Clean Car Standards Despite its Analyses Showing Rule Favors Big Oil Over Health, Climate
EPN members Mustafa Ali (former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice), Jeff Alson (former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality), Trish Koman (former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality), and Margo Oge (former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality) were quoted in this article on the finalization of the SAFE rule, which would roll back Obama era automobile emission standards.
Trump Calls New Fuel Economy Rule a Boon. Some Experts See Steep Costs.
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article regarding the Trump administration’s finalization of the SAFE rule, which would rollback Obama era automobile emission standards. Margo was also quoted in similar articles again by The New York Times , InsideClimate News, and The Energy Mix.
Trump’s Clean Cars Rollback: A First Test of Our Post-Coronavirus Society
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, published this op-ed on the finalization of the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In a previous op-ed in Forbes, Margo discussed the links between combatting COVID-19 and climate change.
The Pandemic Hasn’t Stopped Trump’s Rollback of Clean Car Standards
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, published this op-ed concerning the Trump administration’s finalization of the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule. Jeff was also quoted by The Hill regarding a recent ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, which said it was wrong for the administration to withhold information about its SAFE models.
Trump Administration to Finalize Weaker Mileage Standards, Dealing a Blow to Obama-Era Climate Policy
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance was quoted in this article on EPA’s finalization of the SAFE Rule, which would rollback national automobile emission standards.
Trump Administration Pushes Huge Environmental Rollbacks in the Midst of a Pandemic
Cynthia Giles, EPN member and former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s continued environmental rollbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks Find Opposition Within: Staff Scientists
EPN members Dan Costa (former National Program Director, EPA Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program), Kathy Kaufman (former RIA team lead within EPA’s Air Economics Group), Margo Oge (former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality), and Betsy Southerland (former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water), were quoted in this article on opposition to the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks within EPA.
Explainer: How U.S. Emissions Rules Encourage Larger SUVs and Trucks
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted by Reuters in a piece explaining how U.S. emission rules encourage less fuel efficient vehicles such as SUVs and trucks. This article was reprinted by The New York Times.
Trump Agencies Push Forward on Rollbacks as Pandemic Rages
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding the pace of EPA rollbacks, including the proposed “censored science” rule, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This article was reprinted by the Bradenton Herald.
The Coronavirus Pandemic Shows Us the Importance of Combatting Climate Change
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, published this op-ed drawing parallels between action on COVID-19 and climate change.
“They Literally Made Stuff Up” – with Trump EPA whistleblower Jeff Alson
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was interviewed on this podcast discussing the lack of scientific credibility associated with the EPA’s Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule.
Coronavirus Threatens to Derail Major US EPA Energy and Climate Rollbacks
EPN members, Janet McCabe (former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation), John Bachmann (former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards), and Joe Goffman (former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation) were quoted in this article on the potential derailment of EPA energy and climate rollbacks by the COVID-19 pandemic. EPN also was mentioned in this article.
Will the Pandemic Curb Trump’s Regulatory Rollback?
EPN members Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator and Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, were quoted in this article concerning the impacts of COVID-19 on the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks. Betsy was also quoted in a similar article by Politico.
DEC Minimizes Concern Over New Dunn Dump PFAS Report
Judith Enck, EPN member and former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 2, was quoted in this article on PFAS chemicals being found in New York State water bodies.
Developers Know How to Dodge Environmental Reviews; Now They Might Have Help From the Federal Government
EPN members Cynthia Giles former Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance and Janet McCabe former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, published this op-ed on how the new NEPA revisions are enabling developers to get around environmental reviews.
Electric Cars, the EPA, and Us
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article regarding electric cars and the EPA’s role in setting automobile emission standards.
CleanLaw: Restricting EPA’s Authority – Joe Goffman and Laura Bloomer Talk Clean Air Act Rollbacks
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation was featured in this podcast, discussing how the Trump administration is using regulatory rollbacks to restrict EPA’s authority in tackling climate change.
Exhibit A: Science Advisers’ Critiques of EPA Rules
EPN members Janet McCabe, former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, and Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, were quoted in this article concerning critiques levied by EPA’s Scientific Advisory Board against the administration’s Clean Water Act protections and vehicle emissions standards.
EPA Advisors Offer Harsh Critique of Proposed Vehicle GHG Rollback
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on the proposed Safer Affordable Fuel Efficiency Vehicles rule.
EPA Scientists Found a Toxic Chemical Damages Fetal Hearts. The Trump White House Rewrote Their Assessment.
Tom Burke, EPN member and former EPA Science Advisor and Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development (ORD), was quoted in this article regarding the effects of the toxic chemical trichloroethylene on fetal hearts.
Volkswagen Plans to Hire an ‘Aggressive’ Internal Climate Activist
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was mentioned in this article that discussed Volkswagon’s search for an in-house climate campaigner to champion environmental initiatives. Margo was also mentioned by the Financial Times in a similar piece, which was reprinted in ARS Technica and Electrive.
Revamped Lead Rule Ignores Concerns Raised in EPA Memo
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article concerning proposed changes to the Lead and Copper Rule and its effects on drinking water.
Daimler, Jaguar And Volvo – it is Time to Take a Stand
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, published this op-ed on why automobile manufacturers should partner with California in the battle over vehicle emission standards.
EPA Will Regulate ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in an article regarding the regulation of forever chemicals such as PFAS and PFOS.
What New EPA Rules Mean for the West
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted by Desert News on how EPA revisions to the Clean Water Act will impact what waterways are protected in the west.
‘We Knew They Had Cooked the Books’
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was featured in this article pertaining to the scientific credibility of the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficiency Vehicles Rule. Jeff Alson was also quoted in a similar article by The New York Times.
Calif. Uses Privacy Agreement to Shield Talks With Automakers
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on discussions being held between California and automobile manufacturers regarding vehicle emissions standards.
The EPA’s New Shameful Tactic: Avoid People Poisoned by Coal Ash
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water was quoted in this article on the rolled back requirements for public hearings regarding federal rules.
While ‘Forever Chemicals’ Contaminate US Drinking Water, Congress Stalls on Action
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article discussing the current status of PFAS regulations in Congress and EPA.
EPA Readies a Gift to the Coal {Industry}
Ellen Kurlansky, EPN member and former EPA Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, was quoted in this article regarding the Trump administration’s proposed rollback to the Mercury Air Toxic Standard. Ellen was also quoted in a similar article by Salon.
Is Trump Rolling Back Clean Water Regulations?
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article regarding the Trump administration’s redefinition of EPA authority under the Clean Water Act. Betsy was also quoted in a similar article by The Media Times.
EPA, Calif. Plan for Trucks: ‘Cooler Heads are prevailing’
Margo Oge, EPN member and former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article on the collaboration between the California Air Resources Board and EPA on the Cleaner Truck Initiative.
Trump’s EPA is About to Give a Big Gift to the Coal Industry
Ellen Kurlansky, EPN member and former EPA Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, was quoted in this article, concerning the Trump administration’s proposed rollback of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard.
One Thing You Can Do: Make Smart Donations
At the suggestion of Vicki Arroyo, EPN member and Executive Director of the Georgetown Climate Center, EPN was mentioned in this article detailing environmental organizations that are worthy of donations.
Former EPA Officials Say Farmers Won’t Get the Aid They’re Claiming from Trump Water Rule Rewrite
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted by in this article that questions whether farmers will benefit as much from the redefinition of EPA’s Clean Water Act authority as the Trump administration has claimed.
Agencies Slash Benefits in Vehicle GHG Draft, Reviving Calls For New Plan
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted and EPN was mentioned in this article regarding the Trump administration’s proposed rollback of automobile emission rules and the perceived benefits.
Farm Local, but Protect Local Waters, Too
EPN members, Mark Ryan former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10 and Betsy Southerland former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, co-wrote an op-ed regarding the proposed revisions to the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule proposed by the Trump administration.
Trump Administration Eases Federal Restrictions on Streams and Wetlands
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, is quoted and EPN is mentioned in this article relating to the Trump administration’s redefinition of the WOTUS rule. Fellow EPN member, Mark Ryan, former EPA Regional Counsel, Region 10, and Betsy were also quoted in similar articles by CQ Roll Call, E&E News, Gizmodo, The Guardian, The Hill, The National Press Arab American News Network, The Rainforest Site Blog, The Times-Tribune, US News and World Report, Washington Examiner, WaterWorld, and WION News. EPN received mentions from CBS WDJT, CNN, NBC Palm Springs, and Newsweek as well. A reprint of this article ran in CBS WCBI.
Trump Promised His Mileage Standards Would Make Cars Cheaper and Safer. New Documents Raise Doubts About That.
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was quoted in this article highlighting skepticism of the stated benefits of the SAFE Act. This article was reprinted in The Hour.
Panel Reviews EPA Rule Changes for Scientific Studies
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board, was quoted in this article regarding the Science Advisory Board’s review of the “censored science” rule.
Critics Warn Trump’s Latest Environmental Rollback Could Hit Minorities, Poor Hardest
Mustafa Santiago Ali, EPN member and former EPA Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice and Community Revitalization, and Assistant Associate Administrator for Environmental Justice was quoted in regards to the Trump administration’s revisions to the National Environmental Policy Act. The Hill reused Mustafa’s quote in its nightly column, Overnight Energy.
‘Virtual hearings’ on Rule Rollbacks Spark Protests
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, is quoted in this article regarding the usage of virtual hearings in the rollback of EPA regulations.
Trump Proposal Would Speed Environmental Studies
Lisa Feldt, EPN member and former EPA Acting Deputy Administrator and Associate Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article regarding proposed revisions to the National Environmental Policy Act.
Trump’s Latest Rollback Would Ruin an ‘International Treasure’
Cheryl Wasserman, EPN member and former Associate Director for Policy Analysis, Office of Federal Activities, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) at EPA, was quoted in this article on the Trump administration’s proposed rollbacks to the National Environmental Policy Act.
Trump is Set to Alter NEPA, Upend Years of Climate Planning
Susan Bromm, EPN Member and former Director at EPA Office of Federal Activities, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance Division, was quoted in this article discussing revisions that the Trump Administration plans on making to NEPA. This piece also ran in Science.
Amid Major Deregulation, Trump Pursues Limited Environment Pitches
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water and fellow EPN member Bob Sussman, the former EPA Deputy Administrator, were quoted in an article discussing the Trump administration’s deregulatory strategy.
Former Officials Warn EPA on Failure to Address Ozone NAAQS Ruling
This article mentions and quotes EPN in its reporting on an EPA draft ozone policy assessment document that does not consider an appeals court decision, which may result in a weaker secondary ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards rule.
Faster Permitting Won’t Harm Environment, Top Trump Adviser Says
Brenda Mallory, EPN member and former General Counsel for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, was quoted in this article regarding potential changes to the National Environmental Policy Act and its effect on the permitting process. Brenda was also quoted in a similar article in EcoWatch.
Trump’s 2020 Plan: Change the Rules on Rules
Betsy Southerland, EPN member and former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, is quoted in this article about Trump officials working to fundamentally change the way environmental rules are crafted.
Science Panel Staffed With Trump Appointees Says E.P.A. Rollbacks Lack Scientific Rigor
EPN member Chris Zarba, former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB), is quoted in this article about letters from the SAB stating that three of President Trump’s most far-reaching and scrutinized proposals to weaken major environmental regulations are at odds with established science. Zarba is quoted in a similar article in Greenwire and Science Magazine.
These Toxic Chemicals Need to Be Banned in the Next 10 Years
Penny Fenner-Crisp, EPN member and former Senior Science Advisor to the Director, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, is quoted in this article about whether some of the most toxic chemicals in our environment, including lead and asbestos, will be banned in the next decade.
Making America’s Toilets Great Again
EPN member Stan Meiburg, former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, was interviewed on NPR’s The Environment in Focus about the Energy Policy Act, which imposed standards for the conservation of both energy and water and required toilets to use no more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush.
Trump’s Potty Talk Highlights Flushing Fight
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 4 and Region 6 and Acting Deputy Administrator, is quoted in this article about whether WaterSense should tighten its criteria to ensure more human waste goes with the flow in commodes earning the program’s efficiency label.
EPA Says Little on TSCA New Chemicals Approach but Draws Criticisms
Bob Sussman, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to the EPA Administrator, is quoted in this article about the December 10th public meeting on the implementation of the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) New Chemicals program.
EPA’s Coal Plant Proposal Puts D.C. at Risk
EPN member Betsy Southerland, former Director, Office of Science and Technology, EPA Office of Water, was quoted in this article about EPA’s proposed regulation for coal plant wastewater ignoring the pleas of drinking water utilities to prevent a cancer-causing chemical from being released into the nation’s waterways.
State Regulators Fear ‘Nightmare’ Over Complexity of EPA’s LCR Proposal
EPN member Carl Reeverts, former Project Manager in the Infrastructure Branch of EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water and Deputy Director of the EPA Drinking Water Protection Division, was quoted in this article about state drinking water regulators raising concerns about the complexity of EPA’s proposed revisions to its lead and copper rule (LCR).
Around the Agencies: California vs. EPA Goes Another Round
EPN member Janet McCabe, former Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in the Around the Agencies section about EPA’s threat to withhold California highway money over air quality compliance.
EPA Rule Not Great for Clean Power
Michael H. Levin, EPN member and formerly EPA’s first National Regulatory Reform Director, wrote this article about EPA’s Affordable Clean Energy Rule, developed to replace the Clean Power Plan, which could eliminate EPA’s ability to use the Clean Air Act to regulate existing-source greenhouse gas emissions as well as compliance options for emitting sources.
White House Prepares to Revoke California’s Right to Set Tougher Pollution Rules
EPN member Margo Oge, former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article about the Trump Administration considering a plan to revoke California’s legal authority to set state tailpipe pollution standards that are stricter than federal regulations. A similar article ran in Courthouse News.
Official: Trump to Challenge California Authority on Mileage
EPN member Margo Oge, former Director, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this AP article about the Trump administration moving forward with a proposal to revoke part of California’s authority to set its own automobile gas mileage standards. This article also ran in The Washington Post, KPLC, and WCJB.
My Turn: Curt Spalding: Algae Blooms Pollute Our Waters
EPN member Curt Spalding, former EPA Regional Administrator for Region 1, wrote an op-ed about algae blooms polluting our waters, and the need need to build a sustainable and resilient water future for all of our communities in New England and across the country.
Vehicle GHG Voluntary Deal Could Be Model But Federal Role Preferred
EPN member Jeff Alson, former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article about how automakers’ voluntary deal with California could be a model for voluntary environmental initiatives in other sectors, but would not be as protective as federal policies backed by enforcement or oversight.
Trump Administration Proposes Weaker Monitoring of Major Greenhouse Gas
EPN members Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, and Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this article about the new Trump Administration rule proposal that would allow for weaker monitoring of methane, a major greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. Joe was also quoted in similar articles in Earther, the Associated Press, the Independent, and KQED Science.
EPA Proposes Scrapping Obama-era Methane Rules
EPN member Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about two parallel proposals EPA has put forth that would stop directly regulating methane emissions from the oil and gas industry, drastically cutting controls on the sector’s greenhouse gases. Janet is quoted in a similar article in Bloomberg, Inside Climate News, The Guardian, Gingdu, and interviewed on Cheddar and CBCNews.
Advisory Board Won’t Make Deadline for Rule Review
Chris Zarba, EPN member and former Director, EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB), is quoted in this article about EPA’s SAB missing next month’s deadline for completing independent assessments of several high-profile EPA proposed rules, which raises the odds that the agency could issue the final versions before the reviews are complete.
Automakers Snub Trump to Side with Climate Crisis, Says Obama-era Official
EPN member Jeff Alson, former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is widely quoted in this article about automakers siding with California’s mileage standards deal and the climate crisis rather than with the Administration’s rollback. This article also ran in High Country News.
Stalled Gas Pipeline Projects Unlikely to Get Relief Under EPA Rule, Experts Say
EPN members Mark Ryan, former EPA Region 10 Counsel and Special Assistant United States Attorney, is quoted in this article about EPA’s latest proposal aimed at preventing states from blocking infrastructure projects by limiting state’s authority under the Clean Water Act to block pipeline construction if a project does not meet state standards.
A Toxic Tale: Trump’s Environmental Impact
EPN member Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, was interviewed for this special about the devastating impacts of Trump’s deregulation campaign.
Expert says toxic contamination goes beyond ‘Don’t eat the fish or play in the soil’ strategy
Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article about the fear of exposure to lead and mercury air pollution from a proposed steel-dust recycling facility by many Muncie, Indiana, residents, and in the WebMD article about several Metro Atlanta communities moving forward with plans to test air around two sterilizing facilities amid public pressure and concern about the release of toxic pollution.
Daily on Energy: Legal fight over Trump coal plant rule shows just how divided red and blue states are
EPN members Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation was also quoted in this article about the legal battle over the Trump Administration’s emissions rules for coal plants revealing a stark divide between states on climate change policy.
What’s at Stake in the Trump EPA’s New Approach to New Source Review?
August 2019 / by
Janet McCabe, Joseph Goffman, and William Niebling /
em • The Magazine for Environmental Managers
EPN members Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, and Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, wrote this piece about some of the changes to the New Source Review program and how they weaken public health protections.
New Oil and Gas Rule May Ignore Methane
Joe Goffman, EPN member and former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, was quoted in this article about whether the EPA’s draft rule to replace Obama-era curbs on methane produced from the oil and natural gas industry will even cover methane directly. Joe was also quoted in a similar article in Greenwire.
Former EPA Staffer Says Wheeler Lied to Congress
EPN member Jeff Alson, former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article about his accusation that Administrator Andrew Wheeler lied in a letter he wrote to Congress Tuesday that denied agency staff were shut out as EPA developed a controversial rollback on Obama-era fuel standards. Similar stories ran in Bloomberg Environment and Greenwire.
Cost of ACE Could Eclipse Benefits by $980M a Year
EPN members Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, and Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this article about the costs of the new ACE rule exceeding its benefits by as much as $980 million per year when its modest cuts in ozone and particulate matter aren’t counted in its favor — something the Trump administration has advocated in other rules.
EPA Adopts Risky Legal Stance In ACE To Limit Air Act GHG Authority
EPN member Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about the ACE rule’s risky legal interpretation arguing that the agency is prohibited from issuing the types of broad greenhouse gas standards that were included in the CPP in a bid to block a future administration from re-imposing similarly expansive requirements.
Trump Administration Relaxes Emissions Limits on Power Plants
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about EPA finalizing its plan to relax limits on greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants.
Trump’s Replacement to Obama’s Clean Power Plan Is Just as Bad as We Thought It’d Be
EPN member, Ellen Kurlansky, former EPA Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, is quoted in this article about Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s announcement Wednesday that EPA’s replacement for the Clean Power Plan, which aimed to reduce carbon emissions from the energy sector to combat climate change, has been finalized.
Trump’s EPA Knows Its New Coal Rule Could Kill 1,400 People Per Year
EPN members, Ellen Kurlansky, former EPA Air Policy Analyst and Advisor, Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, and Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this article about EPA Administrator Wheeler’s announcement Wednesday of the Agency’s replacement for the Clean Power Plan, which had aimed to reduce CO2 levels from energy production by a third by 2030. The new rule stipulates that to reduce emissions, coal-fired power plants only need to install more efficient technology.
Trump’s Weaker Clean Power Plan Replacement Won’t Stop Coal’s Decline
EPN member Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this InsideClimate News article about the narrowly written replacement to the Clean Power Plan that the Trump administration conceded would accomplish less than the rule it threw out and would be only a tiny fraction cleaner than leaving one of the main sources of greenhouse gases completely unregulated. A similar article also ran in The Guardian.
Trump to Swap Obama’s ‘Clean Power Plan’ for Modest Upgrades
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about the rumored unveiling of EPA’s rewrite of the Clean Power Plan, which would replace sweeping curbs on power plant emissions with requirements for modest upgrades the sites. This piece also ran in Yahoo Finance and Stars and Stripes.
US Air Quality Is Slipping After Years Of Improvement
EPN advisor Bob Perciasepe, former EPA Deputy Administrator, was quoted in this article about American air quality stagnating after years of improvement. This article also ran in the New York Post and MarketWatch.
Here comes the carbon rule. What to know
EPN members John Bachmann, former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, and Joe Goffman, former Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel, EPA Office of Air and Radiation, are quoted in this article about the administration’s power plant carbon rule, which is expected to be finalized next week, completing the two-year process of replacing the current regulation with a more industry-friendly substitute.
Dismantling the EPA: Big Regulatory Rollbacks and Lowest Staff Levels Since 1980s
EPN members Betsy Southerland, former Director, EPA Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water and, and Dan Reich, former Assistant Regional Counsel, EPA Region 9, were interviewed on about how EPA has changed under the Trump administration and how big businesses are seeing climate change affect their bottom lines. Interview starts at approximately 3:05.
EPA’s Controversial Vehicle GHG Rule Rollback Faces Growing Scrutiny
EPN member Margo Oge, former Director of EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article on the increasing controversy over and intense scrutiny of the Trump Administration’s proposal to roll back the clean car standards as the deadline approaches.
Bipartisan Former EPA Chiefs Say Trump Administration Has Abandoned Agency’s Mission
EPN is mentioned in this article about the historic hearing held by the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the future of EPA with a bipartisan group of former EPA Administrators. The hearing referenced their joint letter offering lawmakers help on substantive Congressional oversight, as well as help of former EPA staff. Similar articles also ran in The Colorado Independent, Maryland Matters, and a second article in The Hill.
Science Advisory Board to Review Clean Cars Rollback
EPN members Trish Koman, former Senior Environmental Scientist, Program Manager and Supervisor in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, and Jeff Alson, former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, are quoted in this article about EPA’s Science Advisory Board planning to review the science behind the proposed overhaul of the clean car standards, zeroing in on the technical analysis underpinning the proposal. This article also ran in Scientific American.
What’s At Stake For Automakers In Fight Over Emissions Standards
EPN member Margo Oge, former Director of EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, was interviewed about how automakers are responding to the Trump Administration’s proposal to loosen the clean car standards and what is at stake for them in this battle.
Automakers Tell Trump His Pollution Rules Could Mean ‘Untenable’ Instability and Lower Profits
EPN member Margo Oge, former Director of EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article about the world’s largest automakers warning President Trump that his rollback of the clean car standards threatens to cut their profits and produce “untenable” instability in a crucial manufacturing sector.
EPA Science Advisers Push Back on Wheeler, Say He’s Minimizing Their Role
John Bachmann, former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is quoted in this article about Administrator Wheeler’s vow to make greater use of the Science Advisory Board amidst protests from some advisers and outside experts that the agency is instead limiting its role.
Pollution knows no boundaries. The Trump EPA should stop pretending otherwise.
Ruth Greenspan Bell, EPN Board of Directors President and former EPA Manager in the Office of General Counsel, and Steve Silverman, former Attorney, EPA Office of General Counsel, wrote this op-ed about the Trump administration’s heedless approach to the environment and the delicate regulatory ecosystem that guaranteed all citizens a level of protection from pollution being upset by officials.
Foes of US EPA’s Auto Standards Freeze Seize on New White House Guidance
Jeff Alson, EPN member and former Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, is quoted in this article about an April guidance memo from the Office of Management and Budget that requires the release of computer modeling that could contradict the claim that the administration’s SAFE proposal will save money and lives.
Pollution Rule Rollback Is Unnecessary and Harmful
Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about the bipartisan support to preserve the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) that save thousands of lives per year. The Trump Administration has proposed rolling these standards back, saying the rules are not “appropriate and necessary” under the Clean Air Act.
Delaware, New Jersey Lawmakers Accuse EPA of Deceit Over Clean Car Standards
EPN member Jeff Alson, former EPA Senior Engineer and Policy Advisor, Office of Transportation and Air Quality is quoted in the State Impact article about a letter sent to Administrator Wheeler from Delaware Sen. Tom Carper and New Jersey Rep. Frank Pallone, accusing him of listening to the fossil fuel industry over EPA’s own expert staff.
EPA Veteran: Changing Math on Air Pollution Is Deadly
John Bachmann, EPN member and former Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, was interviewed by Christiane Amanpour about EPA’s controversial plan to change how it calculates the health risks of air pollution.
7 Former EPA Administrators Offer to Help Congress with Agency Oversight
EPN is mentioned in this CNN article about the seven former Democratic and Republican EPA administrators who sent a letter to Congress offering assistance, as the Trump administration seeks to roll back clean air and water regulations, among other policy changes. This story also ran in numerous other media outlets: KLIF-AM, WOKI-FM, KAOK-AM, California Coastal Coalition, KMJ-AM, News Stand Hub, Reddit, WRAL.com, Channel 3000, and WFMZ-TV.
Science Advisers Want to Clear the Air for EPA on Co-Benefits
EPN member Janet McCabe, former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s oversight panel holding a hearing to probe the EPA’s use of co-benefits. The hearing examined EPA’s December 2018 proposal related to mercury emissions from power plants. Janet is also quoted in another Bloomberg article, as well as articles in Greenwire and Think Progress, also on the topic of the Trump administration planning to write new rules for how it weighs the human costs and benefits of environmental regulations.
Getting Rid Of This Vehicle Fuel Economy Standard Is Actually A Great Way To Combat Climate Change
EPN member Margo Oge, former Director, EPA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air and Director of the Office of Transportation and Air Quality, wrote an op-ed about the insufficient law that sets federal fuel economy standards and how President Trump has contorted it into an illegitimate way to attack states working to reduce greenhouse gases and air pollution. Margo is also quoted in a Climatewire article that talks about her opinion piece.
Data Concerns Fuel Controversy Over TSCA PV29 Risk Evaluation
EPN member Robert Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator, is quoted in this article about whether the public can trust TSCA risk evaluations without access to full and unredacted copies of health and safety information.
Frustrated With EPA, Lawmakers Seek Bipartisan Approach On Asbestos
EPN members Robert Sussman, former EPA Deputy Administrator and Senior Policy Counsel to Administrator, is quoted in this article about House lawmakers signaling that they are willing to pursue bipartisan negotiations on a Democratic bill that would outright ban the import and use of asbestos due to frustration over EPA’s handling of the substance under the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Gen Z’s Smaller Carbon Footprint Still May Not Be Enough
EPN members John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air, and Dan Costa, former National Program Director, EPA’s Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, are quoted in this article about a study that shows children born today will have to sacrifice far more than those in earlier generations to address global warming. The article also ran in Salon.
A former E.P.A. scientist writes about efforts to undermine science showing the grave dangers of air pollution.
EPN member Vijay Limaye, former EPA Physical Scientist in Regions 5 and 9, wrote a New York Times Letter to the Editor supporting Dr. Balmes’ op-ed from April 15, “Don’t Let a Killer Pollutant Loose,” about recent troubling efforts to undermine established evidence showing the grave dangers of air pollution.
Unequal: Who Are Louisville’s Top Polluters?
EPN member Dan Costa, former EPA National Program Director, Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, was interviewed about Louisville’s top toxic air polluters.
Former Officials Warn EPA Lacks Legal Power To Scrap MATS Finding
This article cites EPN and quotes from comments EPN submitted on the Trump Administration’s proposal to scrap the cost-benefit finding underpinning the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) rule.
Spring Memories of Why We Must Protect Wetlands and Streams
EPN member Dave Evans, former EPA Director, Wetlands Division, wrote this op-ed about his personal connection to wetlands and streams and the Trump Administration’s proposal to dramatically reduce the scope of the Clean Water Act’s (CWA) protection of these bodies of water by redefining what constitutes “waters of the U.S.”
EPA Accounting: Like Pretending Viagra Just Treats Hypertension
EPN members David Coursen, former EPA Office of General Counsel, and Robert Wolcott, an economist and former EPA Senior Counsel, Office of Research and Development, and Deputy Assistant Administrator for Policy, wrote this op-ed about EPA’s proposal to eliminate the co-benefits of regulating mercury emissions from any cost-benefit analysis.
States, Environmentalists Back ‘Alternative Compliance’ In Methane Rules
EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about state environmental commissioners joining environmentalists to urge EPA and state governments to bolster the use of “alternative compliance” provisions in their rules limiting methane releases.
Regulating Methane Emissions Now Means Suing the EPA
EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, co-wrote this op-ed about the need to sue EPA to compel the agency to regulate methane.
Seattle Morning News with Dave Ross
Betsy Southerland, Former EPA Director, Office of Science and Technology in the Office of Water, was interviewed on Seattle Morning News about EPA deregulation and attacks on science.
EPA Plan Would Discount Health Benefits of Reducing CO2 Emissions
EPN members Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, and John Bachmann, former EPA Associate Director for Science/Policy and New Programs, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, are quoted in this article about EPA’s “secret science” plan that would discount the health benefits that come along with controlling carbon emissions.
Editorial: EPA Proposal Poses Public Health Risks
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this editorial about EPA’s plans to reconsider how it weighs the cost of power-plant emission rules against their public health benefits.
As Threat Passes, Activists Say Deer Park Chemical Fire Brings Attention to Persistent Issues
Stan Meiburg, EPN member and former EPA Deputy Administrator, Region 6, is quoted in this article about a massive chemical fire near Houston, Texas, that brought attention to the risk to communities located near facilities in the U.S. that use dangerous chemicals on a daily basis.
There’s No Proof Roundup Causes Cancer But Questions Linger
EPN member Tina Levine, former EPA Director, Health Effects Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, is quoted in this article about the lack of proof that the active ingredient in the weedkiller Roundup, glyphosate, causes cancer, yet concerns linger about its safety.
How Trump’s New Rule-Slashing Judge Could Sway Green Issues
EPN member Joe Goffman, former EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Climate and Senior Counsel in the Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about Trump’s deregulatory boss being seated on one of the most powerful courts in the nation, where she’ll have a lifetime to influence environmental policy and other issues.
EPA’s Pruitt Faced Hill Pressure on Glider Truck Rule Repeal
EPN member Steve Silverman, former EPA Attorney, Office of General Counsel, is quoted in this article about EPA’s efforts to ease air pollution limits on trucks with rebuilt engines.
BP Lobbied Trump Administration to Roll Back Key US Climate Rules
Janet McCabe, EPN member and former EPA Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, is quoted in this article about BP’s successful lobbying of the Trump administration to roll back key climate regulations preventing the release of methane into the atmosphere. The piece originally ran in Unearthed.